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Posted Apr 10, 2000
Authored by Prizm

IRIX Login Security - In this paper you will learn a bit about logins, and the seriousness of what could happen if you don't take certain precautions. You will have found out some options you can take with your logins, certain restrictions, and a lot more.

tags | paper
systems | unix, irix
SHA-256 | 35daa4e31eadc2e9835852cb680f16c18c3d63d83c32a3c93afa078dcdfd4718


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- Prizm document #1 -
- IRIX Login Security -
- written by Prizm -
- prizm@resentment.org -
1. Introduction.
2. Login Types/Purposes.
3. Disabling Logins that are out of use.
4. Configuring Login Options for your System(enhancing security)
5. IRIX Passwordless Account Scanner(written in C) by Mixter(mixter@newyorkoffice.com)

1. Introduction.

This document is meant to educate IRIX administrators, users and others just interested
in learning. By reading this, you will learn a bit about logins, and the seriousness of what
could happen if you don't take certain precautions. You will have found out some options you can
take with your logins, certain restrictions, and a lot more. This document was written because,
plenty of people don't seem to realize how serious login/password issues are with IRIX 3.x
through IRIX 6.x. Although, there have been many advisories written on passwordless account in
the IRIX operating system, I thought I would write this to go a little bit more in-depth, and
show you how to prevent unwanted users from accessing your system through accounts you did not
know were without a password. Please take notice of the advice this document provides, it is
crucial to all who have SGI's IRIX Operating System installed.

2. Login Types/Purposes.

Below is a chart of different system logins and little information on each specific login:
| Login | |
| Name | Purpose/Information about this Login type |
| | Has the abilities/privileges of a regular user login over the files |
| bin | that are owned by the user, the files are all around the system. The |
| | 'bin' login should be disabled. |
| | Utlized by remote work stations to log in to the machine and start |
| nuucp | file transefers by way of /usr/lib/uucp/uucico. |
| | Owner of object and spooled files that reside in /var/spool/lp. Unless|
| lp | the machine is setup as a print server, the lp login should be |
| | disabled. |
| | 'root' login is also known as 'superuser'. It basically means you are |
| root | in full control of the system, no protections and no permissions. You |
| | can access anything on the box if you are root. |
| | This login can be su'd. It only has access to the files that are |
| adm | owned by it, which are, all the time, located in /var/adm. This login,|
| | like others should be disabled immediately. |
| | Daemon login is the machine daemon, it controls background processing |
| daemon | and should be disabled. |
| | Like the bin and adm logins, sys only has access to the files that are|
| sys | owned by 'sys', which are located in /usr/src. This login should be |
| | disabled, like most others. |
| | Like the lp login, uucp only owns the object and spooled data, which, |
| uucp | for this particular login, are located in /usr/lib/uucp and /etc/uucp.|
| | The 'guest' account/login, is installed by default from SGI on all |
| guest | versions of IRIX, this can cause a problem because it is passwordless.|
| | This problem can be solved simply by giving 'guest' a password. |
| | Holds the system setup. |
| EZsetup | |
| | Demonstration user account. |
| demos | |
| | 4DGIFTS(/usr/people/4Dgifts/) account. (basically retired after IRIX |
| 4DGIFTS | 5.3) |
| | OutofBox Experience(/usr/people/OutOfBox)account. The OutofBox |
| OutOfBox | subsystem is install on all SGI O2 machines. |

NOTE: the accounts OutofBox, 4DGIFTS, Demos, EZsetup, guest, nuucp, lp and root(give this login
a password ASAP!) Beware, giving some of these accounts(example: lp) passwords may cause some
programs to not function correctly or at all for that matter.

3. Disabling Logins that are out of use.
If you find a login that is inactive/not being used, disable it immediately. The UID
is meant only for the user who it was created for. If this account is reused, the new user could
be in danger, because the ex-users files may contain worms and/or other security hazards, which,
in turn, could damage your system. You should make a backup of the users home directory(data and
all) and then remove it. Whatever the case is, never remove an entry from your /etc/passwd. You
can disable an account by doing one of the following:

The ex-users password entry might look something like this

john:4.A/E5GDXgH3:4444:14:John Doe:/usr/people/john:/bin/tcsh

To disable (or lock) this login, do this:

passwd -l john (-l [username] will block all logins attempting to enter through that username)

by doing this the entry in /etc/passwd will now look like this

john:*LK*:4444:14:John Doe:/usr/people/john:/bin/tcsh

Another way to disable a login is by way of directly editing the /etc/passwd file.
Replace the password field to any line of characters that is not used by the program that creates
encrypted passwords. The previous way of disabling logins was by using the passwd -l [username]
command, by using -l it automatically inserts *LK* into the entry, but you can use other strings
to disable logins.

