NCSC-TG-030: A Guide to Understanding Covert Channel Analysis of Trusted Systems, November 1993. (Light Pink Book)
Library No. S-240,572
Version 1
A Guide to Understanding Covert Channel Analysis of Trusted Systems provides a set of good
practices related to covert channel analysis. We have written this guide to help the vendor and
evaluator communities understand the requirements for covert channel analysis as described in the
Department of Defense Trusted Computer System Evaluation Criteria (TCSEC). In an effort to
provide guidance, we make recommendations in this technical guide that are not cited in the
This guide is the latest in a series of technical guidelines published by the National Computer
Security Center. These publications provide insight to the TCSEC requirements for the computer
security vendor and technical evaluator. The goals of the Technical Guideline Program are to
discuss each feature of the TCSEC in detail and to provide the proper interpretations with specific
The National Computer Security Center has established an aggressive program to study and
implement computer security technology. Our goal is to encourage the widespread availability of
trusted computer products for use by any organization desiring better protection of its important
data. One way we do this is by supporting the Trusted Product Evaluation Program. This program
focuses on the security features of commercially produced and supported computer systems. We
evaluate the protection capabilities against the established criteria presented in the TCSEC. This
program, and an open and cooperative business relationship with the computer and
telecommunications industries, will result in the fulfillment of our country's information systems
security requirements. We resolve to meet the challenge of identifying trusted computer products
suitable for use in processing information that requires protection.
I invite your suggestions for revising this technical guide. We will review this document as the
need arises.
The National Computer Security Center (NCSC) extends special recognition and acknowledgment
to Virgil D. Gligor as primary author and preparer of this document, to Jonathan K. Millen for
providing significant technical input for the covert channel identification and bandwidth
estimation sections, and to the first covert channel working group of the NCSC (which met from
1989 to 1991) for providing most of the material presented in Appendices A and 1B. Capt. James
K. Goldston (USAF) and Capt. James A. Muysenberg (USAF) are recognized for the development,
editing, and publication of this guide.
We wish to thank the many members of the computer security community who enthusiastically
gave their time and technical expertise in reviewing this guide and providing valuable comments
and suggestions.
1.1 Background 1
1.2 Purpose 1
1.3 Scope 3
1.4 Control Objective 3
1.5 Document Overview 4
2.1 Definition and Implications 5
2.2 Classification 14
2.2.1 Storage And Timing Channels 14
2.2.2 Noisy and Noiseless Channels 20
2.2.3 Aggregated versus Non-Aggregated Channels 21
2.3 Covert Channels and Flawed TCB Specifications 23
3.1 Sources of Information for Covert Channel Identification 25
3.2 Identification Methods 27
3.2.1 Syntactic Information-Flow Analysis 28
3.2.2 Addition of Semantic Components to Information-Flow Analysis 32
3.2.3 Shared Resource Matrix (SRM) Method 34
3.2.4 Noninterference Analysis 38
3.3 Potential versus Real Covert Channels 41
3.4 TCSEC Requirements and Recommendations 46
4.1 Factors Affecting the Bandwidth Computation 49
4.1.1 Noise and Delay 49
4.1.2 Coding and Symbol Distribution 49
4.1.3 TCB Primitive Selection 50
4.1.4 Measurements and Scenarios of Use 51
4.1.5 System Configuration and Initialization Dependencies 52
4.1.6 Aggregation of Covert Channels 52
4.1.7 Transient Covert Channels 53
4.2 Bandwidth Estimation Methods 53
4.2.1 Information-Theory-Based Method for Channel-Bandwidth Estimation 53
4.2.2 Informal Method for Estimating Covert Channel Bandwidth 60
4.2.3 Differences Between the Two Methods 62
4.3 TCSEC Requirements and Recommendations 63
5.1 Elimination of Covert Channels 65
5.2 Bandwidth Limitation 67
5.3 Auditing the Use of Covert Channels 72
5.4 TCSEC Requirements and Recommendations 75
5.5 Handling Policies Based on Threat Analysis 76
6.1 Testing Requirements and Recommendations 81
6.2 Test Documentation 81
7.1 Requirements for Class B2 83
7.1.1 Covert Channel Analysis 83
7.1.2 Audit 84
7.1.3 Design Documentation 85
7.1.4 Test Documentation 86
7.2 Additional Requirements for Class B3 86
7.2.1 Covert Channel Analysis 86
7.2.2 Audit 87
7.2.3 Design Documentation 87
7.2.4 Test Documentation 87
7.3 Additional Requirements for Class A1 87
A.1 Storage Channels 109
A.1.1 Table-Space Exhaustion Channels 109
A.1.2 Unmount of Busy File System Channels 110
A.1.3 Printer Attachment Channel 110
A.2 Timing Channels 111
A.2.l I/O Scheduling Channels 113
A.2.2 I/O Operation Completion Channels 113
A.2.3 Memory Resource Management Channels 114
A.2.3.1 Data Page Pool Channels 114
A.2.3.2 Active Segment Table Channels 114
A.2.4 Device Controller Contention Channels 115
A.2.5 Exclusive Use of Segments Channels 115
A.2.6 Synchronization Primitive Contention Channels 115
B.1 FDM Ina Flow Tool 117
B.1.1 MLS 118
B.1.2 SRM 118
B.2 GYPSY Flow Analyzer 118
B.3 EHDM MLS Tool 119
B.4 Source-code Analysis Tool 121
The principal goal of the National Computer Security Center (NCSC) is to encourage the
widespread availability of trusted computer systems. In support of this goal, the NCSC created a
metric, the Department of Defense (DoD) Trusted Computer System Evaluation Criteria (TCSEC)
[NCSC TCSEC], against which computer systems could be evaluated.
The TCSEC was originally published on 15 August 1983 as CSC-STD-001-83. In December
1985, the Department of Defense adopted it, with a few changes, as a Department of Defense
Standard, DoD 5200.28-STD. DoD Directive 5200.28, Security Requirements for Automated
Information Systems (AISs) [DoD Directive], requires the TCSEC be used throughout the
Department of Defense. The TCSEC is the standard used for evaluating the effectiveness of
security controls built into DoD AISs.
The TCSEC is divided into four divisions: D, C, B, and A. These divisions are ordered in a
hierarchical manner, with the highest division (A) being reserved for systems providing the best
available level of assurance and security. Within divisions C and B are subdivisions known as
classes, which are also ordered in a hierarchical manner to represent different levels of security in
these divisions.
An important set of TCSEC requirements, which appears in classes B2 to A1,is that of covert
channel analysis (CCA). The objectives of CCA are:
· Identification of covert channels;
· Determination of covert channels' maximum attainable bandwidth;
· Handling covert channels using a well-defined policy consistent with the TCSEC
objectives; and
· Generation of assurance evidence to show that all channels are handled according to the
policy in force. To help accomplish these objectives, this guide (1) presents the relative
merits of covert channel identification methods and of the covert channel information
sources, (2) recommends sound bandwidth determination and handling policies and
methods based on the TCSEC requirements, and (3) defines the types of evidence that
should be provided for handling assurance.
