This Metasploit module exploits a stack buffer overflow in Poison Ivy 2.3.2 C&C server. The exploit does not need to know the password chosen for the bot/server communication. If the C&C is configured with the default 'admin' password, the exploit should work fine. In case of the C&C configured with another password the exploit can fail. The 'check' command can be used to determine if the C&C target is using the default 'admin' password. Hopefully an exploit try won't crash the Poison Ivy C&C process, just the thread responsible of handling the connection. Because of this the module provides the RANDHEADER option and a bruteforce target. If RANDHEADER is used a random header will be used. If the bruteforce target is selected, a random header will be sent in case the default for the password 'admin' doesn't work. Bruteforce will stop after 5 tries or a session obtained.