Secunia Security Advisory - Netscape has acknowledged some vulnerabilities and a weakness in Netscape Navigator, which can be exploited by malicious people to disclose sensitive information, conduct phishing attacks, manipulate certain data, and potentially compromise a user's system.
Secunia Security Advisory - Tr3mbl3r has reported a vulnerability in LiteSpeed Web Server, which can be exploited by malicious people to disclose potentially sensitive information.
Secunia Security Advisory - Multiple vulnerabilities have been reported in Verity Keyview SDK, which potentially can be exploited by malicious people to compromise a user's system.
Secunia Security Advisory - Ubuntu has issued an update for ghostscript and gs-gpl. This fixes a vulnerability, which can be exploited by malicious people to cause a DoS (Denial of Service).
Secunia Security Advisory - A vulnerability has been reported in Sun JRE, which can be exploited by malicious people to compromise a user's system.
Secunia Security Advisory - Sun has acknowledged some vulnerabilities in Sun Solaris, which can be exploited by malicious people to cause a DoS (Denial of Service) or potentially compromise a user's system.
Secunia Security Advisory - Ubuntu has issued an update for nagios-plugins. This fixes a vulnerability, which can be exploited by malicious people to compromise a vulnerable system.
Secunia Security Advisory - Gentoo has issued an update for openoffice. This fixes some vulnerabilities, which can be exploited by malicious people to compromise a user's system.
Secunia Security Advisory - Multiple vulnerabilities have been reported in IBM Lotus Domino, which can be exploited by malicious, local users to gain knowledge of sensitive information and by malicious users to bypass certain security restrictions or compromise a vulnerable system.
Secunia Security Advisory - Some vulnerabilities have been discovered in Jeebles Directory, which can be exploited by malicious people to disclose sensitive information and by malicious users to compromise a vulnerable system.
Debian Security Advisory 1394-1 - It was discovered that reprepro, a tool to create a repository of Debian packages, when updating from a remote site only checks for the validity of known signatures, and thus does not reject packages with only unknown signatures. This allows an attacker to bypass this authentication mechanism.
Ubuntu Security Notice 537-1 - Jens Askengren discovered that gnome-screensaver became confused when running under Compiz, and could lose keyboard lock focus. A local attacker could exploit this to bypass the user's locked screen saver.
Ubuntu Security Notice 536-1 - A massive slew of vulnerabilities that relate to mozilla-thunderbird have been patched. It would be wise to upgrade now.