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Posted Dec 21, 1999


tags | encryption
SHA-256 | 357521d896ddd48312b114faa4762923789362b1c0a478cc8b212b9d4d28ca68


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/* This is an independent implementation of the Twofish encryption */
/* algorithm designed by Bruce Schneier and colleagues and offered */
/* as a candidate algorithm for the US NIST Advanced Encryption */
/* Standard (AES) effort. */
/* */
/* Copyright in this implementation is held by Dr B R Gladman but */
/* I hereby give permission for its free direct or derivative use */
/* subject to acknowledgment of its origin. */
/* */
/* My thanks to Niels Ferguson and the Twofish team for suggesting */
/* an additional optimisation for this code */
/* */
/* Dr Brian Gladman (gladman@seven77.demon.co.uk) 18th October 1998 */
/* */
/* Timing data:

Algorithm: twofish (twofish3.c)
128 bit key:
Key Setup: 16333 cycles
Encrypt: 396 cycles = 64.6 mbits/sec
Decrypt: 397 cycles = 64.5 mbits/sec
Mean: 396 cycles = 64.6 mbits/sec
192 bit key:
Key Setup: 23378 cycles
Encrypt: 396 cycles = 64.6 mbits/sec
Decrypt: 398 cycles = 64.3 mbits/sec
Mean: 397 cycles = 64.5 mbits/sec
256 bit key:
Key Setup: 24791 cycles
Encrypt: 396 cycles = 64.6 mbits/sec
Decrypt: 395 cycles = 64.8 mbits/sec
Mean: 396 cycles = 64.7 mbits/sec


#include "../std_defs.h"

#define Q_TABLES
#define M_TABLE
#define MK_TABLE
#define ONE_STEP

static char *alg_name[] = { "twofish", "twofish3.c" };

char **cipher_name()
return alg_name;

u4byte k_len;
u4byte l_key[40];
u4byte s_key[4];

/* finite field arithmetic for GF(2**8) with the modular */
/* polynomial x**8 + x**6 + x**5 + x**3 + 1 (0x169) */

#define G_M 0x0169

u1byte tab_5b[4] = { 0, G_M >> 2, G_M >> 1, (G_M >> 1) ^ (G_M >> 2) };
u1byte tab_ef[4] = { 0, (G_M >> 1) ^ (G_M >> 2), G_M >> 1, G_M >> 2 };

#define ffm_01(x) (x)
#define ffm_5b(x) ((x) ^ ((x) >> 2) ^ tab_5b[(x) & 3])
#define ffm_ef(x) ((x) ^ ((x) >> 1) ^ ((x) >> 2) ^ tab_ef[(x) & 3])

u1byte ror4[16] = { 0, 8, 1, 9, 2, 10, 3, 11, 4, 12, 5, 13, 6, 14, 7, 15 };
u1byte ashx[16] = { 0, 9, 2, 11, 4, 13, 6, 15, 8, 1, 10, 3, 12, 5, 14, 7 };

u1byte qt0[2][16] =
{ { 8, 1, 7, 13, 6, 15, 3, 2, 0, 11, 5, 9, 14, 12, 10, 4 },
{ 2, 8, 11, 13, 15, 7, 6, 14, 3, 1, 9, 4, 0, 10, 12, 5 }

u1byte qt1[2][16] =
{ { 14, 12, 11, 8, 1, 2, 3, 5, 15, 4, 10, 6, 7, 0, 9, 13 },
{ 1, 14, 2, 11, 4, 12, 3, 7, 6, 13, 10, 5, 15, 9, 0, 8 }

u1byte qt2[2][16] =
{ { 11, 10, 5, 14, 6, 13, 9, 0, 12, 8, 15, 3, 2, 4, 7, 1 },
{ 4, 12, 7, 5, 1, 6, 9, 10, 0, 14, 13, 8, 2, 11, 3, 15 }

u1byte qt3[2][16] =
{ { 13, 7, 15, 4, 1, 2, 6, 14, 9, 11, 3, 0, 8, 5, 12, 10 },
{ 11, 9, 5, 1, 12, 3, 13, 14, 6, 4, 7, 15, 2, 0, 8, 10 }

u1byte qp(const u4byte n, const u1byte x)
{ u1byte a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, b0, b1, b2, b3, b4;

a0 = x >> 4; b0 = x & 15;
a1 = a0 ^ b0; b1 = ror4[b0] ^ ashx[a0];
a2 = qt0[n][a1]; b2 = qt1[n][b1];
a3 = a2 ^ b2; b3 = ror4[b2] ^ ashx[a2];
a4 = qt2[n][a3]; b4 = qt3[n][b3];
return (b4 << 4) | a4;