You can insert a word such as 'locked' in the passwd entry, which will look like this:

john:locked;:4444:14:John Doe:/usr/people/john:

The semicolon, that is placed after 'locked', is not used by encrypted passwords,
inserting this semicolon will cause the login to be disabled.

You can also disable a certain login by editing /etc/passwd and inserting an asterix (*)
in the password field.

4. Configuring Login Options for your System(enhancing security)

There is a file in /etc/default/login, which is where login options are set. The file
/etc/default/login is just an average text file. There is one option set per line. You can
set the following options in the login file to enhance your security:

a. Choose to *or* not to display the time and date that the user last logged on. Also which
timezone to display.

- You can set the time zone by adding : TIMEZONE=******(insert timezone where ****** is)

b. Choose to make a user who does not currently have a password to choose one directly upon
logging in.

- Add : PASSREQ to /etc/default/login. If the user does not already have a password you can
add : MANDPASS=YES to /etc/default/login, this will completely prevent the user from logging
in. You can also add PASSREQ=YES to the file, and it will make it so that a certain account
requires a password to succesfully login. You can make an account passwordless by adding
PASSREQ=YES to /etc/default/login

c. Choose how long it should be before the login process can be resumed (if disabled)

- Add : DISABLETIME=** (insert a number where ** is, default system setting is 20) to
/etc/default/login. Use this with the MAXTRYS option. You can also use SLEEPTIME.

d. Choose whether or not to have the system maintain a log of all the users who logged in, you
may choose to log all logins or just those who successfully logged in.

- Add : SYSLOG=ALL to /etc/default/login to make the system log all logins. Add : SYSLOG=FAIL
to log only failed login attempts.

e. Choose to make it so that if a certain person tried to login to an account, specify the exact
number of times to allow this individuals login attempts to fail and to cause that specific
account to shutdown after the user has failed to succesfully log in.

- Add the LOCKOUT option to /etc/default/login to completely shutdown a login that is trying
to be logged into, that was disabled by using passwd -l [username]. You can also add
LOCKOUTEXEMPT to exempt a certain login if you use the LOCKOUT option.

f. Choose the number of times an attempted login can fail before it exits.

- Add : MAXTRYS=** (insert a number where ** is, the default system setting is 3). This will
set the the number of times a user can make failed login attempts before it sleeps.

example(if the default setting is 2 times it will look like this): login: demos
Login incorrect
login: demos
Login incorrect

After this number of logins is attempted, no further login prompts will appear until the
time specified by DISABLETIME(or SLEEPTIME).

g. Choose which device to restrict the root login to, regularly the system console.

- Add : CONSOLE=/*/*(insert the location of a system device in /*/*) a usual choice would be
/dev/console. **WARNING** DO NOT USE /dev/syscon nor /dev/systty as the device for root to
be restricted to, these devices are the same as /dev/console, but the login software does
not treat them the same.

You will be able to keep close watch on your system even when not around. If you enabled
logging, all of the information you specified for the system to log will be logged to
/var/adm/SYSLOG. Logging should usually be enabled, because it was wisely made a default choice
by the vendor. The last time a certain user logged in, the date they logged in, the time, and the
remote host from where the user logged in is kept in /var/adm/lastlog. The users on your system
can stop this information from being logged by having a .hushlogin file in their home directory.

5. IRIX Passwordless Account Scanner(written in C)

This little tool entitled 'IRIX Scanner' is quite handy. You can use this script to check
for passwordless accounts on IRIX systems automatically, with ease. If you are to lazy to check
the passwords yourself, by all means, use this tool. It checks if the following accounts are
without a password: lp, demos, guest, EZsetup, 4Dgifts and OutOfBox.

This script was written by Mixter. You can contact him at mixter@newyorkoffice.com and
visit his website at http://www.mixter.org. Keep in mind, that this code belongs to him. Full
credit goes to mixter for the following code, also thanks to him for giving me permission to use
this in my little document, thanks Mixter!

