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Posted Aug 17, 1999


tags | tool, nmap, patch
systems | unix
SHA-256 | d414b00216093de69d1b5eabc10f69a5474fe21a3851a39c2cbe032f764e11e5


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--- nmap.c.orig  Wed Dec 16 16:51:24 1998
+++ nmap.c Fri Jan 29 09:45:10 1999
@@ -1,11 +1,39 @@
#include "nmap.h"
#include "osscan.h"
+#include <regex.h>

/* global options */
extern char *optarg;
extern int optind;
struct ops o; /* option structure */

+int indexnum;
+int total_exploits; /* total number of exploits in exploit structure */
+#define MAX_EXPLOITS 512
+char *current_os; /* pointer to pattern of current os */
+struct exploit {
+ char *os_name;
+ char *exploit_port;
+ char *exploit_prot;
+ char *wait_data1;
+ char *send_data1;
+ char *wait_data2;
+ char *exec_prog;
+ char *comment;
+} exploit[MAX_EXPLOITS];
+ /* function prototypes */
+int vulnscan (struct hoststruct *currenths, portlist ports);
+char *scan_host (struct hoststruct *currenths, char *dest_port, char *protocol,
+ char *wait_data1, char *send_data1,
+ char *wait_data2, char *exec_prog,
+ char *comment);
+int get_exploits(struct hoststruct *currenths);
+int regex_parse (char *port_data, char *regex_data);
+/* global options */
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
char *p, *q;
int i, j, arg, argvlen;
@@ -83,7 +111,7 @@
if (argc < 2 ) printusage(argv[0]);

/* OK, lets parse these args! */
-while((arg = getopt(argc,fakeargv,"Ab:D:de:Ffg:hIi:M:m:NnOo:P::p:qRrS:s:T:Vv")) != EOF) {
+while((arg = getopt(argc,fakeargv,"Ab:D:de:Ffg:hIi:M:m:NnOo:P::p:qRrS:s:T:Vvz")) != EOF) {
switch(arg) {
case 'A': o.allowall++; break;
case 'b':
@@ -252,6 +280,7 @@
case 'v': o.verbose++; break;
+ case 'z': o.vulnerability_scan++; break;

@@ -536,7 +565,9 @@
if (o.osscan) {
+ if (o.vulnerability_scan) {
+ vulnscan(currenths, currenths->ports);
+ }
if (!currenths->ports && !o.pingscan) {
nmap_log("No ports open for host %s (%s)\n", currenths->name,
@@ -859,7 +890,9 @@
if (!o.allowall) printf(" -A Allow scanning .0 and .255 addresses" );
printf(" -v Verbose. Its use is recommended. Use twice for greater effect.\n\
-h help, print this junk. Also see http://www.insecure.org/nmap/\n\
- -V Print version number and exit.\n");
+ -V Print version number and exit.\n\
+ -z Vulnerabiltiy scanning enabled.\n");
printf(" -e <devicename>. Send packets on interface <devicename> (eth0,ppp0,etc.).\n");
printf(" -q quash argv to something benign, currently set to \"%s\". (deprecated)\n", FAKE_ARGV);
printf("Hostnames specified as internet hostname or IP address. Optional '/mask' \
@@ -3022,3 +3055,484 @@

+/* vulnerablity scanning option under nmap 2.01
+ Ajax & Gone
+ notes: currenths->name = full name of host to scan
+ inet_ntoa(currenths->host) = ip address of host to scan
+ currenths->portno = destination port
+ of typedef portlist ports; port *current_port = ports;
+ currenths->FP_matches[0]->OS_name = first guessed OS fingerprint
+ fp2ascii(currenths->FPs[currenths->goodFP]) = matched OS fingerprint
+ (dont use this...)
+ nmap_log("blah%sblah\n",blah) = logs to screen and to logfile
+ pos_scan(currenths,ports,CONNECT_SCAN) = connectscan (-sT)
+ getidentdinfoz() = good ref
+TODO: allow send_data to support byte substitution,
+ \n = newline, \t = tab, etc
+ \nnn = decimal ascii character
+ \xnn = hex ascii character
+int vulnscan (struct hoststruct *currenths, portlist ports)
+ * vulnscan: This is the main function that is called by nmap.c
+ * All other subfunctions are called by vulnscan.