#ifdef Q_TABLES

u4byte qt_gen = 0;
u1byte q_tab[2][256];

#define q(n,x) q_tab[n][x]

void gen_qtab(void)
{ u4byte i;

for(i = 0; i < 256; ++i)
q(0,i) = qp(0, (u1byte)i);
q(1,i) = qp(1, (u1byte)i);


#define q(n,x) qp(n, x)


#ifdef M_TABLE

u4byte mt_gen = 0;
u4byte m_tab[4][256];

void gen_mtab(void)
{ u4byte i, f01, f5b, fef;

for(i = 0; i < 256; ++i)
f01 = q(1,i); f5b = ffm_5b(f01); fef = ffm_ef(f01);
m_tab[0][i] = f01 + (f5b << 8) + (fef << 16) + (fef << 24);
m_tab[2][i] = f5b + (fef << 8) + (f01 << 16) + (fef << 24);

f01 = q(0,i); f5b = ffm_5b(f01); fef = ffm_ef(f01);
m_tab[1][i] = fef + (fef << 8) + (f5b << 16) + (f01 << 24);
m_tab[3][i] = f5b + (f01 << 8) + (fef << 16) + (f5b << 24);

#define mds(n,x) m_tab[n][x]


#define fm_00 ffm_01
#define fm_10 ffm_5b
#define fm_20 ffm_ef
#define fm_30 ffm_ef
#define q_0(x) q(1,x)

#define fm_01 ffm_ef
#define fm_11 ffm_ef
#define fm_21 ffm_5b
#define fm_31 ffm_01
#define q_1(x) q(0,x)

#define fm_02 ffm_5b
#define fm_12 ffm_ef
#define fm_22 ffm_01
#define fm_32 ffm_ef
#define q_2(x) q(1,x)

#define fm_03 ffm_5b
#define fm_13 ffm_01
#define fm_23 ffm_ef
#define fm_33 ffm_5b
#define q_3(x) q(0,x)

#define f_0(n,x) ((u4byte)fm_0##n(x))
#define f_1(n,x) ((u4byte)fm_1##n(x) << 8)
#define f_2(n,x) ((u4byte)fm_2##n(x) << 16)
#define f_3(n,x) ((u4byte)fm_3##n(x) << 24)

#define mds(n,x) f_0(n,q_##n(x)) ^ f_1(n,q_##n(x)) ^ f_2(n,q_##n(x)) ^ f_3(n,q_##n(x))


u4byte h_fun(const u4byte x, const u1byte key[])
{ u1byte b0, b1, b2, b3;

b0 = byte(x, 0); b1 = byte(x, 1); b2 = byte(x, 2); b3 = byte(x, 3);

case 4:
b0 = q(1,b0) ^ key[12];
b1 = q(0,b1) ^ key[13];
b2 = q(0,b2) ^ key[14];
b3 = q(1,b3) ^ key[15];
case 3: /* fall through */
b0 = q(1,b0) ^ key[ 8];
b1 = q(1,b1) ^ key[ 9];
b2 = q(0,b2) ^ key[10];
b3 = q(0,b3) ^ key[11];
case 2: /* fall through */
b0 = q(0,q(0,b0) ^ key[4]) ^ key[0];
b1 = q(0,q(1,b1) ^ key[5]) ^ key[1];
b2 = q(1,q(0,b2) ^ key[6]) ^ key[2];
b3 = q(1,q(1,b3) ^ key[7]) ^ key[3];

#ifdef M_TABLE

return mds(0, b0) ^ mds(1, b1) ^ mds(2, b2) ^ mds(3, b3);


b0 = q(1,b0); b1 = q(0,b1); b2 = q(1,b2); b3 = q(0,b3);

return (u4byte)( b0 ^ ffm_ef(b1) ^ ffm_5b(b2) ^ ffm_5b(b3)) ^
(u4byte)(ffm_5b(b0) ^ ffm_ef(b1) ^ ffm_ef(b2) ^ b3 ) << 8 ^
(u4byte)(ffm_ef(b0) ^ ffm_5b(b1) ^ b2 ^ ffm_ef(b3)) << 16 ^
(u4byte)(ffm_ef(b0) ^ b1 ^ ffm_ef(b2) ^ ffm_5b(b3)) << 24;

