Misoskian's IGMP Nuker OSR - Includes delphi source.
This makes the same thing with "kiss of death". It crashes TCP stack of win98 boxes. An essential tool for all. Now it cames with parameter support and better performance with multi-thread system. Windows based executable for IGMP DoS attack.
An oob flooder & nuker. asic OOBNuke program which you can also use to flood. Effective against WinNTs and vanilla windowz boxes.
Windows based port listener, with source code. This program opens a port and listens it for connection and received data. Examine source and see how easy a nukenabber can be written.
Another +++ATH0 modem attack. A new fun for users who has modems with "escape code guard". If your modem does support (all quality modems supports) escape code guard you can use this program else wait for next version with defence feature. If it's successful, this attack will cause disconnection of the target modem.
ShowPass 1.0 - like dripper - dial up password ripper for Windows. With this program you can find every password in a machine! "*" shadowed passwords, dialup passwords and cached passwords are on your hire. It's like a combination of Dripper, Revolution and Pwlview. Program supports both English and Turkish. Warning: This program will cause many AV programs, including McAffee, to give a false alarm.
NTHunter is a program that contains several d.o.s. attacks against NT servers. There are lots of variations of this program. But I wrote it, cause it includes real OOB attack to 135 port & "coke". Some programs do not send oob-attack to 135, just try to flood this port.
Domain Scanner. It scans selected IP range and looks for selected port if open. Scan public servers and find lots of backdoors. An essential tool for hackers.
An anonymous mailer. It also give chance to change date of mail. I entered only the Turkish mail servers but you can enter your favorite server. Don't forget to find a relay supported mail server.