+ */
+int indexnum;
+int portindex;
+port *current = ports, *tmp; /* open ports list */
+port *current_ports = ports;
+/* struct hoststruct currenths = *tmpcurrenths; */
+ /*
+ * retrieve exploits from exploit.dat if we have not already
+ * done so. Store them in array of exploit structures.
+ * total_exploits = the number of exploits retrieved from exploit.dat
+ */
+ if (o.debugging) {
+ printf("\n[DEBUG]: Entering vulnscan() function\n");
+ printf(" currenths->name = %s\n", currenths->name);
+ printf(" inet_ntoa(currenths->host) = %s\n", inet_ntoa(currenths->host));
+ printf(" currenths->FP_matches[0]->OS_name = %s\n\n", currenths->FP_matches[0]->OS_name);
+ }
+ if (total_exploits == 0) {
+ if (o.debugging) {
+ printf("[DEBUG]: vulnscan(): calling function get_exploits(currenths)\n");
+ }
+ get_exploits(currenths);
+ }
+ /*
+ * cycle through the array of exploits, comparing each one
+ * to the current operating system we're working on now.
+ * For each exploit that is found that matches our current target OS,
+ * make sure the exploits destination port is one that was found to
+ * be an open port. (*ports)
+ */
+ if (o.debugging) {
+ printf("[DEBUG]: cycling through array of exploits\n");
+ }
+ for (indexnum=0; indexnum < total_exploits; indexnum++) {
+ if ( (strstr(current_os, exploit[indexnum].os_name)) || (strstr(exploit[indexnum].os_name, "ALL")) ) {
+ /*
+ * cycle through current->portno looking for a destination
+ * port that matches the criteria in the current exploit struct
+ */
+ if (o.debugging) {
+ printf("[DEBUG]: exploit[indexnum].os_name matches current_os,\n");
+ printf(" checking current->portno for a port match.\n");
+ printf(" indexnum = %d\n", indexnum);
+ printf(" exploit[indexnum].os_name = %s\n", exploit[indexnum].os_name);
+ printf(" current_os = %s\n", current_os);
+ }
+ current_ports = current;
+ while (current_ports != NULL) {
+ portindex = atoi(exploit[indexnum].exploit_port);
+ if (o.debugging) {
+ printf("[DEBUG]: inside while loop... current != NULL\n");
+ printf(" portindex = %d\n", portindex);
+ printf(" current_ports->portno = %d\n", current_ports->portno);
+ }
+ if (portindex == current_ports->portno) {
+ /*
+ * scan_host for vulnerable services
+ */
+ if (o.debugging) {
+ printf("[DEBUG]: current_ports->portno is equal to exploit[indexnum].exploit_port\n");
+ printf(" executing scan_host() for vulnerable services.\n");
+ }
+ scan_host(currenths, exploit[indexnum].exploit_port,
+ exploit[indexnum].exploit_prot, exploit[indexnum].wait_data1,
+ exploit[indexnum].send_data1, exploit[indexnum].wait_data2,
+ exploit[indexnum].exec_prog, exploit[indexnum].comment);
+ break;
+ }
+ tmp = current_ports;
+ current_ports = current_ports->next;
+ } /* end while loop cycling through current->portno */
+ } /* endif ststr exploit[indexnum].os_name for current_os */
+ } /* end for loop cycling through exploits */
+ return 0;
+ * scan_host: all purpose function for sending and
+ * receiving data over an inet domain socket.
+ */
+char *scan_host (struct hoststruct *currenths, char *dest_port, char *protocol,
+ char *wait_data1, char *send_data1,
+ char *wait_data2, char *exec_prog, char *comment) {
+int socket_id, res, vulnerable_flag = 0;
+struct sockaddr_in sock; /* destination socket structure */
+char response[1024]; /* data recieved from socket connection */
+char *execprog_token; /* token for each field of exec_prog */
+char execprog_buf[1024]; /* the whole buffer for exec_prog */
+int destport;
+ /*
+ * Create socket. socket_id must note equal < 0
+ */
+ destport = atoi(dest_port);
+ if (o.debugging) {
+ printf("[DEBUG]: Entering scan_host() function:\n");
+ printf(" inet_ntoa(currenths->host) = %s\n", inet_ntoa(currenths->host));
+ printf(" currenths->host.s_addr = %d\n", currenths->host.s_addr);
+ printf(" dest_port = %s\n", dest_port);
+ printf(" destport = %d\n", destport);
+ }
+ if ((socket_id = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP)) < 0) {
+ perror("socket"); exit(1); }
+ sock.sin_family = AF_INET;
+ sock.sin_addr.s_addr = currenths->host.s_addr; /* destination address */
+ sock.sin_port = htons(destport); /* destination port */
+ res=0;
+ res = connect(socket_id, (struct sockaddr_in *) &sock, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in));
+ res = connect(socket_id,(struct sockaddr_in *)&sock, sizeof(sock));
+ if (res < 0) {
+ if (o.debugging || o.verbose)
+ printf("port %d not open for some reason.\n", destport);
+ close(socket_id);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ /*
+ * Port is open. Recieve data.
