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Posted Dec 6, 2006
Authored by Matteo Cantoni | Site nothink.org

snmpcheck is a free open source utility to get information via SNMP protocols. It works fine against Windows, Linux, Cisco, HP-UX, SunOS systems and any devices with SNMP protocol support. It could be useful for penetration testing or systems monitoring. snmpcheck has been tested on GNU/Linux, *BSD and Windows (Cygwin) systems.

tags | tool, scanner, protocol
systems | cisco, linux, windows, unix, solaris, bsd, hpux
SHA-256 | d761829bf0e54681d7f7286dc9fdb8136fc370c218b85024b7c22a2e209970ca


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# Copyright (c) 2005,2006 by Matteo Cantoni (nothink.org)
# snmpcheck is a tool to get information via SNMP protocols on Windows, Linux,
# Cisco, HP-UX, SunOS, AIX and other platforms that supports a SNMP agent.
# snmpcheck has been tested on GNU/Linux, *BSD and Windows (Cygwin and ActivePerl) systems.
# snmpcheck is distributed under GPL license and based on "Athena-2k" script by jshaw.
# Note: "TCP connections enumeration" can be very long, beyond 60 seconds. Use -d flag to disable it.

use strict;
use Getopt::Std;
use IO::Socket;
use Net::SNMP;
use Number::Bytes::Human qw(format_bytes);
use Time::HiRes qw( usleep ualarm gettimeofday tv_interval );

my $name = "snmpcheck.pl";
my $version = "v1.6";
my $description = "snmp enumerator";
my $copyright = "Copyright (c) 2005,2006";
my $author = "Matteo Cantoni (nothink.org)";

# MIBs Involved
my $mibDescr = ""; # System Description
my $mibNTDomain = ""; # NT Primary Domain
my $mibUptime = ""; # System Uptime
my $mibContact = ""; # System Contact
my $mibName = ""; # System Name
my $mibLocation = ""; # System Location
my $mibServices = ""; # Services (add to it)
my $mibAccounts = ""; # User Accounts
my $mibMemSize = ""; # Total System Memory
my $mibMotd = ""; # Motd (Solaris)
# Devices
my $mibDevice = ""; # Devices list
my $mibDevStatus = ""; # Devices status
# Processs
my $mibProcesses = ""; # System Processes
my $mibRunIndex = ""; # Running PIDs
my $mibRunName = ""; # Running Programs
my $mibRunPath = ""; # Processes Path
my $mibRunParameters = ""; # Processes Parameters
my $mibRunType = ""; # Processes Type
my $mibRunStatus = ""; # Processes Status
my $mibProName = ""; # Running Process Name (Solaris)
my $mibProPid = ""; # Running Process Pid (Solaris)
my $mibProUser = ""; # Running Process User (Solaris)
# Storage
my $mibSDType = ""; # Storage Device Type
my $mibStorDescr = ""; # Storage Description
my $mibStoreUnits = ""; # Storage Units
my $mibStorSize = ""; # Storage Total Size
my $mibStorUsed = ""; # Storage Used
my $mibStoreHP = ""; # Storage Description (HP-UX)
my $mibPtype = ""; # Partition Type
# Network
my $mibInt = ""; # Network Interfaces
my $mibIntMTU = ""; # Net Int MTU Size
my $mibIntSpeed = ""; # Net Int Speed
my $mibIntBytesIn = ""; # Net Int Octets In
my $mibIntBytesOut = ""; # Net Int Octects Out
my $mibIntPhys = ""; # Int MAC addr
my $mibAdminStat = ""; # Int up/down?
my $mibIPForward = ""; # IP Forwarding?
my $mibIPAddr = ""; # Int IP Address
my $mibNetmask = ""; # Int IP Netmask
# Software
my $mibInstalled = ""; # Installed Programs
my $http_totalBytesSentLowWord = ""; # totalBytesSentLowWord
my $http_totalBytesReceivedLowWord = ""; # totalBytesReceivedLowWord
my $http_totalFilesSent = ""; # totalFilesSent
my $http_currentAnonymousUsers = ""; # currentAnonymousUsers
my $http_currentNonAnonymousUsers = ""; # currentNonAnonymousUsers
my $http_totalAnonymousUsers = ""; # totalAnonymousUsers
my $http_totalNonAnonymousUsers = ""; # totalNonAnonymousUsers
my $http_maxAnonymousUsers = ""; # maxAnonymousUsers
my $http_maxNonAnonymousUsers = ""; # maxNonAnonymousUsers
my $http_currentConnections = ""; # currentConnections
my $http_maxConnections = ""; # maxConnections
my $http_connectionAttempts = ""; # connectionAttempts
my $http_logonAttempts = ""; # logonAttempts
my $http_totalGets = ""; # totalGets
my $http_totalPosts = ""; # totalPosts
my $http_totalHeads = ""; # totalHeads
my $http_totalOthers = ""; # totalOthers
my $http_totalCGIRequests = ""; # totalCGIRequests
my $http_totalBGIRequests = ""; # totalBGIRequests
my $http_totalNotFoundErrors = ""; # totalNotFoundErrors
# Shares
my $mibShareName = ""; # Reports Share Names
my $mibSharePath = ""; # Reports Share Path
my $mibShareComm = ""; # Reports Share Comments
# Routing Info
my $mibRouteDest = ""; # Route Destinations
my $mibRouteMetric = ""; # Route Metric
my $mibRouteNHop = ""; # Route Next Hop
my $mibRouteMask = ""; # Route Mask
# TCP Connections
my $mibTCPState = ""; # TCP Connect State
my $mibTCPLAddr = ""; # TCP Local Address
my $mibTCPLPort = ""; # TCP Local Port
my $mibTCPRAddr = ""; # TCP Remote Address
my $mibTCPRPort = ""; # TCP Remote Port
# UDP Listening
my $mibUDPLAddr = ""; # UDP Local Address
my $mibUDPLPort = ""; # UDP Local Port