This document provides guidance to vendors on what types of analyses they should carry out
for identifying and handling covert channels in their systems, and to system evaluators and
accreditors on how to evaluate the manufacturer's analysis evidence. Note, however, that the only
measure of TCSEC compliance is the TCSEC. This guide contains suggestions and
recommendations derived from TCSEC objectives but which are not required by the TCSEC.
This guide is not a tutorial introduction to any topic of CCA. Instead, it is a summary of
analysis issues that should be addressed by operating systems designers, evaluators, and
accreditors to satisfy the requirements of the B2-A1 classes. Thus, we assume the reader is an
operating system designer or evaluator already familiar with the notion of covert channels in
operating systems. For this reader, the guide defines a set of baseline requirements and
recommendations for the analysis and evaluation of covert channels. For the reader unfamiliar with
CCA techniques used to date, the following areas of further documentation and study may be
· Mandatory security models and their interpretation in operating systems [Bell and La
Padula76, Biba77, Denning83, Gasser88, Honeywell85a, Honeywell85b,
Luckenbaugh86, Rushby85, Walter74];
· Experience with covert channel identification reported in the literature to date
[Benzel84, Haigh87, He and Gligor90, Karger and Wray91, Kemmerer83, Lipner75,
Loepere85, Millen76, Millen8l, Millen89b, Schaefer77, Tsai90, Wray91];
· Bandwidth estimation techniques using standard information theory [Huskamp78,
Millen89a, Shannon and Weaver64]; informal bandwidth estimation techniques [Tsai
and Gligor88j;
· Covert channel handling techniques [Schaefer77, Shieh and Gligor90, Hu91]; and
· Other TCSEC guidelines relevant to covert channel handling [NCSC Audit, NCSC
The reader who is intimately familiar with CCA techniques may want to refer only to the
sections on the "TCSEC Requirements and Recommendations" (i.e., Sections 3.4, 4.3, and 6.1) and
on "Satisfying the TCSEC Requirements for Covert Channel Analysis" (Chapter 7).
This guide refers to covert channel identification and handling methods which help assure that
existent covert channels do not compromise a system's secure operation. Although the guide
addresses the requirements of systems supporting the TCSEC mandatory policy, the analysis and
handling methods discussed apply equally well to systems supporting any nondiscretionary (e.g.,
mandatory) security policy [Saltzer and Schroeder75]. We make additional recommendations
which we derive from the stated objectives of the TCSEC. Not addressed are covert channels that
only security administrators or operators can exploit by using privileged (i.e., trusted) software. We
consider use of these channels an irrelevant threat because these administrators, who must be
trusted anyway, can usually disclose classified and sensitive information using a variety of other
more effective methods.
This guide applies to computer systems and products built with the intention of satisfying
TCSEC requirements at the B2-A1 levels. Although we do not explicitly address covert channels
in networks or distributed database management systems, the issues we discuss in this guide are
similar to the ones for those channels.
Covert channel analysis is one of the areas of operational assurance. As such, its control
objective is that of assurance. The assurance objective provided in [NCSC TCSEC] is the
Systems that are used to process or handle classified or other sensitive information must be
designed to guarantee correct and accurate interpretation of the security policy and must
not distort the intent of that policy. Assurance must be provided that correct
implementation and operation of the policy exists throughout the system's life-cycle.
This objective affects CCA in two important ways. First, covert channels are the result of an
implementation of a nondiscretionary security policy at the operating system level; therefore,
depending on how this policy is implemented within a given system, the resulting system will have
fewer or more covert channels. Second, the existence of covert channels poses a potential threat to
the use of the mandatory policy throughout the system's life cycle. Thus, the identification and
handling of covert channels represents an important tenet of mandatory policy support in B2-A1
This guide contains seven chapters, a glossary, a bibliography, and two appendices. Chapter
2 reviews various definitions of covert channels, presents the policy implications of those
definitions, and classifies channels. Chapter 3 presents various sources of covert channel
information and identification methods, and discusses their relative practical advantages. Chapter
4 describes bandwidth estimation and illustrates a technique based on standard information theory
that can be applied effectively in practice. Chapter 5 reviews various covert channel handling
methods and policies that are consistent with the TCSEC requirements. Chapter 6 discusses covert
channel testing and test documentation. Chapter 7 presents TCSEC requirements for CCA, and
includes additional recommendations corresponding to B2-A1 evaluation classes. The glossary
contains the definitions of the significant terms used herein. The bibliography lists the references
cited in the text. Appendix A cites some examples of storage and timing channels. Appendix B
describes the capabilities of several tools for covert channel identification.
In this chapter we provide several definitions of covert channels and discuss the dependency
of these channels on implementations of nondiscretionary access control policies (i.e., of policy
models). Also, we classify channels using various aspects of their scenarios of use.
The notion of covert communication was introduced in [Lampson73] and analyzed in
[Lipner75, Schaefer77, Huskamp78, Denning83, Kemmerer83], among others. Several definitions
for covert channels have been proposed, such as the following:
· Definition 1 - A communication channel is covert if it is neither designed nor intended
to transfer information at all. [Lampson73] (Note: Lampson's definition of covert
channels is also presented in [Huskamp78].)
· Definition 2 - A communication channel is covert (e.g., indirect) if it is based on
"transmission by storage into variables that describe resource states." [Schaefer77]
· Definition 3 - Covert channels "will be defined as those channels that are a result of
resource allocation policies and resource management implementation." [Huskamp78]
(Note: The computing environment usually carries out resource allocation policies and
· Definition 4 - Covert channels are those that "use entities not normally viewed as data
objects to transfer information from one subject to another." [Kemmerer83]
The last three of the above definitions have been used successfully in various security designs
for new and retrofitted operating systems and in general covert channel analyses. However, none
of the above definitions brings out explicitly the notion that covert channels depend on the type of
nondiscretionary access control (e.g., mandatory) policy being used and on the policy's
implementation within a system design. A new definition using these concepts can be provided that
is consistent with the TCSEC definition of covert channels, which states that a covert channel is "a
communication channel that allows a process to transfer information in a manner that violates the
system's security policy."
· Definition 5 - Given a nondiscretionary (e.g., mandatory) security policy model M and
its interpretation I(M) in an operating system, any potential communication between
two subjects I(Sh) and I(Si) of I(M) is covert if and only if any communication between
the corresponding subjects Sh and Si of the model M is illegal in M. [Tsai90]
The above definition has several consequences that help explain the relevance (or lack thereof)
of covert channels to different access control policies, as listed below:
(1) Irrelevance of Discretionary Policy Models
The above definition implies that covert channels depend only on the interpretation of
nondiscretionary security models. This means the notion of covert channels is irrelevant to
discretionary security models.