- 'IRIX Scanner' coded by Mixter -

/* IRIX Scanner - based on remotecmd.c by ADMcrew
irixlp.c is (c) 1999 by Mixter - http://mixter.org
This will scan a IRIX box for default passwordless logins.
Usage: ./irixlp <ip> [delay in microseconds]
To scan from a list: cat IPLIST | while read x ; do ./irixlp $x ; done
-- Mixter */

#define ACC1 "lp\n"
#define ACC2 "demos\n"
#define ACC3 "guest\n"
#define ACC4 "EZsetup\n"
#define ACC5 "4Dgifts\n"
#define ACC6 "OutOfBox\n"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
#include <sys/ioctl.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <netdb.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>

void *memset (void *s, int c, size_t n);
void irixlp (int);
void usage (char *);
char *strcpy (char *dest, const char *src);
int ADMtelnet (u_long);
u_long host2ip (char *);

u_long TIMEMETHAT = 500000;

main (int argc, char **argv)
/* bla */
if (argc < 2)
usage (argv[0]);
if (argc > 2)
TIMEMETHAT = atoi (argv[2]);
printf ("%s: ", argv[1]);
fflush (stdout);
ADMtelnet (host2ip (argv[1]));

usage (char *c)
fprintf (stderr, "usage: %s <ip> [delay]\n", c);
exit (-1);

unsigned long
host2ip (char *serv)
struct sockaddr_in sinn;
struct hostent *hent;

hent = gethostbyname (serv);
if (hent == NULL)
return 0;
bzero ((char *) &sinn, sizeof (sinn));
memcpy ((char *) &sinn.sin_addr, hent->h_addr, hent->h_length);
return sinn.sin_addr.s_addr;

irixlp (int s)
char input[4096];
char ca[50];
int accno = 1;
bzero (input, sizeof (input));
while (read (s, input, 4000) > 0)

if (strstr (input, "ogin"))
switch (accno)
case 1:
write (s, ACC1, strlen (ACC1));
strcpy (ca, ACC1);
case 2:
write (s, ACC2, strlen (ACC2));
strcpy (ca, ACC2);
case 3:
write (s, ACC3, strlen (ACC3));
strcpy (ca, ACC3);
case 4:
write (s, ACC4, strlen (ACC4));
strcpy (ca, ACC4);
case 5:
write (s, ACC5, strlen (ACC5));
strcpy (ca, ACC5);
case 6:
write (s, ACC6, strlen (ACC6));
strcpy (ca, ACC6);
close (s);
printf ("nope\n");
fflush (stdout);
exit (1);
usleep (TIMEMETHAT);
bzero (input, sizeof (input));
if (read (s, input, 4000) < 0)
printf ("connection reset\n");
fflush (stdout);
exit (1);
if (strlen (input) < 1)
printf ("connection reset\n");
fflush (stdout);
exit (1);
if (strstr (input, "$"))
printf ("%s (normal)\n", ca);
fflush (stdout);
exit (1);
if (strstr (input, "#"))
printf ("%s (ROOT)\n", ca);
fflush (stdout);
exit (1);
if (strstr (input, "assword"))
write (s, ca, strlen (ca));
write (s, "\n", strlen ("\n"));
goto meextawr;
if (strstr (input, "UX:"))
if (strstr (input, "error"))
if (strstr (input, "incorrect"))
if (strstr (input, "error"))
goto meextawr;
close (s);

ADMtelnet (u_long ip)
struct sockaddr_in sin;
u_char buf[4000];
int dasock, len;
int longueur = sizeof (struct sockaddr_in);

dasock = socket (AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP); /* gimme a socket */

sin.sin_family = AF_INET;
sin.sin_port = htons (23);
sin.sin_addr.s_addr = ip;

if (connect (dasock, (struct sockaddr *) &sin, longueur) == -1)
printf ("connection refused\n");
fflush (stdout);
return (-1);

while (1)
memset (buf, 0, sizeof (buf));

if ((len = read (dasock, buf, 1)) <= 0)

if (*buf == (unsigned int) 255)
read (dasock, (buf + 1), 2);
if (*(buf + 1) == (unsigned int) 253 && !(u_char) * (buf + 2));
else if ((u_char) * (buf + 1) == (unsigned int) 253)
*(buf + 1) = 252;
write (dasock, buf, 3);
if (*buf != 0)
bzero (buf, sizeof (buf));
read (dasock, buf, sizeof (buf));
irixlp (dasock);
sleep (1);
return 0;

return 0;

- Prizm document #1 -
- Copyright(C) prizm 2000 -
- IRIX is copyright(C) SGI -
- Silicon Graphics Inc. -
- http://www.sgi.com -

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