my @hosts;
my $checksun = 0;
my $webport = 80;
my $localtime = localtime();
my ($status,$session,$error);

our ($opt_t,$opt_i,$opt_p,$opt_c,$opt_v,$opt_r,$opt_d,$opt_T,$opt_l,$opt_h);

my $community = $opt_c || "public";
my $port = $opt_p || 161;
my $snmpver = $opt_v || 1;
my $retries = $opt_r || 1;
my $timeout = $opt_T || 45;

my $usage = "$name $version - $description\n$copyright by $author\n
Usage ./$name -t <ip address> [-i] [-p] [-c] [-v] [-r] [-d] [-T] [-l] [-h]\n
\t-t : target host or ip address range;
\t-i : optional list of targets;
\t-p : snmp port; default port is $port;
\t-c : snmp community; default is $community;
\t-v : snmp version; default is $snmpver;
\t-r : request retries; default is $retries;
\t-d : disable \"TCP connections\" enumeration!
\t-T : timeout; default is $timeout. Max is 60;
\t-l : enable logging;
\t-h : show help menu;\n\n Example: ./$name -t\n\n";

die $usage if $opt_h;
die $usage if !$opt_t && !$opt_i;
die $usage if $opt_t && $opt_i;
die " [-] Error: max timeout value is 60 seconds!\n" if $timeout > 60;


$SIG{INT} = sub {
close LOG if $opt_l;

print "$name $version - $description\n$copyright by $author\n\n";

{ my $flip = "|"; sub wheel { print $flip = { reverse split //, '|/\|-\/-|', -1 }->{ $flip }, "\b"; } }

if ($opt_t){
push @hosts,$opt_t;

if ($opt_i){
open(IPLIST, "<$opt_i") || die " [-] Error: cannot open the ip address list file: $!\n";
chomp (@hosts = <IPLIST>);
close (IPLIST);

my $n = $#hosts + 1;
print " [*] $n host/s to scan\n [*] starting...\n";


my $pid = fork();

die "\n [-] Error: fork() failed: $!" unless defined $pid;

local $SIG{ALRM} = sub { exit(0); };
alarm $timeout;
alarm 0;

print "\n";


sub Connect {

my $target = shift;
for ($target) { s/^\s+//; s/\s+$//; }

my $logfile = "snmpcheck-log-$target.txt";

if ($opt_l){
open (LOG, ">$logfile") || die " [-] Error: cannot open the log file $logfile: $!\n";

