Debian Security Advisory DSA 810-1 - Several problems have been discovered in Mozilla, the browser of the Mozilla suite. Since the usual praxis of backporting apparently does not work for this package, this update is basically version 1.7.10 with the version number rolled back, and hence still named 1.7.8.
Debian Security Advisory DSA 777-1 - A vulnerability has been discovered in Mozilla and Mozilla Firefox that allows remote attackers to inject arbitrary Javascript from one page into the frameset of another site. Thunderbird is not affected by this and Galeon will be automatically fixed as it uses Mozilla components.
Debian Security Advisory DSA 775-1 - A vulnerability has been discovered in Mozilla and Mozilla Firefox that allows remote attackers to inject arbitrary Javascript from one page into the frameset of another site. Thunderbird is not affected by this and Galeon will be automatically fixed as it uses Mozilla components.