#ifdef MK_TABLE

#ifdef ONE_STEP
u4byte mk_tab[4][256];
u1byte sb[4][256];

gen_mk_tab(u1byte key[])
{ u1byte b0, b1, b2, b3;
u4byte i;

for(i = 0; i < 256; ++i)
b0 = b1 = b2 = b3 = i;

case 4:
b0 = q(1,b0) ^ key[12]; b1 = q(0,b1) ^ key[13];
b2 = q(0,b2) ^ key[14]; b3 = q(1,b3) ^ key[15];
case 3: /* fall through */
b0 = q(1,b0) ^ key[ 8]; b1 = q(1,b1) ^ key[ 9];
b2 = q(0,b2) ^ key[10]; b3 = q(0,b3) ^ key[11];
case 2: /* fall through */
b0 = q(0,q(0,b0) ^ key[4]) ^ key[0];
b1 = q(0,q(1,b1) ^ key[5]) ^ key[1];
b2 = q(1,q(0,b2) ^ key[6]) ^ key[2];
b3 = q(1,q(1,b3) ^ key[7]) ^ key[3];
#ifdef ONE_STEP
mk_tab[0][i] = mds(0, b0);
mk_tab[1][i] = mds(1, b1);
mk_tab[2][i] = mds(2, b2);
mk_tab[3][i] = mds(3, b3);
sb[0][i] = b0;
sb[1][i] = b1;
sb[2][i] = b2;
sb[3][i] = b3;

# ifdef ONE_STEP
# define g0_fun(x) mk_tab[0][byte(x,0)] ^ mk_tab[1][byte(x,1)] \
^ mk_tab[2][byte(x,2)] ^ mk_tab[3][byte(x,3)]
# define g1_fun(x) mk_tab[0][byte(x,3)] ^ mk_tab[1][byte(x,0)] \
^ mk_tab[2][byte(x,1)] ^ mk_tab[3][byte(x,2)]
# else
# define g0_fun(x) mds(0, sb[0][byte(x,0)]) ^ mds(1, sb[1][byte(x,1)]) \
^ mds(2, sb[2][byte(x,2)]) ^ mds(3, sb[3][byte(x,3)])
# define g1_fun(x) mds(0, sb[0][byte(x,3)]) ^ mds(1, sb[1][byte(x,0)]) \
^ mds(2, sb[2][byte(x,1)]) ^ mds(3, sb[3][byte(x,2)])
# endif


#define g0_fun(x) h_fun(x,(u1byte*)s_key)
#define g1_fun(x) h_fun(rotl(x,8),(u1byte*)s_key)


/* The (12,8) Reed Soloman code has the generator polynomial

g(x) = x**4 + (a + 1/a) * x**3 + a * x**2 + (a + 1/a) * x + 1

where the coefficients are in the finite field GF(2**8) with a
modular polynomial a**8 + a**6 + a**3 + a**2 + 1. To generate the
remainder we have to start with a 12th order polynomial with our
eight input bytes as the coefficients of the 4th to 11th terms.
That is:

m[7] * x**11 + m[6] * x**10 ... + m[0] * x**4 + 0 * x**3 +... + 0

We then multiply the generator polynomial by m[7] * x**7 and subtract
it - xor in GF(2**8) - from the above to eliminate the x**7 term (the
artihmetic on the coefficients is done in GF(2**8). We then multiply
the generator polynomial by x**6 * coeff(x**10) and use this to remove
the x**10 term. We carry on in this way until the x**4 term is removed
so that we are left with:

r[3] * x**3 + r[2] * x**2 + r[1] 8 x**1 + r[0]

which give the resulting 4 bytes of the remainder. This is equivalent
to the matrix multiplication in the Twofish description but much faster
to implement.