Discretionary policy models exhibit a vulnerability to Trojan Horse attacks regardless of their
interpretation in an operating system [NCSC DAC, Gasser88]. That is, implementations of these
models within operating systems cannot determine whether a program acting on behalf of a user
may release information on behalf of that user in a legitimate manner. Information release may take
place via shared memory objects such as files, directories, messages, and so on. Thus, a Trojan
Horse acting on behalf of a user could release user-private information using legitimate operating
system requests. Although developers can build various mechanisms within an operating system
to restrict the activity of programs (and Trojan Horses) operating on behalf of a user [Karger87],
there is no general way, short of implementing nondiscretionary policy models, to restrict the
activity of such programs. Thus, given that discretionary models cannot prevent the release of
sensitive information through legitimate program activity, it is not meaningful to consider how
these programs might release information illicitly by using covert channels.
The vulnerability of discretionary policies to Trojan Horse and virus attacks does not render
these policies useless. Discretionary policies provide users a means to protect their data objects
from unauthorized access by other users in a relatively benign environment (e.g., an environment
free from software containing Trojan Horses and viruses). The role of nondiscretionary policies is
to confine the activity of programs containing Trojan Horses and viruses. In this context, the
implementation of mandatory policies suggested by the TCSEC, which forms an important
subclass of nondiscretionary security policies, must address the problem of unauthorized release
of information through covert channels.
(2) Dependency on Nondiscretionary Security Policy Models
A simple example illustrates the dependency of covert channels on the security policy model
used. Consider a (nondiscretionary) separation model M that prohibits any flow of information
between two subjects Sh and Si Communication in either direction, from Sh to Si and vice versa, is
prohibited. In contrast, consider a multilevel security model, M', where messages from Sh to Si are
allowed only if the security level of Si dominates that of Sh. Here, some communication between
5h and Si may be authorized in M'.
The set of covert channels that appears when the operating system implements model M' may
be a subset of those that appear when the same operating system implements model M. The covert
channels allowing information to flow from Sh to Si in interpretations of model M could become
authorized communication channels in an interpretation of model M'.
The dependency of covert channels on the (nondiscretionary) security policy models does not
imply one can eliminate covert channels merely by changing the policy model. Certain covert
channels will exist regardless of the type of nondiscretionary access control policy used. However,
this dependency becomes important in the identification of covert channels in specifications or
code by automated tools. This is the case because exclusive reliance on syntactic analysis that
ignores the semantics of the security model implementation cannot avoid false illegal flows. We
discuss and illustrate this in sections 3.2.2 and 3.3.
(3) Relevance to Both Secrecy and Integrity Models
In general, the notion of covert channels is relevant to any secrecy or integrity model
establishing boundaries meant to prevent information flow. Thus, analysis of covert channels is
equally important to the implementation of both nondiscretionary secrecy (e.g., [Bell and La
Padula76, Denning76, Denning77, Denning83, NCSC TCSEC]) and integrity models (e.g.,
[Biba77, Clark and Wilson87]). In systems implementing nondiscretionary secrecy models, such
as those implementing the mandatory security policies of the TCSEC at levels B2-A1, CCA assures
the discovery of (hopefully all) illicit ways to output (leak) information originating from a specific
secrecy level (e.g., "confidential/personnel files/") to a lower, or incomparable, secrecy level (e.g.,
"unclassified/telephone directory/"). Similarly, in systems implementing nondiscretionary
integrity models, such analysis also assures the discovery of (hopefully all) illicit ways to input
information originating from a specific integrity level (e.g., "valued/personnel registry/") to a
higher, or incomparable, integrity level (e.g., "essential/accounts payable/"). Without such
assurances, one cannot implement appropriate countermeasures and, therefore, nondiscretionary
security claims become questionable at best. Figures 2-1(a) and 2-1(b) illustrate the notion of
illegal flows in specific nondiscretionary secrecy and nondiscretionary integrity models.
Figure 2-1. Legal and Illegal Flows
Example 0 - Relevance of Covert Channels to an Integrity Model
Figure 2-2 illustrates the relevance of covert channels to nondiscretionary integrity models.
Although this figure assumes a specific nondiscretionary integrity model (i.e., Biba's [Biba77]),
covert channels are equally relevant to all nondiscretionary integrity models. In Figure 2-2, a user
logged in at the integrity level IL1 invokes, through a command processor (i.e., the shell), an
accounts payable application that prints payees, names on signed-check papers on a printer. The
user is trusted to operate at integrity level IL1 and, by virtue of this trust, his input to the accounts
payable application is also classified at integrity level IL1. For similar reasons, both the accounts
payable application and the printer are activated at the current integrity level IL1. However, the
accounts payable application (and, possibly, the shell) consists of an untrusted set of programs.
Figure 2-2. Relevance of Covert Channels to an Integrity Model
The presence of untrusted software in the above example should not be surprising. Most
application programs running on trusted computing bases (TCBs) supporting nondiscretionary
secrecy consist of untrusted code. Recall that the ability to run untrusted applications on top of
TCBs without undue loss of security is one of the major tenets of trusted computer systems.
Insisting that all applications that might contain a Trojan Horse, which could use covert channels
affecting integrity, be included within an integrity TCB is analogous to insisting that all
applications that might contain a Trojan Horse, which could use covert channels affecting secrecy,
be included within a secrecy TCB, and would be equally impractical.
If the untrusted accounts payable application contains a Trojan Horse, the Trojan Horse
program could send a (legal) message to a user process running at a lower integrity level IL2,
thereby initiating the use of a covert channel. In this covert channel, the Trojan Horse is the
receiver of (illegal) lower integrity-level input and the user process is the sender of this input.
The negative effect of exploiting this covert channel is that an untrusted user logged in at a
lower integrity level could control the accounts payable application through illegal input, thereby
producing checks for questionable reasons. One can find similar examples where covert channels
help violate any nondiscretionary integrity boundary, not just those provided by lattice-based
integrity models (e.g., [Biba77]). Similar examples exist because, just as in the case of TCBs
protecting sensitive information classified for secrecy reasons, not all applications running on
trusted bases protecting sensitive information for integrity reasons can be verified and proved to
be free of miscreant code.
(4) Dependency on TCB Specifications
To illustrate the dependency of covert channels on a system's TCB specifications (Descriptive
or Formal Top-Level), we show that changes to the TCB specifications may eliminate existent, or
introduce new, covert channels. The specifications of a system's TCB include the specifications of
primitives which operate on system subjects, objects, access privileges, and security levels, and of
access authorization, object/subject creation/destruction rules, for example. Different
interpretations of a security model are illustrated in [Honeywell85a, Honeywell85b,
Luckenbaugh86]. Changes to a TCB's specifications may not necessarily require a change of
security model or a change of the security model interpretation.