$SIG{ALRM} = sub {
close LOG if $opt_l;
print "\n [-] $target, connection timeout! Use -T flag to increase timeout.";

($session,$error) = Net::SNMP->session(
Hostname => $target,
Community => $community,
Domain => 'udp',
Port => $port,
Version => $snmpver,
Timeout => $timeout,
Retries => $retries

if ($session){

my $start_time = [gettimeofday];

my $hostname = getrequest($mibName);
my $descr = getrequest($mibDescr);
my $uptime = getrequest($mibUptime);
my $ntdomain = getrequest($mibNTDomain);
my $contact = getrequest($mibContact);
my $location = getrequest($mibLocation);
my $motd = getrequest($mibMotd);

if ($descr){
chomp $descr;
for ($descr){s/^\s+//; s/\s+$//;}

chomp $motd if $motd;

$checksun = 1 if $descr =~ /^Sun/;

printer("\n [x] $target, connecting... starting check at $localtime\n\n");

printer(" Hostname : $hostname\n") if $hostname;
printer(" Description : $descr\n") if $descr;
printer(" Uptime (snmpd) : $uptime\n") if $uptime;
printer(" Domain : $ntdomain\n") if $ntdomain;
printer(" Contact : $contact\n") if $contact;
printer(" Location : $location\n") if $location;
printer(" Motd : $motd\n") if $motd;

if ($descr !~ /^Sun|^-|^Fibre|^Cisco/){

my @stordescr = gettable($mibStorDescr);
my @storsize = gettable($mibStorSize);
my @storused = gettable($mibStorUsed);
my @storunits = gettable($mibStoreUnits);
my @sdtype = gettable($mibSDType);
my @ptype = gettable($mibPtype);

if ($#stordescr > 0){
printer("\n [*] Hardware and storage informations\n"); border();

my $a = 0;

my %storagetypes = (
'' => 'Other',
'' => 'Ram',
'' => 'VirtualMemory',
'' => 'FixedDisk',
'' => 'RemovableDisk',
'' => 'FloppyDisk',
'' => 'CompactDisc',
'' => 'RamDisk',
'' => 'FlashMemory',
'' => 'NetworkDisk'

my %fstypes = (
'' => 'Other',
'' => 'Unknown',
'' => 'BerkeleyFFS',
'' => 'Sys5FS',
'' => 'Fat',
'' => 'HPFS',
'' => 'HFS',
'' => 'MFS',
'' => 'NTFS',
'' => 'VNode',
'' => 'Journaled',
'' => 'iso9660',
'' => 'RockRidge',
'' => 'NFS',
'' => 'Netware',
'' => 'AFS',
'' => 'DFS',
'' => 'Appleshare',
'' => 'RFS',
'' => 'DGCFS',
'' => 'BFS'

printer(" $_\n");
printer("\tDevice type : $storagetypes{$sdtype[$a]}\n") if $storagetypes{$sdtype[$a]};

if ($ptype[$a]){
if ($fstypes{$ptype[$a]}){
printer("\tFilesystem type : $fstypes{$ptype[$a]}\n");
} else{
printer("\tFilesystem type : unknown\n");
} else{
printer("\tFilesystem type : unknown\n");

if ($storunits[$a]){
printer("\tDevice units : $storunits[$a]\n");

if ($storsize[$a]){
$storsize[$a] = ($storsize[$a] * $storunits[$a]);
my $s = format_bytes($storsize[$a]);
printer("\tMemory size : $s\n");

if ($storused[$a]){
$storused[$a] = $storused[$a] * $storunits[$a];
my $s = format_bytes($storused[$a]);
printer("\tMemory used : $s\n");

if ($storsize[$a] && $storused[$a]){
my $free = $storsize[$a] - $storused[$a];
$free = format_bytes($free);
printer("\tMemory free : $free\n");


