Links to local files can be used to subvert restricted access Windows machines which have access to a web browser. Executable program loggers and restrictions are defeated by using .CPLs. Large problems for network administrators could arise if students and employees, whose access was restricted, start to use the links provided on the document. This one can be used for Windows NT as well.
HAVOC is a random ARP traffic generator which will temporarily hose your ethernet segment.
This makes the same thing with "kiss of death". It crashes TCP stack of win98 boxes. An essential tool for all. Now it cames with parameter support and better performance with multi-thread system. Windows based executable for IGMP DoS attack.
Remote vulnerabilies in the popular free email software Outblaze
Easy to understarnd text file explaining the TCP flags.
EthFw is an ethernet firewall for the FreeBSD kernel. It consists of a kernel patch and a console application for configuring rules. It can be used to accept or deny mac addresses.
Debian 2.1 local exploit - A vulnerability exists in the apcd package shipped with Debian 2.1.
An optional third-party port distributed with FreeBSD (Delegate) contains numerous remotely-exploitable buffer overflows which allow an attacker to execute arbitrary commands on the local system, typically as the 'nobody' user.
Two optional third-party ports distributed with FreeBSD (Asmon/Ascpu) can be used to execute commands with elevated privileges, specifically setgid kmem privileges. This may lead to a local root compromise.
Windows Security Digest Update - Two risks were discovered: Microsoft reported a problem with its Internet Explorer version 4.x and 5.x that may expose files on a user's system with their permission, and a problem with Win2K Professional that may allow an intruder to gain Administrator access to the system in a particular window of time during the installation process.
View RAS passwords (locally) on a Win 9X box.
Paper explaining man-in-the-middle attacks, using a secure web connection as an example.
e133e7778ec82962f986820746e4d99c549bec2941a5f9f34c67ad18059944a3 is a filesystem integrity checker. It compares the SHA-1 hashes of files to an initial state and alerts the user of any changes. slipwire also records extensive file information such as inode number, last-modified date, filesize, uid, gid, etc, and can also report changes in any of these.
ec9858bdaf36e5e60ef17b7ed94935257559bad4767aa8e9115fdc554b149fce - A vulnerability exists in both the ascpu and asmon ports to FreeBSD. Local root overflow. FreeBSD 3.4, 3.3, 3.2, 3.1, and 3.0 are affected.
Solaris (x86/7.0/2.6) local exploit for Sun's WorkShop 5.0 compilers and other products which use the FlexLM license management system.
Microsoft has released a patch for a vulnerability in an installation routine associated with Microsoft Systems Management Server (SMS). The vulnerability allows a user to gain elevated privileges on the local machine. Microsoft FAQ on this issue here.
A little mail-like 'smurf' that uses mail relays instead of broadcasts.
Some code I put together to do some testing on the POP3 daemons on some machines installed at work. Attempts to overflow user/password variables.
Alpha patch for FreeBSD that randomizes the sequence numbers sent by TCP to circumvent connection hijacking and/or spoofed connections (3-way handshake acheived by guessing sequence numbers).
Microsoft has released a patch for a vulnerability in web applications associated with Microsoft Site Server 3.0, Commerce Edition. These applications are provided as samples and generated by wizards, who have unwisely allowed inappropriate access to a database on the site. Microsoft FAQ on this issue here.
TalonDynDNS is a Dynamic DNS client allowing you to use's free DNS service under windows.
Microsoft has released a patch for a vulnerability in Microsoft VM. The vulnerability allows a malicious web site operator to read files from the computer of a person who visited his site or read web content from inside an intranet if the malicious site is visited by a computer from within that intranet, provided the full pathname is known. Microsoft FAQ on this issue here.
Madscan scans for sites which do not block broadcast IP addresses. Based on broadscan, but 4 times faster, and supports scanning a full class A address space.
The make package as shipped in Debian GNU/Linux 2.1 is vulnerable to a race condition that can be exploited with a symlink attack. Debian security homepage here.
Many Windows programs (word, excel, wordpad, etc) allow you to break out of a restricted environment, using common sense hacks.