Example 1 - Object Allocation and Deallocation
As an example of the effect of TCB specification changes on covert channel existence (and
vice versa), consider the case of an allocator of user-visible objects, such as memory segments. The
specifications of the allocator must contain explicit "allocate/deallocate" (TCB) operations that can
be invoked dynamically and that subjects can share. A covert channel between the subjects using
these user-visible objects exists here [Schaefer77]. However, if the dynamic allocator and,
consequently, its specifications are changed to disallow the dynamic allocation/deallocation of
objects in a shared memory area, the covert channel disappears. Static object allocation in a shared
memory area, or dynamic object allocation in a memory area partitioned on a security level basis,
need not change the interpretation of the system's subjects and objects; it only needs to change the
specification of the rules for the creation and destruction of a type of object. Although eliminating
dynamic sharing of resources and either preallocating objects or partitioning resources on a per-
security-level basis represent effective ways to remove some covert channels, they are neither
necessary nor possible in all cases because they may cause performance losses.
Though this example illustrates the dependency of covert channels on TCB specifications, it
is not a general solution for eliminating covert channels. In fact, we can find other examples to
show that changing a TCB's specifications may actually increase the number of covert channels.
Example 2 - Upgraded Directories
As a second example of the strong dependency between the covert channel definition and TCB
specifications, consider the creation and destruction of upgraded directories in a system supporting
mandatory security and using specifications of interfaces similar to those of UNlX. The notion of
an upgraded directory [Whitmore73, Schroeder77, Gligor87], its creation and removal, is
illustrated in Figures 2-3(a)-(d).
In such a system, whenever a user attempts to remove an upgraded directory from level Lh >
Li where he is authorized to read and write it (as in Figure 2-3(c)), the remove operation fails
because it violates the mandatory authorization check (the level of the removing process, Lh, must
equal that of the parent directory, Li). In contrast, the same remove operation invoked by a process
at level Li < Lh succeeds (Figure 2-3(d)).
However, a covert channel appears because of the specification semantics of the remove operation
in UNIX "rmdir." This specification says a nonempty directory cannot be removed. Therefore, if
the above user logs in at level Li and tries to remove the upgraded directory from the higher level
Lh, the user process can discover whether any files or directories at level Lh > Li are linked to the
upgraded directory. Thus, another process at level Lh can transmit a bit of information to the user
process at level Li < Lh by creating and removing (e.g., unlinking) files in the upgraded directory.
Figure 2-4 illustrates this concept.
Figure 2-3. Creation and Destruction of an Upgraded Directory at Level Lh > Li
Figure 2-4. Covert Channel Caused by (UNIX) TCB Interface Conventions (where Lh > Li)
This covert channel would not appear if nonempty directories, and the directory subtree started
from them, could be removed (e.g., as in Multics [Whitmore73, Bell and La Padula76]). However,
if the specification of directory removal is changed, disallowing removal of nonempty directories
(as in UNIX), the covert channel appears. One cannot eliminate the channel without modifying the
UNIX user-visible interface. This is an undesirable alternative given that user programs may
depend on the interface convention that nonempty UNIX directories cannot be removed. One
cannot invent a new TCB specification under which either directories are not user-visible objects
or in which the notion of upgraded directories disappears for similar reasons; that is, the UNIX
semantics must be modified.
2.2.1 Storage and Timing Channels
In practice, when covert channel scenarios of use are constructed, a distinction between covert
storage and timing channels [Lipner75, Schaefer77, NCSC TCSEC, Hu91, Wray91] is made even
though theoretically no fundamental distinction exists between them. A potential covert channel is
a storage channel if its scenario of use "involves the direct or indirect writing of a storage location
by one process [i.e., a subject of I(M)] and the direct or indirect reading of the storage location by
another process." [NCSC TCSEC] A potential covert channel is a timing channel if its scenario of
use involves a process that "signals information to another by modulating its own use of system
resources (e.g., CPU time) in such a way that this manipulation affects the real response time
observed by the second process." [NCSC TCSEC] In this guide, we retain the distinction between
storage and timing channels exclusively for consistency with the TCSEC.
In any scenario of covert channel exploitation, one must define the synchronization relationship
between the sender and the receiver of information. Thus, covert channels can also be
characterized by the synchronization relationship between the sender and the receiver. In Figure 2-
5, the sender and the receiver are asynchronous processes that need to synchronize with each other
to send and decode the data. The purpose of synchronization is for one process to notify the other
process it has completed reading or writing a data variable. Therefore, a covert channel may
include not only a covert data variable but also two synchronization variables, one for sender-
receiver synchronization and the other for the receiver-sender synchronization. Any form of
synchronous communication requires both the sender-receiver and receiver-sender
synchronization either implicitly or explicitly [Haberman72]. Note that synchronization operations
transfer information in both directions, namely from sender to receiver and vice versa and,
therefore, these operations may be indistinguishable from data transfers. Thus, the synchronization
and data variables of Figure 2-5 may be indistinguishable.
Some security models, and some of their interpretations, allow receiver-sender
communication for subsets of all senders and receivers supported in the system. For example, all
mandatory security models implemented in commercial systems to date allow information to flow
from a low security level to a higher one. However, sender-receiver synchronization may still need
a synchronization variable to inform the receiver of a bit transfer. A channel that does not include
sender-receiver synchronization variables in a system allowing the receiver-sender transfer of
messages is called a quasi-synchronous channel. The idea of quasi-synchronous channels was
introduced by Schaefer in 1974 [Reed and Kanodia78].
Figure 2-5. Representation of a Covert Channel between Sender S and Receiver R (where Lh> Li
or L* * Li)
In all patterns of sender-receiver synchronization, synchronization data may be included in the
data variable itself at the expense of some bandwidth degradation. Packet-formatting bits in ring
and Ethernet local area networks are examples of synchronization data sent along with the
information being transmitted. Thus, explicit sender-receiver synchronization through a separate
variable may be unnecessary. Systems implementing mandatory security models allow messages
to be sent from the receiver to the sender whenever the security level of the sender dominates that
of the receiver. In these cases, explicit receiver-sender synchronization through a separate variable
may also be unnecessary.
