Lpdfp is a perl script which sends a malformed query to TCP port 515 in an attempt to determine the remote OS. Whitepaper available here.
Remote OS Detection using LPD Querying - Line printer daemons listening on TCP port 515 can give away information about which OS is running. Proof of concept code which contains a database of LPD returned messages and OS matches here.
Examining Advanced Remote OS Detection Methods/Concepts using Perl - This paper discusses the theory and practice behind OS detection with a specific focus on the practice related to the PERL programming language. Methods and concepts for remote operating system detection are closely examined and implemented into Perl code.
Security Advisory ( netscape.ad.00-07 ) - Netscape Administration Server Password Disclosure. Netscape SuiteSpot running on Netscape webservers has a password file which in the default configuration is readable by remote users. All platforms are affected.
ZSH Advisory - Netscape WebPublisher Allows Directory Listing and Access. Netscape Webpublisher is an addon to Netscape's Enterprise webserver which allows remote file modifications, uploads and downloads. A third party user can access the WebPublisher via downloading a number of java applets and the webserver's directory structure without having a valid account on the system. Netscape v3.5.1 / 3.6 SP1-3 under solaris are vulnerable.