Zero Day Initiative Advisory 11-168 - This vulnerability allows remote attackers to register RPC services on vulnerable installations of EMC Legato Networker and IBM Informix Dynamic Server. Authentication is not required to exploit this vulnerability. The flaw exists within the librpc.dll component which listens by default on UDP port 111. When handling the pmap_set request the process verifies the source address is "". This communication is via UDP and a valid source address is not required, a udp packet from source address "" can be created sent to this service allowing a remote attacker to register and unregister RPC services. A remote attack can use this vulnerability to create a denial of service condition or eavesdrop on process communications.
A vulnerability exists in EMC NetWorker which can be exploited to potentially create a denial of service condition or eavesdrop on process communications. EMC Networker uses an RPC library to provide a portmapper service within nsrexecd. The portmapper restricts access for service commands to the localhost. However, the UDP protocol allows malicious users to spoof the source address of the network packet making it appear it originated from the localhost. This potentially may allow a remote malicious user to unregister existing NetWorker RPC services or register new RPC services. EMC NetWorker versions, 7.5 SP4 and later, and and later are affected.