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Posted Oct 4, 2002
Authored by Marco Ivaldi | Site 0xdeadbeef.info

WARD v1.8 is a classic war dialer - it scans a list of phone numbers, finding the ones where a modem is answering the call. WARD can generate phone numbers lists based on a user-supplied mask, in incremental or random order. Remember to change some defines to make it fit your current system configuration. WARD is one of the fastest PBX scanners around (and possibly the best for UNIX environment). Tested on OpenBSD and Linux.

tags | tool, wardialer
systems | linux, unix, openbsd
SHA-256 | de328d9308ffc5500adcca4fe49a4be425aed38f7e62550cd8043829c52709a5


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* $Id: ward.c,v 1.3 2002/06/25 20:18:39 raptor Exp $
* ward v1.8 - Classic War Dialer with GSM enhancements
* Copyright (c) 2001 Raptor <raptor@0xdeadbeef.eu.org>
* WARD is a classic "War Dialer": it scans a list of phone numbers,
* finding the ones where a modem is answering the call on the other
* end and providing a nicely formatted output of the scan results.
* WARD can generate phone numbers lists based on a user-supplied
* mask, in incremental or random order. WARD is one of the fastest
* PBX scanners around (and possibly the best for UNIX environment).
* Remember to change some defines to make it fit your configuration.
* Program inspired to the old sordial.c (thanx sorbo!).
* Many thanx also go to Megat0n for his termios advice.
* Tested on Linux and OpenBSD. Compile with gcc ward.c -o ward -lm.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <termios.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <string.h>

/* General info */
#define VERSION "1.8"
#define AUTHOR "Raptor"
#define MAIL_SUPPORT "<raptor@0xdeadbeef.eu.org>"

/* getopt() bit masks */
#define OPT_NMASK 0x01
#define OPT_RAND 0x02
#define OPT_GENERATE 0x04
#define OPT_SCAN 0x08
#define OPT_TIMEOUT 0x10

/* Color definitions */
#define GREEN "\E[32m\E[1m"
#define YELLOW "\E[33m\E[1m"
#define RED "\E[31m\E[1m"
#define BLUE "\E[34m\E[1m"
#define BRIGHT "\E[m\E[1m"
#define NORMAL "\E[m"

/* Local setup - change if needed */
//#define MODEM_DEV "/dev/modem"
#define MODEM_DEV "/dev/cua01"
#define MODEM_SPEED B9600
#define MODEM_TIMEOUT 60
#define MAX_NUM_LEN 15
#define MAX_STATUS_LEN 80
#define MAX_RETRIES 2

/* Function prototypes */
void scan(char *nfile);
int dial(char *number, int retry);
void writefile(int last, int incr, char *nfile);
void listgen(char *nmask, int incr, char *nfile);
int initmodem(char *device);
void closemodem(int fd);
int hupmodem(int fd);
void sendcmd(int fd, int timewait, char *fmt, ...);
void cleanup(int ignored);
void fatalerr(char *pattern, ...);
void usage(char *name);
/* Prototypes end */

int fd, timeout = MODEM_TIMEOUT;
char ** numbers;
struct termios newtio, oldtio;

main(int argc, char **argv)
int incr = 1, opt_line = 0;
char nmask[MAX_NUM_LEN], nfile[255];

/* Disable buffering for stdout */
setvbuf(stdout, NULL, _IONBF, 0);

/* Print header */
"%s\nWARD %s -- Classic War Dialer with GSM enhancements\n"
"Copyright (c) 2001 %s %s\n\n%s", BLUE, VERSION, AUTHOR,

/* Parse command line */
if (argc < 2)

int c=0;

while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "rn:g:s:t:h")) != EOF)

switch (c) {
case 'h':
case 'n':
opt_line |= OPT_NMASK;
strncpy(nmask, optarg, MAX_NUM_LEN - 1);
case 'r':
opt_line |= OPT_RAND;
incr = 0;
case 'g':
opt_line |= OPT_GENERATE;
strncpy(nfile, optarg, 254);
case 's':
opt_line |= OPT_SCAN;
strncpy(nfile, optarg, 254);
case 't':
opt_line |= OPT_TIMEOUT;
timeout = atoi(optarg);

