This Metasploit module will scan for wordpress sites with the Pingback API enabled. By interfacing with the API an attacker can cause the wordpress site to port scan an external target and return results. Refer to the wordpress_pingback_portscanner module. This issue was fixed in wordpress 3.5.1.
This Metasploit module exploits an information disclosure vulnerability in the Views module of Drupal, brute-forcing the first 10 usernames from a to z. Drupal 6 with Views module less than or equal to 6.x-2.11 are vulnerable. Drupal does not consider disclosure of usernames as a weakness.
This Metasploit module exploits a directory traversal vulnerability in the XCRC command implemented in versions of Titan FTP up to and including 8.10.1125. By making sending multiple XCRC command, it is possible to disclose the contents of any file on the drive with a simple CRC "brute force" attack. Although the daemon runs with SYSTEM privileges, access is limited to files that reside on the same drive as the FTP servers root directory.
This Metasploit module checks a range of hosts for the MS12-020 vulnerability. This does not cause a DoS on the target.
This Metasploit module creates a scheduled task that will run using service-for-user (S4U). This allows the scheduled task to run even as an unprivileged user that is not logged into the device. This will result in lower security context, allowing access to local resources only. The module requires 'Logon as a batch job' permissions (SeBatchLogonRight).