+ */
+ if (o.debugging) {
+ printf("[DEBUG]: scan_host(): port is open. attempting to receive data.\n");
+ }
+ bzero(response, 1024);
+ while ((res = recvtime(socket_id, response, 1024,4)) > 0)
+ if (res < 0) {
+ perror("recvtime problem");
+ exit(1);
+ }
+/* if ((res = read(socket_id, response, 1024)) == -1) {
+ perror("reading from port");
+ close(socket_id);
+ return 0;
+ } */
+ if (o.debugging) {
+ printf(" response = %s\n", response);
+ printf(" wait_data1 = %s\n", wait_data1);
+ }
+ /* if ((res = regex_parse(response, wait_data1)) == 0) */
+ if (strstr(response, wait_data1)) {
+ if (o.debugging) {
+ printf("[DEBUG]: wait_data1 recieved from port\n");
+ printf(" inet_ntoa(currenths->host) = %s\n", inet_ntoa(currenths->host));
+ printf(" wait_data1 = %s\n", wait_data1);
+ }
+ /*
+ * wait_data1 received.
+ */
+ vulnerable_flag++;
+ if (strcmp(send_data1, "NULL")) {
+ if (o.debugging) {
+ printf("[DEBUG]: send_data1 does NOT contain the word NULL\n");
+ printf(" inet_ntoa(currenths->host) = %s\n", inet_ntoa(currenths->host));
+ printf(" send_data1 = %s\n", send_data1);
+ }
+ /*
+ * send_data1 doesnt contain the word "NULL",
+ * attempt to send data (send_data1) to port
+ */
+ if (write(socket_id, send_data1, strlen(send_data1) + 1) == -1) {
+ perror("writing send_dat1 to port");
+ close(socket_id);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if ((res = read(socket_id, response, 1024)) == -1) {
+ perror("reading from port");
+ close(socket_id);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ /*
+ * compare wait_data2 to the port response
+ * if it compares correctly, increment vulnerable flag.
+ */
+ if ((strstr(response, wait_data2)) != NULL) {
+ }
+ }
+ if (vulnerable_flag > 0) {
+ if (o.debugging) {
+ printf("[DEBUG]: vulnerable_flag is greater than zero\n");
+ printf(" vulnerable_flag = %d\n", vulnerable_flag);
+ printf(" currenths->name = %s\n", currenths->name);
+ printf(" inet_ntoa(currenths->host) = %s\n", inet_ntoa(currenths->host));
+ printf(" dest_port = %s\n", dest_port);
+ printf(" destport = %d\n", destport);
+ }
+ /*
+ * this host was found to be vulnerable.
+ * use nmap_log to log it
+ */
+ printf("Host %s (%s), port %d: %s", currenths->name,
+ inet_ntoa(currenths->host), destport, comment);
+ /*
+ * if the config file contains a program to execute for
+ * this exploit, parse the program to exec, looking for
+ * variables to be substituted using strtok().
+ *
+ * The string "NULL" should be in the exec_prog field
+ * of the config file if there is no program to execute.
+ */
+ if (strcmp(exploit[indexnum].exec_prog, "NULL")) {
+ if (o.debugging) {
+ printf("[DEBUG]: exec_prog field does not equal NULL. Parsing exec_prog args\n");
+ }
+ while((execprog_token = strtok(exploit[indexnum].exec_prog, " ")) != NULL) {
+ if (o.debugging) {
+ printf("[DEBUG]: exec_prog: inside while loop..\n");
+ printf(" execprog_token = %s\n", execprog_token);
+ }
+ if (strstr(execprog_token, "%IP")) {
+ /*
+ * if current token has the variable %IP, substitute it
+ * with the current IP address
+ */
+ strncat(execprog_buf, inet_ntoa(currenths->host),
+ strlen(inet_ntoa(currenths->host)));
+ } else {
+ strncat(execprog_buf, execprog_token, strlen(execprog_token));
+ }
+ }
+ execl(execprog_buf, execprog_buf, NULL);
+ } /* end compare exec_prog field to NULL */
+ return 0;
+ /* work needs to be done here ? */
+ } /* end if vulnerable_flag > 0 */
+ return 0;
+ } /* end wait_data1 received from port */
+ return 0;
+int get_exploits(struct hoststruct *currenths) {
+ * get_exploitis: open exploit.dat file and pull out all exploits
+ * matching os_type. Put this into exploit struct.
