IEHist dumps Internet Explorer history from index.dat files into delimited files suitable for import into other tools.
VNCPwdump can be used to dump and decrypt the registry key containing the encrypted VNC password in a few different ways. It supports dumping and decrypting the password by: Dumping the current users registry key, retrieving it from a NTUSER.DAT file, decrypting a command line supplied encrypted password, and injecting the VNC process and dumping the owner's password.
Passifist is a tool for passive network discovery. It could be used for a number of different things, but was mainly written to discover hosts without actively probing a network. The tool analyzes broadcast traffic and has a plugin architecture through which it dissects and reports services found. Initial version holds support for the following protocols and plugins: CDP, CIM, HSRP, IPX, NETOP, SMB, TFTP.
ChiTeX, the utility used to put Chinese Big5 codes in TeX/LaTeX documents, contains two setuid root binaries that execute cat without using an explicit path allowing an attacker to easily gain root privileges.
Remote exploit for the buffer overrun found in passlogd. Target list includes four flavors of Linux with more to come.
Service Banner Fingerprinting in C - This paper is a supplement to modular's tcpscan series. It covers how to write C programs that will perform banner fingerprinting using various standard servers as examples.
Local root exploit for mtr versions lower than 4.0.6. Vulnerability originally found by KF of Snosoft.
Local root exploit for ntping vulnerability discovered by KF of Snosoft.
A buffer overrun exists in passlogd, the passive syslog capture daemon, in the parse.c code.
lkminject is a script that builds a binary which will allow you to inject a module inside of a kernel module.