Grout is the geographical tracerouter for unix. It combines the fastest tracerouter with the ability to display the location of intermediate machines. Developed for openbsd.
The geographical tracerouter for unix. It combines the fastest tracerouter with the ability to locate where the intermediate machines are located in the world.
Soup Scanner is a fast, simple, and efficient Class C domain scanner. It scans an entire Class C type domain for a specified port and simply dumps resulting hosts to the terminal window.
Bronc Buster vs. Michael Jackson is an ultra fast Class B style vulnerability scanner. It impliments 'argv' (joke) technology to keep up with the ever-expanding horde of so-called 0-day exploits hackers utilize to penetrate your vital network infrastructure.
V-Crack Zero++ (UNIX) is a poly-alphabetic XOR cipher cracker, for the totally useless and insecure XOR algorithm that many software vendors nevertheless use.
V-Crack Zero++ (DOS) is a poly-alphabetic XOR cipher cracker, for the totally useless and insecure XOR algorithm that many software vendors nevertheless use.
Saltine Cracker v1.05 is a TCP/IP Distributed Network Password Auditing Tool for NTHASH (MD4) and POSIX LibDES Crypt(3) passwords. With the incorporated cross-compatiblity, you can audit Win9X/NT client passwords attached to POSIX servers and vice-versa.
Saltine Cracker v1.05 is a TCP/IP Distributed Network Password Auditing Tool for NTHASH (MD4) and POSIX LibDES Crypt(3) passwords. With the incorporated cross-compatiblity, you can audit Win9X/NT client passwords attached to POSIX servers and vice-versa. DOS version.