+ */
+FILE *exploit_fp; /* file pointer for exploit.dat file */
+int exploit_num = 0; /* current index number in exploit struct */
+char line[1024]; /* max size of each line of exploit.dat file */
+char *copyline;
+int osnameindex;
+struct os_match
+ {
+ char *osmatch;
+ char *ostype;
+ };
+static struct os_match osindex[] =
+ { "Linux", "LINUX" },
+ { "FreeBSD", "FREEBSD" },
+ { "AIX", "AIX" },
+ { "BSDI BSD/OS 2.1", "BSDI21" },
+ { "BSDI BSD/OS 3.0", "BSDI30" },
+ { "BSDI 4.0", "BSDI40" },
+ { "OSF1", "OSF1" },
+ { "HP JetDirect", "HPJETDIRECT" },
+ { "HP-UX", "HPUX" },
+ { "IRIX", "IRIX" },
+ { "NetBSD", "NETBSD" },
+ { "NeXT", "NEXT" },
+ { "OpenBSD", "OPENBSD" },
+ { "SCO OpenServer", "SCO" },
+ { "SCO UnixWare", "UNIXWARE" },
+ { "SCO Version", "SCO" },
+ { "Solaris 2.3", "SOLARIS24" },
+ { "Solaris 2.5", "SOLARIS25" },
+ { "Solaris 2.6", "SOLARIS26" },
+ { "SunOS", "SUNOS" },
+ { "Ultrix", "ULTRIX" },
+ { "Windows NT4 / Win 98", "WINNT32" },
+ { "Windows NT 5", "WINNT5" },
+ { "VAX/VMS", "VMS" },
+ { "OpenVMS", "OPENVMS" },
+ { NULL, NULL }
+ /*
+ * Open the file for parsing
+ */
+ if ((exploit_fp = fopen("exploit.dat", "r")) == NULL) {
+ if (o.debugging) {
+ printf("[DEBUG]: get_exploits(): error fopen exploit.dat\n");
+ }
+ fprintf(stderr,"Error: can not open exploit.dat for reading.\n");
+ perror("fopen");
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ /*
+ * loop until lines have been read. insert data into the exploit struct
+ * until all lines have been read.
+ */
+ while ((fgets (line, 1024, exploit_fp)) != NULL) {
+ /*
+ * total_exploits is set to zero on each execution of this function.
+ * if total_exploits is set to zero, we should zero out all old
+ * values stored in the exploit structure.