Mountpoints() if $descr !~ /^-|^Hardware|^Fibre|^Cisco/;
Devices() if $descr !~ /^-|^Cisco|^Fibre|^Sun/;
Accounts() if $descr !~ /^-|^Cisco|^Fibre|^Linux|^Sun/;
Processes() if $descr !~ /^-|^Cisco|^Fibre|^Sun/;
Tcpconnections() if !$opt_d;
IIS($target) if $descr =~ /^Hardware/;
Software() if $descr !~ /^-|^Cisco|^Fibre|^Sun/;
Shares() if $descr !~ /^-|^Cisco|^Fibre|^Linux/;


my $end_time = [gettimeofday];
my $elapsed = tv_interval($start_time,$end_time);
printer("\n [x] $target, log file $logfile created") if $opt_l;
printer("\n [x] $target, finished! Scanned in $elapsed seconds\n");

close LOG if $opt_l;
printer(" [-] Error: $target, timeout while connecting to server!");

sub Devices {

my @deviceslist = gettable($mibDevice);
my @devicestatus = gettable($mibDevStatus);

if ($#deviceslist > 0){
printer("\n [*] Devices\n"); border();

printf " %5s Name\n\n", "Status";
printf LOG " %5s Name\n\n", "Status" if $opt_l;

my $a = 0;

$status = "unknown";

if ($devicestatus[$a] eq '1'){
$status = "unknown";
}elsif($devicestatus[$a] eq '2'){
$status = "running";
}elsif($devicestatus[$a] eq '3'){
$status = "warning";
}elsif($devicestatus[$a] eq '4'){
$status = "testing";
}elsif($devicestatus[$a] eq '5'){
$status = "down";

printf " %7s $_\n", $status if $_;
printf LOG " %7s $_\n", $status if $_ && $opt_l;

sub Accounts {

my @accounts = gettable($mibAccounts);

if ($#accounts > 0){
printer("\n\n [*] User accounts\n"); border();

@accounts = sort @accounts;
printer(" $_\n");

sub Processes {

if ($checksun == 1){

# Solaris
my @runproid = gettable(""); # psProcessID
my @runparid = gettable(""); # psParentProcessID
my @runprosize = gettable(""); # psProcessSize
my @runcputime = gettable(""); # psProcessCpuTime
my @runstate = gettable(""); # psProcessState
my @runtty = gettable(""); # psProcessTTY
my @runusername = gettable(""); # psProcessUserName
my @runuserid = gettable(""); # psProcessUserID
my @runname = gettable(""); # psProcessName
my @runstatus = gettable(""); # psProcessStatus

if ($#runproid > 0){
printer("\n\n [*] Processes\n"); border();

print " Pid Ppid Size Cputime State TTY Username Uid Name Status\n\n";
for (my $a = 0; $a < $#runproid; $a++){
printf " %6s %6s %6s %6s %6s %10s %10s %6s %15s %6s\n", $runproid[$a],$runparid[$a],$runprosize[$a],$runcputime[$a],$runstate[$a],$runtty[$a],$runusername[$a],$runuserid[$a],$runname[$a],$runstatus[$a];
printf LOG " %6s %6s %6s %6s %6s %10s %10s %6s %15s %6s\n", $runproid[$a],$runparid[$a],$runprosize[$a],$runcputime[$a],$runstate[$a],$runtty[$a],$runusername[$a],$runuserid[$a],$runname[$a],$runstatus[$a] if $opt_l;
} else{
# Other
my $processes = getrequest($mibProcesses);
my @runindex = gettable($mibRunIndex);
my @runname = gettable($mibRunName);
my @runpath = gettable($mibRunPath);
my @runtype = gettable($mibRunType);
my @runstatus = gettable($mibRunStatus);

if ($#runindex > 0){
printer("\n\n [*] Processes\n"); border();

printer(" Total processes : $processes\n\n") if $processes;
printer(" Process type : 1 unknown, 2 operating system, 3 device driver, 4 application\n");
printer(" Process status : 1 running, 2 runnable, 3 not runnable, 4 invalid\n\n");