/* Input control */
if (!(opt_line & OPT_GENERATE) && !(opt_line & OPT_SCAN))
fatalerr("err: please select an action [generate or scan]");

if ((opt_line & OPT_GENERATE) && (opt_line & OPT_SCAN))
fatalerr("err: select only one action [generate or scan]");

if (!*nfile)
fatalerr("err: please specify a filename to use");

/* Signals handling */
signal(SIGINT, cleanup);

/* List generation mode */
if (opt_line & OPT_GENERATE) {

if (!(opt_line & OPT_NMASK) || !*nmask)
fatalerr("err: -n/--nmask <arg> is required with -g");

listgen(nmask, incr, nfile);

/* Scan mode */
} else


scan(char *nfile) /* Scanner engine */
FILE * f;
int size = 1, result, i;
char n[MAX_NUM_LEN], status[MAX_STATUS_LEN], c[2];

bzero(n, MAX_NUM_LEN);
bzero(status, MAX_STATUS_LEN);
c[1] = 0;

/* Open numbers file */
if ((f = fopen(nfile, "r+")) == NULL)
fatalerr("err: unable to open file %s", nfile);

/* Open and init modem device */
if ((fd = initmodem(MODEM_DEV)) < 0)
fatalerr("err: unable to open %s", MODEM_DEV);

fprintf(stdout, "%s[*]%s Starting scan engine...\n", BRIGHT, NORMAL);
fprintf(stdout, "%s[*]%s Resetting modem...\n", BRIGHT, NORMAL);

sendcmd(fd, 2, "ATZ\r");

fprintf(stdout, "%s[*]%s Done. \n\n", BRIGHT, NORMAL);
fprintf(stdout, "%s[*]%s Starting scan. \n", BRIGHT, NORMAL);

/* Parse the numbers file (FIXME: really minimal parser) */
while (size) {

/* Read phone number */
while (1) {
size = fread(c, 1, 1, f);

if (c[0] == '\t' || !size)

if (c[0] != '\n')
strncat(n, c, 1);

/* Read phone number status */
while (1) {
size = fread(c, 1, 1, f);

if (c[0] == '\n' || !size)

strncat(status, c, 1);

/* Dial the number, if not already scanned */
if (!strcmp(status, "UNSCANNED")) {

result = dial(n, MAX_RETRIES);

switch (result) {
case 1:
fseek(f, -10, SEEK_CUR);
fwrite("CONNECT \n", 10, 1, f);
case 2:
fseek(f, -10, SEEK_CUR);
fwrite("BUSY \n", 10, 1, f);
case 3:
fseek(f, -10, SEEK_CUR);
fwrite("- \n", 10, 1, f);

bzero(n, MAX_NUM_LEN);
bzero(status, MAX_STATUS_LEN);

/* Scan finished */
fprintf(stdout, "%s[*]%s Scan finished. \n\n",
sendcmd(fd, 1, "+++ATH0\r");
sendcmd(fd, 1, "ATZ\r");


dial(char *number, int retry) /* Actually dial a phone number */

* Return values:
* 2) BUSY
* 4) EOF

int i;
char buf[24];

bzero(buf, sizeof(buf));

if (!strlen(number))

/* Modem hangup */
fprintf(stdout, "Hanging up... \r");

if (!hupmodem(fd)) { /* FIXME: ugly hack for a better error handling */
if (!hupmodem(fd))
fatalerr("err: %s not responding", MODEM_DEV);

fprintf(stdout, "Dialing: %s (%i) \r", number, timeout);