#define G_MOD 0x0000014d

u4byte mds_rem(u4byte p0, u4byte p1)
{ u4byte i, t, u;

for(i = 0; i < 8; ++i)
t = p1 >> 24;

p1 = (p1 << 8) | (p0 >> 24); p0 <<= 8;

u = (t << 1) ^ (t & 0x80 ? G_MOD : 0);

p1 ^= t ^ (u << 16);

u ^= (t >> 1) ^ (t & 0x01 ? G_MOD >> 1 : 0);

p1 ^= (u << 8) | (u << 24);

return p1;

/* initialise the key schedule from the user supplied key */

u4byte *set_key(const u4byte in_key[], const u4byte key_len)
{ u4byte i, a, b, me_key[4], mo_key[4];

#ifdef Q_TABLES
gen_qtab(); qt_gen = 1;

#ifdef M_TABLE
gen_mtab(); mt_gen = 1;

k_len = key_len / 64; /* 2, 3 or 4 */

for(i = 0; i < k_len; ++i)
a = in_key[i + i]; me_key[i] = a;
b = in_key[i + i + 1]; mo_key[i] = b;
s_key[k_len - i - 1] = mds_rem(a, b);

for(i = 0; i < 40; i += 2)
a = 0x01010101 * i; b = a + 0x01010101;
a = h_fun(a, (u1byte*)me_key);
b = rotl(h_fun(b, (u1byte*)mo_key), 8);
l_key[i] = a + b;
l_key[i + 1] = rotl(a + 2 * b, 9);

#ifdef MK_TABLE

return l_key;

/* encrypt a block of text */

#define f_rnd(i) \
t0 = g0_fun(blk[0]); t1 = g1_fun(blk[1]); \
blk[2] = rotr(blk[2] ^ (t0 + t1 + l_key[4 * (i) + 8]), 1); \
blk[3] = rotl(blk[3], 1) ^ (t0 + 2 * t1 + l_key[4 * (i) + 9]); \
t0 = g0_fun(blk[2]); t1 = g1_fun(blk[3]); \
blk[0] = rotr(blk[0] ^ (t0 + t1 + l_key[4 * (i) + 10]), 1); \
blk[1] = rotl(blk[1], 1) ^ (t0 + 2 * t1 + l_key[4 * (i) + 11])

void encrypt(const u4byte in_blk[4], u4byte out_blk[])
{ u4byte t0, t1, blk[4];

blk[0] = in_blk[0] ^ l_key[0];
blk[1] = in_blk[1] ^ l_key[1];
blk[2] = in_blk[2] ^ l_key[2];
blk[3] = in_blk[3] ^ l_key[3];

f_rnd(0); f_rnd(1); f_rnd(2); f_rnd(3);
f_rnd(4); f_rnd(5); f_rnd(6); f_rnd(7);

out_blk[0] = blk[2] ^ l_key[4];
out_blk[1] = blk[3] ^ l_key[5];
out_blk[2] = blk[0] ^ l_key[6];
out_blk[3] = blk[1] ^ l_key[7];

/* decrypt a block of text */

#define i_rnd(i) \
t0 = g0_fun(blk[0]); t1 = g1_fun(blk[1]); \
blk[2] = rotl(blk[2], 1) ^ (t0 + t1 + l_key[4 * (i) + 10]); \
blk[3] = rotr(blk[3] ^ (t0 + 2 * t1 + l_key[4 * (i) + 11]), 1); \
t0 = g0_fun(blk[2]); t1 = g1_fun(blk[3]); \
blk[0] = rotl(blk[0], 1) ^ (t0 + t1 + l_key[4 * (i) + 8]); \
blk[1] = rotr(blk[1] ^ (t0 + 2 * t1 + l_key[4 * (i) + 9]), 1)

void decrypt(const u4byte in_blk[4], u4byte out_blk[4])
{ u4byte t0, t1, blk[4];

blk[0] = in_blk[0] ^ l_key[4];
blk[1] = in_blk[1] ^ l_key[5];
blk[2] = in_blk[2] ^ l_key[6];
blk[3] = in_blk[3] ^ l_key[7];

i_rnd(7); i_rnd(6); i_rnd(5); i_rnd(4);
i_rnd(3); i_rnd(2); i_rnd(1); i_rnd(0);

out_blk[0] = blk[2] ^ l_key[0];
out_blk[1] = blk[3] ^ l_key[1];
out_blk[2] = blk[0] ^ l_key[2];
out_blk[3] = blk[1] ^ l_key[3];
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