printf " %10s %25s %13s %15s Process path\n\n", "Process id","Process name","Process type","Process status";
printf LOG " %10s %25s %13s %15s Process path\n\n", "Process id","Process name","Process type","Process status" if $opt_l;

for (my $a = 0; $a < $#runindex; $a++){
if ($runname[$a] ne " System Idle Process"){
printf " %10s %25s %13s %15s $runpath[$a]\n", $runindex[$a],$runname[$a],$runtype[$a],$runstatus[$a];
printf LOG " %10s %25s %13s %15s $runpath[$a]\n", $runindex[$a],$runname[$a],$runtype[$a],$runstatus[$a] if $opt_l;

sub Netinfo {

my @int = gettable($mibInt);
my @mtu = gettable($mibIntMTU);
my @intspeed = gettable($mibIntSpeed);
my @intbytesin = gettable($mibIntBytesIn);
my @intbytesout = gettable($mibIntBytesOut);
my @intphys = gettable($mibIntPhys);
my @ipaddr = gettable($mibIPAddr);
my @netmask = gettable($mibNetmask);
my @adminstat = gettable($mibAdminStat);
my $ipforward = getrequest($mibIPForward);

if ($ipforward eq "0" || $ipforward eq "2") { $ipforward = "no"; }

if ($#int > 0){
printer("\n\n [*] Network interfaces\n"); border();
printer(" IP Forwarding Enabled : $ipforward\n\n");

for (my $a = 0; $a < $#int; $a++){

chomp $int[$a];

if ($adminstat[$a] eq "0"){
$adminstat[$a] = "down";
} else {
$adminstat[$a] = "up";

if ($intspeed[$a] !~ /-/){
$intspeed[$a] = $intspeed[$a] / 1000000;
printer(" Interface : [ $adminstat[$a] ] $int[$a]\n");
printer("\tHardware Address : $intphys[$a]\n") if $intphys[$a];
printer("\tInterface Speed : $intspeed[$a] Mbps\n") if $intspeed[$a];
printer("\tIP Address : $ipaddr[$a]\n") if $ipaddr[$a];
printer("\tNetmask : $netmask[$a]\n") if $ipaddr[$a];
printer("\tMTU : $mtu[$a]\n") if $mtu[$a];

if ($intbytesin[$a]){
printer("\tBytes In : $intbytesin[$a]");
$intbytesin[$a] = format_bytes($intbytesin[$a]);
printer(" ($intbytesin[$a])\n");

if ($intbytesout[$a]){
printer("\tBytes Out : $intbytesout[$a]");
$intbytesout[$a] = format_bytes($intbytesout[$a]);
printer(" ($intbytesout[$a])\n");


sub Netservices {

my @services = gettable($mibServices);

if ($#services > 0){
printer("\n\n [*] Network services\n"); border();

@services = sort @services;
printer(" $_\n");

sub Routinginfo {

my @routedest = gettable($mibRouteDest);
my @routenhop = gettable($mibRouteNHop);
my @routemask = gettable($mibRouteMask);
my @routemetric = gettable($mibRouteMetric);

if ($#routedest > 0){
printer("\n [*] Routing information\n"); border();
printer(" Destination\t Next Hop\t Mask\tMetric\n\n");

for (my $a = 0; $a < $#routedest; $a++){
printf "%17s%17s%17s%9s\n", $routedest[$a], $routenhop[$a], $routemask[$a], $routemetric[$a];
printf LOG "%17s%17s%17s%9s\n", $routedest[$a], $routenhop[$a], $routemask[$a], $routemetric[$a] if $opt_l;

sub Tcpconnections {

my @tcpstate = gettable($mibTCPState);
my @tcpladdr = gettable($mibTCPLAddr);
my @tcplport = gettable($mibTCPLPort);
my @tcpraddr = gettable($mibTCPRAddr);
my @tcprport = gettable($mibTCPRPort);

if ($#tcpstate > 0){
printer("\n\n [*] TCP connections\n"); border();
printer(" Local Address Port Remote Address Port State\n\n");