/* Create dial command string */
sendcmd(fd, 2, "ATM0DT%s\r", number); /* modem volume set to 0 */

for (i = timeout; i > 0; i--) {

fprintf(stdout, "Dialing: %s (%i) \r", number, i);

/* Read modem output */
if (read(fd, buf, 23)) {

if (strstr(buf, "CONNECT") != NULL) {
fprintf(stdout, "%sCONNECT: %s\n%s",
GREEN, number, NORMAL);

sleep(3); /* some modems require a delay */
sendcmd(fd, 2, "+++");

return(1); /* CONNECT */

if (strstr(buf, "BUSY") != NULL) {
fprintf(stdout, "%sBUSY: %s\n%s",
YELLOW, number, NORMAL);

return(2); /* BUSY */

if (strstr(buf, "ERROR") != NULL) {
fatalerr("err: ERROR. SIM problem?");

/* Speed hacks */
if (strstr(buf, "NO") != NULL) {

if (timeout - i < 3) { /* Line problems */

/* Error */
if (!retry)
fatalerr("err: NO CARRIER. Line problem?");

/* Retry */
fprintf(stdout, "RETRY: %s\n",number);
return(dial(number, retry - 1));

} else

return(3); /* NO ANSWER */

if (strstr(buf, "OK") != NULL)

return(3); /* NO ANSWER */

return(3); /* NO ANSWER */

writefile(int last, int incr, char *nfile) /* Write list to file */
int i;
FILE * f;

if ((f = fopen(nfile, "a")) == NULL)
fatalerr("err: unable to open file %s", nfile);

fprintf(stdout, "%s[*]%s Writing numbers to file...\n", BRIGHT, NORMAL);

/* Use incremental mode writing to file */
if (incr)
for (i = 0; i < last; i++) {

if (!fwrite(numbers[i], 1, strlen(numbers[i]), f))
fatalerr("err: unable to write to file %s", nfile);

fwrite("\tUNSCANNED\n", 1, 11, f); /* mark as new */

fprintf(stdout, "[ ] %d numbers left \r", last - i);

/* Use random mode (pHEAR) */
else {
int j;
struct timeval rnd;

while (last) {

/* Strong pseudo-random numbers generator */
gettimeofday(&rnd, NULL);

/* Some voodoo magic */
j = 0 + (int)((last + 0.0) * rand()/(RAND_MAX + 1.0));

if(!fwrite(numbers[j], 1, strlen(numbers[j]), f))
fatalerr("err: unable to write to file %s", nfile);

fwrite("\tUNSCANNED\n", 1, 11, f); /* mark as new */

strncpy(numbers[j], numbers[last -1], MAX_NUM_LEN - 1);

fprintf(stdout, "%d numbers left \r", last);

fprintf(stdout, "%s[*]%s Done. \n\n", BRIGHT, NORMAL);


listgen(char *nmask, int incr, char *nfile) /* List generator engine */
int i, j, tot_numbers, nextx = 0, nextn = 0, xpos[MAX_NUM_LEN];
char n[MAX_NUM_LEN];

/* Find the position of the 'x' chars and substitute with '0' */
for (i = 0; i < strlen(nmask); i++) {

if (nmask[i] == 'x') {
xpos[nextx] = i;
nmask[i] = '0';

if ((!nextx) || (nextx > 4))
fatalerr("err: please specify 1 to 4 x's");

tot_numbers = pow(10, nextx);
numbers = (char **)malloc(tot_numbers * sizeof(char *));

/* Fill the numbers array with all possibilities */
fprintf(stdout, "%s[*]%s Generating numbers list...\n", BRIGHT, NORMAL);

for (i = 0; i < tot_numbers; i++) {

snprintf(n, MAX_NUM_LEN, "%d", i);

/* Use POW operation properties in decimal notation */
if (strlen(n) == nextx) {

for (j = 0; j < nextx; j++)
nmask[xpos[j]] = n[j];

numbers[nextn] = strdup((const char *)nmask);