The representation of a covert channel illustrated in Figure 2-5 can also be used to distinguish
between scenarios of storage and timing channels. For example, a channel is a storage channel
when the synchronization or data transfers between senders and receivers use storage variables,
whereas a channel is a timing channel when the synchronization or data transfers between senders
and receivers include the use of a common time reference (e.g., a clock). Both storage and timing
channels use at least one storage variable for the transmission/sending of the information being
transferred. (Note that storage variables used for timing channels may be ephemeral in the sense
that the information transferred through them may be lost after it is sensed by a receiver. We
discuss this in more detail in Appendix A.) Also, a timing channel may be converted into a storage
channel by introducing explicit storage variables for synchronization; and vice versa, a storage
channel whose synchronization variables are replaced by observations of a time reference becomes
a timing channel.
Based on the above definitions of storage and timing channels, the channels of Examples 1
and 2 are storage channels. Examples 3 and 4 below illustrate scenarios of timing channels.
Appendix A presents additional examples of both storage and timing channels.
Example 3 - Two Timing Channels Caused by CPU Scheduling
Quantum-based central processing unit (CPU) scheduling provides two typical examples of timing
channels (Figure 2-6). In the first example, the sender of information varies the nonzero CPU time,
which it uses during each quantum allocated to it, to send different symbols. For 0 and 1
transmissions, the sender picks two nonzero values for the CPU time used during a quantum, one
representing a 0 and the other a 1. This channel is called the "quantum-time channel" in
[Huskamp78]. The receiver of the transmitted information decodes the transmitted information by
measuring its waiting time for the CPU. If only the receiver and the sender are in the system, the
receiver can decode each transmitted bit correctly with probability one for some quantum sizes. A
condition of this channel is that the sender be able to block itself before the end of some quantum
and reactivate itself before the beginning of the next quantum. The sender can meet this condition
in a variety of ways depending upon the size of the quantum (e.g., a typical range for quanta is 50-
1000 milliseconds). For example, the sender may use an "alarm clock" to put itself to sleep for a
fraction of the quantum time, or it may generate a page fault (whose handling may take only a
fraction of a quantum time also). A quantum of 100-200 milliseconds is sufficiently large for either
Figure 2-6. Two CPU Timing Channels
In the second example of Figure 2-6, the sender transmits information to the receiver by
encoding symbols, say 0s and 1s, in the time between two successive CPU quanta. This channel is
called the "interquantum-time channel" [Huskamp78], and is shown in Figure 2-6(b) for the case
where only the sender and the receiver appear in the system. To send information, the sender and
the receiver agree on set times for sending the information. The transmission strategy is for the
sender to execute at time "ti" if the i-th bit is 1, and to block itself if the i-th bit is 0. The receiver
can tell whether the sender executes at time ti because the receiver cannot execute at the same time.
Example 4 - Other Timing Channels Caused by Shared Hardware Resources
The CPU scheduling channels of Example 3 appear because processes at different secrecy or
integrity levels share a hardware resource, namely the CPU. Other sharable hardware resources
provide similar timing channels. For example, in any multiprocessor design, hardware resources
are shared. Multiple processors share the same bus in shared-bus architectures, share the same
memory ports in bus-per-processor architectures, and share multiple busses and memory ports in
crossbarswitch architectures, as shown in Figure 2-7. In all multiprocessor architectures, each
instruction referencing the memory must lock the shared resource along the CPU-memory
interconnection path for at least one memory cycle. (The number of cycles during which the shared
resource must be locked depends on the instruction semantics.) Hardware controllers of the shared
resource mediate lock conflicts. When the shared resource is no longer needed during the execution
of the instructon, the resource is unlocked.
Whenever two processes at two different levels execute concurrently on two separate
processors, a covert channel appears that is similar to the CPU interquantum channel presented in
Example 3. That is, the sender and the receiver processes establish by prior agreement that the
sender process executes at time"ti"if the i-th bit is a 1 and does not execute (or at least does not
execute memoryreferencing instructions) at time "ti" if the i-th bit is a 0. The receiver can execute
a standard set of memory-referencing instructions and time their execution. Thus, the receiver can
discover whether the sender executes at time "ti" by checking whether the duration of the standard
set of timed instructions was the expected 1 or longer. As with the CPU channels of Example 3,
these channels appear in any multiprocessor system regardless of the nondiscretionary model
interpretation. Note that adding per-processor caches, which helps decrease interprocessor
contention to shared hardware resources, cannot eliminate these channels. The sender and receiver
processes can fill up their caches and continue to exploit interprocessor contention to transmit
Appendix A provides other examples of timing channels, which also appear due to the sharing
of other hardware resources.
Figure 2-7. Examples of Shared Hardware Resources in Multiprocessor Architectures
2.2.2 Noisy and Noiseless Channels
As with any communication channel, covert channels can be noisy or noiseless. A channel is
said to be noiseless if the symbols transmitted by the sender are the same as those received by the
receiver with probability 1. With covert channels, each symbol is usually represented by one bit
and, therefore, a covert channel is noiseless if any bit transmitted by a sender is decoded correctly
by the receiver with probability 1. That is, regardless of the behavior of other user processes in the
system, the receiver is guaranteed to receive each bit transmitted by the sender.
The covert channel of Example 2 is a noiseless covert channel. The sender and receiver can
create and remove private upgraded directories, and no other user can affect in any way whether
the receiver receives the error/no_error signal. Thus, with probability 1, the receiver can decode
the bit value sent by the sender. In contrast, the covert channels of Examples 3 and 4 are noisy
channels because, whenever extraneous processes-not just the sender and receiver-use the shared
resource, the bits transmitted by the sender may not be received correctly with probability 1 unless
appropriate error-correcting codes are used. The error-correcting codes used depend on the
frequency of errors produced by the noise introduced by extraneous processes (shown in Figure 2-
5) and decrease the maximum channel bandwidth. Thus, although error-correcting codes help
change a noisy channel into a noiseless one, the resulting channel will have a lower bandwidth than
the similar noise-free channel.
We introduce the term "bandwidth" here to denote the rate at which information is transmitted
through a channel. Bandwidth is originally a term used in analog communication, measured in
hertz, and related to information rate by the "sampling theorem" (generally attributed to H. Nyquist
although the theorem was in fact known before Nyquist used it in communication theory
[Haykin83]). Nyquist's sampling theorem says that the information rate in bits (samples) per
second is at most twice the bandwidth in hertz of an analog signal created from a square wave. In
a covert channel context, bandwidth is given in bits/second rather than hertz, and is commonly
used, in an abuse of terminology, as a synonym for information rate. This use of the term
"bandwidth" is also related to the notion of "capacity." The capacity of a channel is its maximum
possible error-free information rate in bits per second. By using error-correcting codes, one can
substantially reduce the error rates of noisy channels. Error-correcting codes decrease the effective
(i.e., error-free) information rate relative to the noisy bit rate because they create redundancy in the
transmitted bit stream. Note that one may use error-detecting, rather than error-correcting, codes
in scenarios where the receiver can signal the sender for retransmissions. All of these notions are
standard in information theory [Gallager68].