for (my $a = 0; $a < $#tcpstate; $a++){
if ($tcpstate[$a] eq "1") { $tcpstate[$a] = "(closed)"; }
if ($tcpstate[$a] eq "2") { $tcpstate[$a] = "(listening)"; }
if ($tcpstate[$a] eq "3") { $tcpstate[$a] = "(syn sent)"; }
if ($tcpstate[$a] eq "4") { $tcpstate[$a] = "(syn received)"; }
if ($tcpstate[$a] eq "5") { $tcpstate[$a] = "(established)"; }
if ($tcpstate[$a] eq "6") { $tcpstate[$a] = "(fin wait1)"; }
if ($tcpstate[$a] eq "7") { $tcpstate[$a] = "(fin wait2)"; }
if ($tcpstate[$a] eq "8") { $tcpstate[$a] = "(close wait)"; }
if ($tcpstate[$a] eq "9") { $tcpstate[$a] = "(last ack)"; }
if ($tcpstate[$a] eq "10") { $tcpstate[$a] = "(closing)"; }
if ($tcpstate[$a] eq "11") { $tcpstate[$a] = "(time wait)"; }
if ($tcpstate[$a] eq "12") { $tcpstate[$a] = "(delete tcb)"; }

printf " %15s %6s %17s %6s %15s\n", $tcpladdr[$a], $tcplport[$a], $tcpraddr[$a], $tcprport[$a], $tcpstate[$a];
printf LOG " %15s %6s %17s %6s %15s\n", $tcpladdr[$a], $tcplport[$a], $tcpraddr[$a], $tcprport[$a], $tcpstate[$a] if $opt_l;

sub Udpports {

my @udpladdr = gettable($mibUDPLAddr);
my @udplport = gettable($mibUDPLPort);

if ($#udpladdr > 0){
printer("\n\n [*] Listening UDP ports\n"); border();
printer(" Local Address Port\n\n");

for (my $a = 0; $a < $#udpladdr; $a++){
printf " %15s %6s\n", $udpladdr[$a], $udplport[$a];
printf LOG " %15s %6s\n", $udpladdr[$a], $udplport[$a] if $opt_l;

sub Software {

my @installed = gettable($mibInstalled);

if ($#installed > 0){
printer("\n\n [*] Software components\n"); border();
my @soft;
for (my $a = 0; $a < $#installed; $a++){
push @soft, "$installed[$a]";

@soft = sort @soft;
printer(" $_\n");

sub IIS {

my $target = shift;

my $http_totalBytesSentLowWord = getrequest($http_totalBytesSentLowWord);
my $http_totalBytesReceivedLowWord = getrequest($http_totalBytesReceivedLowWord);
my $http_totalFilesSent = getrequest($http_totalFilesSent);
my $http_currentAnonymousUsers = getrequest($http_currentAnonymousUsers);
my $http_currentNonAnonymousUsers = getrequest($http_currentNonAnonymousUsers);
my $http_totalAnonymousUsers = getrequest($http_totalAnonymousUsers);
my $http_totalNonAnonymousUsers = getrequest($http_totalNonAnonymousUsers);
my $http_maxAnonymousUsers = getrequest($http_maxAnonymousUsers);
my $http_maxNonAnonymousUsers = getrequest($http_maxNonAnonymousUsers);
my $http_currentConnections = getrequest($http_currentConnections);
my $http_maxConnections = getrequest($http_maxConnections);
my $http_connectionAttempts = getrequest($http_connectionAttempts);
my $http_logonAttempts = getrequest($http_logonAttempts);
my $http_totalGets = getrequest($http_totalGets);
my $http_totalPosts = getrequest($http_totalPosts);
my $http_totalHeads = getrequest($http_totalHeads);
my $http_totalOthers = getrequest($http_totalOthers);
my $http_totalCGIRequests = getrequest($http_totalCGIRequests);
my $http_totalBGIRequests = getrequest($http_totalBGIRequests );
my $http_totalNotFoundErrors = getrequest($http_totalNotFoundErrors);

if ($http_totalFilesSent){
printer("\n\n [*] Web server informations\n"); border();

