Vigilante Advisory #14 - HP Jetdirect print servers have multiple vulnerabilities which have effects ranging from the service crashing to the printer initiating a firmware upgrade based on random garbage in the memory, and in some cases powercycling won't fix the crash. It requires a new firmware burn by eg. HP to restore the Jetdirect card. The FTP, Telnet, and LPD services contain buffer overflows, and spoofed malformed packets can crash the printer. Fix available here.
Vigilante Advisory #13 - WinCOM LPD V1.00.90 for Windows NT contains a denial of service vulnerability. A steady stream of LPD options sent to TCP port 515 will eventually consume all the memory on that host.
Vigilante Advisory #12 - Mdaemon 3.1.1 for Windows NT includes Webconfig and Worldclient which listen to TCP port 3000 and 3001. They both are vulnerable to a heap overflow vulnerability which could be used to execute arbitrary code. Fix available here.
Vigilante Advisory #11 - Lotus Domino ESMTP Service Lotus Domino Release 5.0.2a contains a buffer overflow in the processing of SMTp commands, causing the service to crash. Tested on OS/2 Warp 4.5, it is assumed that other platforms are vulnerable as well.
Vigilante Advisory #10 - Intel Express Switch series 500 crashes when a malformed ICMP packet is sent to the Intel Express Switch or a host behind it. The switch looses all routing functionality but continues to function as a switch, except for the fact that learning also crashes, so new connections are not "picked up". Fix available here.
Vigilante Advisory #9 - Internet Information Server (IIS) 4.0 for Windows NT 4.0 is vulnerable to a denial of service attack as described in ms00-063 in which a certain series of requests can cause INETINFO.EXE to gradually consume all system ressources (99-100% CPU and all memory). When the pagefile can't expand any further, INETINFO.EXE is killed by the operating system.
Vigilante Advisory #8 - NTMail Configuration Service v5 & v6 denial of service. The web configuration running on TCP port 8000 does not flush incomplete HTTP requests, and thus it is possible to use up all the server ressources within a very short time.
Vigilante Advisory #7 - A malicious user can crash an Intel Express 550F or a host behind it by sending a packet with a malformed header. To restart the box you need remove it from it's power source as the reset button loses functionality as well. Affected systems: Intel Express Switch 550F - Firmware version 2.63 - Firmware version 2.64.
Vigilante Security Advisory - The OS/2 Warp 4.5 FTP Server contains denial of service vulnerabilities which allow anyone who can connect to port 21 to crash the service. Fix available here.
Vigilante Security Advisory - Watchguard Firebox Authentication dos vulnerability. Sending a malformed URL to tcp port 4100 causes Watchguard to shut down and require a reboot to restart. Fix available here.
Vigilante Advisory #4 - HP Jetdirect FTP service has a remote denial of service vulnerability affecting versions 8.20 and below. A long quote command causes the printer to crash, requiring a power cycle.
Microsoft IIS v4.0 and 5.0 contain a remote denial of service vulnerability if the server has been upgraded from v3.0. Issuing a malformed request for a certain file contained in /scripts/iisadmin can result in the webserver going into to an infinite loop, causing the web server to no longer accept requests. Microsoft bulletin available here.
Netscape Enterprise Server for Netware 5.0 and Netware 5.1 contain remote vulnerbailities. By issuing a malformed URL it is possible to cause a denial of service situation and/or execute arbitrary code on the server with the privileges of the web server.