} else {

for (j = 0 ; j < nextx - strlen(n); j++)
nmask[xpos[j]] = '0';

for (j = nextx - strlen(n); j < nextx; j++)
nmask[xpos[j]] = n[j + strlen(n) - nextx];

numbers[nextn] = strdup((const char *)nmask);


/* Write to file and free() the memory */
writefile(nextn, incr, nfile);

for (i = 0; i < nextn; i++)


initmodem(char *device) /* Open modem device and init serial port */
int flags;

if( (fd = open(device, O_RDWR | O_NOCTTY | O_NONBLOCK)) < 0 )

/* Save old settings */
tcgetattr(fd, &oldtio);

/* Set up the new struct and init serial port */
bzero(&newtio, sizeof(newtio));

newtio.c_cflag = MODEM_SPEED | CS8 | CLOCAL | CREAD;
newtio.c_iflag = IGNPAR;
newtio.c_oflag = 0;
newtio.c_lflag = 0;
newtio.c_cc[VTIME] = 0;
newtio.c_cc[VMIN] = 0;

tcflush(fd, TCIFLUSH);
tcsetattr(fd, TCSANOW, &newtio);

/* We no longer want to have the serial port non-blocking */
flags = fcntl(fd, F_GETFL);
if (flags == -1)
fatalerr("err: failed to get serial tty flags");
flags &= ~O_NONBLOCK;
if (fcntl(fd, F_SETFL, flags) == -1)
fatalerr("err: failed to set serial port ~O_NONBLOCK");


closemodem(int fd) /* Close modem device */

/* Set old attributes for the serial port */
tcsetattr(fd, TCSANOW, &oldtio);


hupmodem(int fd) /* Hangup line and check modem response */
char buf[24];

bzero(buf, sizeof(buf));

sendcmd(fd, 2, "ATH0\r");
read(fd, buf, 23);

if (strstr(buf, "OK") == NULL)
return(0); /* ERROR: modem is not responding */

return(1); /* OK: modem connected */

sendcmd(int fd, int timewait, char *fmt, ...) /* Send command to modem */
char strbuf[128];
va_list ap;

bzero(strbuf, sizeof(strbuf));

/* Flushes I/O */
tcflush(fd, TCIOFLUSH);

/* Transmits the command */
va_start(ap, fmt);

vsnprintf(strbuf, sizeof(strbuf) - 1, fmt, ap);
write(fd, strbuf, strlen(strbuf));

/* Waits for whatever character has been transmitted */


cleanup(int ignored) /* SIGINT handler, close modem */
if (fd) {
sendcmd(fd, 1, "+++ATH0\r");
sendcmd(fd, 1, "ATZ\r");

fprintf(stderr, "\n");
fatalerr("err: program interrupted... cleanup done");

fatalerr(char *pattern, ...) /* Error handling routine */
va_list ap;
va_start(ap, pattern);

fprintf(stderr, "%sward-", RED);
vfprintf(stderr, pattern, ap);
fprintf(stderr, " (exit forced).\n\n%s", NORMAL);



usage(char *name) /* Print usage */
fprintf (stderr,
"\t%s -g <file> -n <nmask> [-r]\t(generation mode)\n"
"\t%s -s <file> [-t <timeout>] \t(scan mode)\n\n",
BRIGHT, NORMAL, name, name);

fprintf (stderr,
"%sgeneration mode%s:\n"
"\t-g generate number list and save it to file\n"
"\t-n number mask to be used in generation mode\n"
"\t-r toggle random mode ON\n\n"
"%sscan mode%s:\n"
"\t-s scan a list of phone numbers from file\n"
"\t-t set the modem timeout (default=%dsecs)\n\n"
"\t-h print this help\n\n", BRIGHT, NORMAL, BRIGHT, NORMAL,
timeout, BRIGHT, NORMAL);

exit (0);
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