2.2.3 Aggregated versus Nonaggregated Channels
Synchronization variables or information used by a sender and a receiver may be used for
operations on multiple data variables. Multiple data variables, which could be independently used
for covert channels, may be used as a group to amortize the cost of synchronization (and, possibly,
decoding) information. We say the resulting channels are aggregated. Depending on how the
sender and receiver set, read, and reset the data variables, channels can be aggregated serially, in
parallel, or in combinations of serial and parallel aggregation to yield optimal (maximum)
If all data variables are set, reset, and read serially, then the channel is serially aggregated. For
example, if process Ph of Example 2 (Figure 2-4) uses multiple upgraded directories designated
"empty/nonempty" before transferring control to process Pi, the signaling channel will be serially
aggregated. Similarly, if all data variables are set, reset, and read in parallel by multiple senders
and receivers, then the channel is aggregated in parallel. Note that combinations of serial/parallel
aggregaton are also possible. For example, the data variables may be set in parallel but read serially
and vice versa. However, such combinations do not maximize bandwidth and are, therefore, of
limited interest.
Parallel aggregation of covert channel variables requires, for bandwidth maximization
reasons, that the sender and receiver pairs be scheduled on different processors at the same time as
a group, as illustrated in Figure 2-8 and in [Gligor86]. Otherwise, the bandwidth of the parallel
aggregation degrades to that of a serially aggregated channel. The application programmer can
strictly control group scheduling of senders and receivers in multiprocessor operating systems such
as Medusa or StarOS [Osterhout80, Jones79], which use "coscheduling" [Osterhout82]. Also
group scheduling may be possible in multiple workstation systems such as those used in LOCUS
[Walker83] or Apollo [Leach83] whenever multiple workstatons are available to a single
application. In such systems, the analysis of individual covert channels is insufficient to determine
the maximum covert channel bandwidth.
Figure 2-8. Example of n Channels Aggregated in Parallel
Parallel aggregation of covert channels also requires, for bandwidth maximizaton reasons, that
the synchronization messages between all senders, and those between all receivers, be transmitted
at a much higher speed than those between senders and receivers. In practice, messages sent among
senders, and those sent among receivers, have negligible transmission delays compared to those
used by covert channels between senders and receivers. (Also, note that all messages among
senders and those among receivers are authorized messages.)
An unresolved issue of covert channel definition is whether one can make a distinction
between a covert channel and a flaw introduced by the implementation of the security models. In
other words, one would like to differentiate between implementation flaws and covert channels, if
possible, for practical reasons. For example, both implementors and evaluators of systems
supporting mandatory access controls in class B1 could then differentiate between flaws and covert
channels. They could determine whether instances of leakage of classified information must be
eliminated or otherwise handled or ignored until the B2 level and above.
The covert communication Definition 5 does not differentiate between covert channels and
interpretation or TCB specification flaws. This definition implies that, in a fundamental sense,
covert channels are in fact flaws of nondiscretionary access control policy implementations, which
are sometimes unavoidable in practice regardless of the implementors' design (e.g., Example 3).
However, the focus of that definition on the notion of model implementation may help provide a
criterion for distinguishing between different types of covert channels or implementation flaws.
To define a distinguishing criterion, let us review Examples 1-4. Examples 1 and 2 show that
a change of the TCB specification can, in principle, eliminate the existent covert channels in the
specific systems under consideration. In contrast, Examples 3 and 4 show that as long as any
system allows the sharing of the CPUs, busses, memory, input/output (I/O) and other hardware
resources, covert channels will appear for any TCB specification. Furthermore, Example 2
illustrates that, in many systems, a change of TCB specification that would eliminate a covert
channel may sometimes be impractical. That is, evidence may exist showing that contemplated
changes of the TCB specification would cause a significant loss of compatibility with existing
interfaces of a given system. Similar examples can be found to illustrate that changes of TCB
specifications may help eliminate other covert channels (or flaws) at the expense of loss of
functionality or performance in a given system (e.g., Example 1).
The following criterion may help distinguish between different types of covert channels (or
flaws) in practice, thereby providing the necessary input for covert channel, or flaw, handling at
levels B1 versus levels B2-A1:
· Fundamental Channels - A flaw of a TCB specification that causes covert
communication represents a fundamental channel if and only if that flaw appears under
any interpretation of the nondiscretionary security model in any operating system.
· Specific TCB Channels - A flaw of a TCB specification that causes covert
communication represents a specific TCB channel if and only if that flaw appears only
under a specific interpretation of the nondiscretionary security model in a given
operating system.
· Unjustifiable Channels - A flaw of a TCB specification that causes covert
communication represents an unjustifiable channel if and only if that flaw appears only
under a specific but unjustifiable interpretation of a nondiscretionary security model in
a given operating system. (The primary difference between specific TCB and
unjustifiable channels is in whether any evidence exists to justify the existence of the
respective channels.)
Using this criterion, the covert channels of Examples 3 and 4 are fundamental channels,
whereas those of Examples 1 and 2 are specific TCB channels.
The above criterion for distinguishing different types of covert channels (or flaws) suggests
the following differentiation policy for B1 and B2A1 systems. For B1 systems, there should be no
handling obligation of fundamental covert channels; specific TCB channels should be handled
under the policies in force for classes B2Al (as recommended in Chapter 5 of this guide);
unjustifiable channels should be eliminated by a change of TCB specification or model
implementation for any B-rated systems.
We discuss in this chapter the representation of a covert channel within a system, the sources
of information for covert channel identification, and various identification methods that have been
used to date and their practical advantages and disadvantages. We also discuss the TCSEC
requirements for covert channel identification and make additional recommendations.
A covert channel can be represented by a TCB internal variable and two sets of TCB
primitives, one for altering (PAh) and the other for viewing (PVi) the values of the variable in a
way that circumvents the system's mandatory policy. Multiple primitives may be necessary for
viewing or altering a variable because, after viewing/altering a variable, the sender and/or the
receiver may have to set up the environment for sending/reading the next bit. Therefore, the
primary goal of covert channel identification is to discover all TCB internal variables and TCB
primitives that can be used to alter or view these variables (i.e., all triples <variable; PAh, PVi>).
A secondary, related goal is to determine the TCB locations within the primitives of a channel
where time delays, noise (e.g., randomized table indices and object identifiers, spurious load), and
audit code may be placed for decreasing the channel bandwidth and monitoring its use. In addition
to TCB primitives and variables implemented by kernel and trusted processes, covert channels may
use hardware-processor instructions and user-visible registers. Thus, complete covert channel
analysis should take into account a system's underlying hardware architecture, not just kernels and
trusted processes.