if ($http_totalBytesSentLowWord){
if ($http_totalBytesSentLowWord =~ /\d+/){
$http_totalBytesSentLowWord = format_bytes($http_totalBytesSentLowWord);
printer(" totalBytesSentLowWord : $http_totalBytesSentLowWord\n");
} else {
printer(" totalBytesSentLowWord : -\n");

if ($http_totalBytesReceivedLowWord){
if ($http_totalBytesReceivedLowWord =~ /\d+/){
$http_totalBytesReceivedLowWord = format_bytes($http_totalBytesReceivedLowWord);
printer(" totalBytesReceivedLowWord : $http_totalBytesReceivedLowWord\n");
} else {
printer(" totalBytesReceivedLowWord : -\n");

printer(" totalFilesSent : $http_totalFilesSent\n") if $http_totalFilesSent;
printer(" currentAnonymousUsers : $http_currentAnonymousUsers\n") if $http_currentAnonymousUsers;
printer(" currentNonAnonymousUsers : $http_currentNonAnonymousUsers\n") if $http_currentNonAnonymousUsers;
printer(" totalAnonymousUsers : $http_totalAnonymousUsers\n") if $http_totalAnonymousUsers;
printer(" totalNonAnonymousUsers : $http_totalNonAnonymousUsers\n") if $http_totalNonAnonymousUsers;
printer(" maxAnonymousUsers : $http_maxAnonymousUsers\n") if $http_maxAnonymousUsers;
printer(" maxNonAnonymousUsers : $http_maxNonAnonymousUsers\n") if $http_maxNonAnonymousUsers;
printer(" currentConnections : $http_currentConnections\n") if $http_currentConnections;
printer(" maxConnections : $http_maxConnections\n") if $http_maxConnections;
printer(" connectionAttempts : $http_connectionAttempts\n") if $http_connectionAttempts;
printer(" logonAttempts : $http_logonAttempts\n") if $http_logonAttempts;
printer(" totalGets : $http_totalGets\n") if $http_totalGets;
printer(" totalPosts : $http_totalPosts\n") if $http_totalPosts;
printer(" totalHeads : $http_totalHeads\n") if $http_totalHeads;
printer(" totalOthers : $http_totalOthers\n") if $http_totalOthers;
printer(" totalCGIRequests : $http_totalCGIRequests\n") if $http_totalCGIRequests;
printer(" totalBGIRequests : $http_totalBGIRequests\n") if $http_totalBGIRequests;
printer(" totalNotFoundErrors : $http_totalNotFoundErrors\n") if $http_totalNotFoundErrors;

sub Mountpoints {

my @StorDescr = gettable($mibStorDescr);

if ($#StorDescr > 0){
printer("\n [*] Mountpoints\n"); border();

for (my $a = 0; $a < $#StorDescr; $a++){
printer(" $StorDescr[$a]\n") if (grep(/\//,$StorDescr[$a]));

sub Shares {

my @ShareName = gettable($mibShareName);
my @SharePath = gettable($mibSharePath);
my @ShareComm = gettable($mibShareComm);

if ($#ShareName > 0){
printer("\n\n [*] Non-administrative shares\n"); border();

for (my $a = 0; $a < $#ShareName; $a++){
printer(" Share Name : $ShareName[$a]\n");
printer(" Path : $SharePath[$a]\n");
printer(" Comments : $ShareComm[$a]\n\n");

sub getrequest {

my $response = "";

if (!($response = $session->get_request($_[0]))){
return "-";
} else {
my $Return = $response->{$_[0]};
return $Return;

sub gettable {

my @Return;
my $response = "";

if (!($response = $session->get_table($_[0]))){
return "-";

my $x = 0;
my $key;

foreach $key (sort keys %$response){
if ($$response{$key} ne " Virtual Memory"){
$Return[$x] = $$response{$key};

return @Return;

sub border {
if ($opt_l){
print " "; print "-" x 95; print "\n\n";
print LOG " "; print LOG "-" x 95; print LOG "\n\n";
} else {
print " "; print "-" x 95; print "\n\n";

sub printer {
my @string = @_;

if ($opt_l){
print @string;
print LOG @string;
} else {
print @string;
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