+ */
+ if (total_exploits == 0) {
+ if (o.debugging) {
+ printf("[DEBUG]: get_exploits(): total_exploits == 0, trucating exploit structure\n");
+ }
+ bzero(exploit, sizeof(*exploit));
+ }
+ copyline = strdup(line);
+ exploit[exploit_num].os_name = strtok(copyline, ",");
+ exploit[exploit_num].exploit_port = strtok(NULL, ",");
+ exploit[exploit_num].exploit_prot = strtok(NULL, ",");
+ exploit[exploit_num].wait_data1 = strtok(NULL, ",");
+ exploit[exploit_num].send_data1 = strtok(NULL, ",");
+ exploit[exploit_num].wait_data2 = strtok(NULL, ",");
+ exploit[exploit_num].exec_prog = strtok(NULL, ",");
+ exploit[exploit_num].comment = strtok(NULL, ",");
+/* sscanf (line, "%s,%d,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s", exploit[exploit_num].os_name,
+ exploit[exploit_num].exploit_port, exploit[exploit_num].exploit_prot,
+ exploit[exploit_num].wait_data1, exploit[exploit_num].send_data1,
+ exploit[exploit_num].wait_data2,
+ exploit[exploit_num].exec_prog, exploit[exploit_num].comment); */
+ if (o.debugging) {
+ printf("[DEBUG]: get_exploits(): inside while loop...\n");
+ printf(" line = %s", line);
+ printf(" exploit_num = %d\n", exploit_num);
+ printf(" exploit[exploit_num].os_name = %s\n", exploit[exploit_num].os_name);
+ printf(" exploit[exploit_num].exploit_port = %s\n", exploit[exploit_num].exploit_port);
+ printf(" exploit[exploit_num].exploit_prot = %s\n", exploit[exploit_num].exploit_prot);
+ printf(" exploit[exploit_num].wait_data1 = %s\n", exploit[exploit_num].wait_data1);
+ printf(" exploit[exploit_num].send_data1 = %s\n", exploit[exploit_num].send_data1);
+ printf(" exploit[exploit_num].wait_data2 = %s\n", exploit[exploit_num].wait_data2);
+ printf(" exploit[exploit_num].exec_prog = %s\n", exploit[exploit_num].exec_prog);
+ printf(" exploit[exploit_num].comment = %s\n\n", exploit[exploit_num].comment);
+ }
+ if (exploit_num == MAX_EXPLOITS) {
+ break;
+ }
+ exploit_num++;
+ total_exploits++;
+ } /* end while loop */
+ if (o.debugging) {
+ printf("[DEBUG]: get_exploits(): end while loop.\n");
+ printf(" exploit_num = %d\n", exploit_num);
+ printf(" total_exploits = %d\n", total_exploits);
+ }
+ /* Format of exploit.dat:
+ *
+ * Definitions:
+ * PORT=[0-65536]
+ * WAIT_DATA1=data to expect to recieve to compare if vulnerable
+ * must be a regular expression pattern in "/pattern/" format.
+ * SEND_DATA1=data to send (if null use "NULL")
+ * WAIT_DATA2=data to expect (if null use "NULL")
+ * if SEND_DATA1 is NULL, WAIT_DATA2 is skipped.
+ * EXEC_PROG=pathname/filename to exec with variable substitution, or "NULL"
+ * options: %IP = ip address in dot notation
+ * %HOSTNAME = hostname
+ * COMMENTS=comments to log if vulnerable
+ */
+ /*
+ * Close the file
+ */
+ if (o.debugging) {
+ printf("[DEBUG]: get_exploits(): fclose(exploit_fp)\n");
+ }
+ fclose(exploit_fp);
+ /*
+ * Assign the current OS fingerprint (currenths->FP_matches[0]->OS_name)
+ * to something recognizable by the exploit.dat config file
+ */
+ for (osnameindex=0; osnameindex != EOF; osnameindex++) {
+ if (strstr(currenths->FP_matches[0]->OS_name, osindex[osnameindex].osmatch) != NULL) {
+ if (o.debugging) {
+ printf("[DEBUG]: get_exploit: assigning OS fingerprint\n");
+ printf(" currenths->FP_matches[0]->OS_name = %s\n",
+ currenths->FP_matches[0]->OS_name);
+ printf(" osindex[osnameindex].osmatch = %s\n", osindex[osnameindex].osmatch);
+ printf(" osindex[osnameindex].ostype = %s\n\n", osindex[osnameindex].ostype);
+ }
+ current_os = osindex[osnameindex].ostype;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (o.debugging){
+ printf("[DEBUG]: get_exploits: return 0 for sucess.\n");
+ }
+ return 0; /* everything went smoothly */
+ * regex_parse: parse port_data for regular expression pattern match regex_data
+ * return 0 on successful pattern matching
+ */
+int regex_parse (char *port_data, char regex_data[]) {
+regex_t reg;
+char error_buff[256];
+char pattern[256];
+int res;
+ if ((regex_data[0]) == '/') {
+ if ((strlen(regex_data)) >= 256) {
+ regex_data[256] = '\0';
+ }
+ sprintf(pattern, "/%s/", regex_data);
+ }
+ if ((res = regcomp (&reg, pattern, REG_EXTENDED))) {
+ regerror(res, &reg, error_buff, sizeof(error_buff));
+ printf("%s\n", error_buff);
+ }
+ if ((res = regexec(&reg, port_data, 0, NULL, 0)) == 0) {
+ regfree(&reg);
+ /*
+ * regexec returns 0 for successful match or REG_NOMATCH for failure.
+ */
+ return res;
+ } else {
+ regfree(&reg);
+ return -1;
+ }
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