The primary sources of information for covert channel identification are:
· System reference manuals containing descriptions of TCB primitives, CPU and I/O
processor instructions, their effects on system objects and registers, TCB parameters or
instruction fields, and so on;
· The detailed top-level specification (DTLS) for B2-A1 systems, and the Formal top-
level specification (FTLS) for A1 systems; and
· TCB source code and processor-instruction (micro) code.
The advantage of using system reference manuals for both TCB-primitive and processor-
instruction descriptions is the widespread availability of this information. Every implemented
system includes this information for normal everyday use and, thus, no added effort is needed to
generate it. However, there are disadvantages to relying on these manuals for covert channel
identification. First, whenever system reference manuals are used, one can view the TCB and the
processors only as essentially "black boxes." System implementation details are conspicuous by
their absence. Thus, using system reference manuals, one may not attain the goal of discovering
all, or nearly all, channels. Whenever these manuals are the only sources of information, the
channel identification may only rely on guesses and possibly on analogy with specifications of
other systems known to contain covert channels. Second, and equally important, is the drawback
that analysis based on system reference information takes place too late to be of much help in
covert channel handling. Once a system is implemented and the manuals written, the option of
eliminating a discovered covert channel by removing a TCB interface convention may no longer
be available. Third, few identification methods exist that exhibit any degree of precision and that
can rely exclusively on information from system reference manuals. The inadequacy of using only
system reference manuals for CCA is illustrated in Example 6 of Section 3.2.3.
Most identification methods developed to date have used formal top-level TCB specifications
as the primary source of covert channel identification. The use of top-level specifications has
significant advantages. First, these specifications usually contain more detailed, pertinent
information than system reference manuals. Second, use of top-level specifications helps detect
design flaws that may lead to covert channels in the final implementation. Early detection of design
flaws is a useful prerequisite for correct design because one can minimize efforts expended to
correct design flaws. Third, tools aiding the identification process exist for the FTLS and thus one
gains additional assurance that all channels appearing within the top-level specifications are found
(see Appendix B).
However, total reliance on analysis of top-level specifications for the identificaton of covert
channels has two significant disadvantages. First, it cannot lead to the identification of all covert
channels that may appear in implementation code. Formal methods for demonstrating the
correspondence between information flows of top-level specifications and those of implementation
code do not exist to date. Without such methods, guarantees that all covert storage channels in
implementation code have been found are questionable at best. The only significant work on
specification-to-code correspondence on an implemented system (i.e., the Honeywell SCOMP
[Benzel84]) reported in the literature to date has been thorough but informal. This work shows that,
in practice, a significant amount of implementation code has no correspondent formal
specifications. Such code includes performance monitoring, audit, debugging, and other code,
which is considered security-policy irrelevant but which, nevertheless, may contain variables
providing potential storage channels.
Second, formal/descriptive top-level specifications of a TCB may not include sufficient
specification detail of data structures and code to detect indirect information flows within TCB
code that are caused by the semantics of the implementation language (e.g., control statements,
such as alternation statements, loops, and so on; pointer assignments, variable aliasing in structures
[Schaefer89, Tsai90]). Insufficient detail of specifications used for information flow and storage
channel analysis may also cause inadequate implementation of nondiscretionary access controls
and channel-handling mechanisms. This is the case because, using the results of top- level
specification analysis, one cannot determine with certainty the placement of code for access
checks, channel use audits, and time delays to decrease channel bandwidth within TCB code.
In contrast with the significant efforts for the analysis of design specifications, little practical
work has been done in applying CCA to implementation code or to hardware. Identifying covert
storage channels in source code has the advantages that (1) potentially all covert storage channels
can be found (except those caused by hardware), (2) locations within TCB primitives for placement
of audit code, de-lays, and noise can be found, and (3) adequacy of access-check placement within
TCB primitives could be assessed [Tsai90]. However, analysis of TCB source code is very labor-
intensive, and few tools exist to date to help alleviate the dearth of highly skilled personnel to
perform such labor-intensive activity.
All of the widely used methods for covert channel identification are based on the identification
of illegal information flows in top-level design specifications and source code, as first defined by
[Denning76, 77, 83] and [Millen76]. Subsequent work by [Andrews and Reitman80] on
information-flow analysis of programming language statements extended Denning's work to
concurrent-program specifications.
3.2.1 Syntactic Information-Flow Analysis
In all flow-analysis methods, one attaches information-flow semantics to each statement of a
specification (or implementation) language. For example, a statement such as "a: = b" causes
information to flow from b to a (denoted by b Æ a) whenever b is not a constant. Similarly, a
statement such as "if v = k then w: = b else w: = c" causes information to flow from v to w. (Other
examples of flows in programming-language statements are found in [Denning83, Andrews and
Reitman80, Gasser88]). Furthermore, one defines a flow policy, such as "if information flows from
variable x to variable y, the security level of y must dominate that of x." When applied to
specification statements or code, the flow policy helps generate flow formulas. For exampIe, the
flow formula of "a: = b" is security level(a) > security_level(b). Flow formulas are generated for
complete program and TCB-primitive specifications or code based on conjunctions of all flow
formulas of individual language statements on a flow path. (Formula simplifications are also
possible and useful but not required.) These flow formulas must be proven correct, usually with
the help of a theorem prover. If a pro-gram flow formula cannot be proven, the particular flow can
lead to a covert channel flow and further analysis is necessary. That is, one must perform semantic
analysis to determine (1) whether the unproven flow is real or is a false illegal flow, and (2)
whether the unproven flow has a scenario of use (i.e., leads to a real-not just a potential-
channel). Example 5 of this section and Examples 7 and 8 of Section 3.3 illustrate the notion of
false illegal flow and the distinction between real and potential channels.
Various tools have been built to apply syntactic flow analysis to formal specifications. For
example, the SRI Hierarchical Development Methodology (HDM) and Enhanced HDM (EHDM)
tools [Feiertag80, Rushby84] apply syntactic analysis to the SPECIAL language. Similarly, the Ina
Flo tool of the Formal Development Methodology (FDM) [Eckmann87] and the Gypsy tools
[McHugh and Good85, McHugh and Ackers87] have been used for syntactic information-flow
analyses. Appendix B reviews these tools. Experience with information-flow analysis in practice
is also reported in references [Millen78, MiIlen81].
Syntactic information-flow analysis has the following advantages when used for covert
channel identification:
· It can be automated in a fairly straightforward way;
· It can be applied both to formal top-level specifications and source code;
· It can be applied incrementally to individual functions and TCB primitives; and
· It does not miss any flow that leads to covert channels in the particular specification (or
All syntactic information-flow analysis methods share the following three drawbacks:
· Vulnerability to discovery of false illegal flows (and corresponding additional effort to
eliminate such flows by manual semantic analysis);
· Inadequacy of use with informal specifications; and
· Inadequacy in providing help with identifying TCB locations for placing covert
channel handling code.
All syntactic flow-analysis methods assume each variable or object is either explicitly or
implicitly labeled with a specific security level or access class. However, as pointed out in
[Kemmerer83], covert channels use variables not normally viewed as data objects. Consequently,
these variables cannot necessarily be labeled with a specific security level and, therefore, cannot
be part of the interpretation of a given nondiscretionary security model in an operating system.
Instead, these variables are internal to kernels or trusted processes and their security levels may
vary dynamically depending upon flows between labeled objects. Therefore, the labeling of these
variables with specific security levels to discover all illegal flows also renders these code-analysis
methods vulnerable to discovery of false flow violations. These false flow violations are called
"formal flow violations" in references [MilIen78, Schaefer89, Tsai90].
Example 5 - A False Illegal Flow
An example of a false flow violation in the fragment of code shown in Figure 3-1(a) is
illustrated in Figures 3-1(b, c). Here, both the alterer and the viewer of the "msgque Æ mode"
variable is the TCB primitive "msgget" of Secure Xenix. The flow formula sl(u.u_rval1) sl(qp)
sl(msgque Æ mode) sl(flag) sl(uapÆmsgflg), where sl stands for the security level, cannot
be proven because the security levels of the variables vary dynamically, depending on the security
levels of the processes invoking the "msgget" primitive. Thus, syntactic flow analysis would
identify this flow as il legal. However, an examination of the program conditions under which this
flow can actually occur (shown in Figure 3-1 (b)) quickly reveals this flow is legal. This flow can
occur because the conditions enabling the flow at run time include security checks of the
nondiscretionary model interpretations for both viewing and altering InterProcess Communication
(IPC) objects. These checks prevent all illegal flows through the "msgque Æ mode" variable.
Practical examples of false illegal flows appear in all covert channel analyses relying
exclusively on syntactic flow analysis. For example, sixty-eight formulas that could not be proven
have been found in the SCOMP analysis using the Feiertag Flow tool [Benzel84, Millen89b]. Only
fourteen of these flows caused covert channels; the balance were all false illegal flows. Similar
examples can be given based on experience with other flow tools. For instance, even in a small
(twenty-line) program written in Ina Jo, the lna Flow tool discovered one hundred-seventeen illegal
flows of which all but one were false [Cipher90].
Information-flow analysis does not lend itself to use on informal (e.g., English language)
specifications. This means that, if one uses information-flow analysis for B2-B3 class systems, one
should apply it to source code. Furthermore, discovery of illegal flows in formal top-level
specifications (for class A1 systems) offers little help for identifying TCB locations where covert
channel handling code may be necessary. The identification of such locations requires semantic
analysis of specifications and code.
Figure 3-1. An Example of a False Illegal Flow Caused by Syntactic Flow Analysis
3.2.2 Addition of Semantic Components to Information-Flow Analysis
Reference [Tsai90] presents a method for identification of potential storage channels based on
(1) the analysis of programming language semantics, code, and data structures used within the
kernel, to discover variable alterability/visibility; (2) resolution of aliasing of kernel variables to
determine their indirect alterability; and (3) information-flow analysis to determine indirect
visibility of kernel variables (e.g., the "msgque Æ mode" variable in Figure 3-1). These steps
precede the application of the nondiscretionary (secrecy or integrity semantic) rules specified in
the interpretation of the security model, and implemented in code, to the shared variables and
kernel primitives. This last step helps distinguish the real storage channels from the legal or
inconsequential ones. The delay in the application of these rules until the security levels of shared
variables can be determined with certainty (i.e., from the levels of the objects included in the flows
between variables) helps avoid additional (manual) analysis of false illegal flows. Furthermore,
discovery of all locations in kernel code where shared variables are altered/viewed allows the
correct placement of audit code and time-delay variables for channel-handling mechanisms, and of
access checks for nondiscretionary policy implementation.
A disadvantage of this method is that its manual application to real TCBs requires extensive
use of highly skilled personnel. For example, its application to the Secure Xenix system required
two programmer-years of effort. Thus, using this method in real systems requires extensive use of
automated tools. Although the method is applicable to any implementation language and any TCB,
its automation requires that different parser and flow generators be built for different languages.
The addition of an automated tool for semantic information-flow analysis to syntactic analysis
is reported in [He and Gligor90]. The semantic component of this tool examines all flows visible
through a TCB interface and separates the legal from the illegal ones. Since this analysis uses the
interpretation of a system's mandatory security model in source code, false illegal flows are not
detected. Although one can apply this method to any system, the tool component for semantic
analysis may differ from system to system because the interpretation of the mandatory security
model in a system's code may differ from system to system. The separation of real covert channels
from the potential ones, which requires real scenarios of covert channel use, must still be done
manually. Compared to the separation of all potential channels from flows allowing a variable to
be viewed/altered through a TCB interface, the separation of real channels from potential channels
is not a labor-intensive activity since the number of potential channels is typically several orders
of magnitude smaller than the number of flows through a TCB interface.
Figure 3-1. An Example of a Flase Illegal Flow Caused by Syntactic Flow Analysis
3.2.3 Shared Resource Matrix (SRM) Method
The SRM method for identifying covert channels was proposed by [Kemmerer83], and used
in several projects [Haigh87]. When applied to TCB specifications or code, this method requires
the following four steps:
(1) Analyze all TCB primitive operations specified formally or informally, or in source
(2) Build a shared resource matrix consisting of user-visible TCB primitives as rows and
visible/alterable TCB variables representing attributes of a shared resource as columns;
mark each <TCB primitive, variable> entry by R or M depending on whether the
attribute is read or modified. (This step assumes one has already determined variable
visibility/alterability through the TCB interface.) Variables that can neither be viewed
nor altered independently are lumped together and analyzed as a single variable. We
show a typical shared-resource matrix in Figure 3-2 and discuss it in Example 6.
(3) Perform a transitive closure on the entries of the shared resource matrix. This step
identifies all indirect reading of a variable and adds the corresponding entries to the
matrix. A TCB primitive indirectly reads a variable y whenever a variable x, which the
TCB primitive can read, can be modified by TCB functions based on a reading of the
value of variable y. (Note that whenever the SRM method is applied to informal
specifications of a TCB interface as defined in system reference manuals-and not to
internal TCB specifications of each primitive, which may be unavailable-performing
this step can only identify how processes outside the TCB can use information covertly
obtained through the TCB interface. Therefore, whenever people using the SRM
method treat the TCB as a black box, they can eliminate the transitive closure step since
it provides no additional information about flows within the TCB specifications or
(4) Analyze each matrix column containing row entries with either an `R' or an `M'; the
variable of these columns may support covert communication whenever a process may
read a variable which another process can write and the security level of the former
process does not dominate that of the latter. Analysis of the matrix entry leads to four
possible conclusions [Kemmerer83]:
(4.1) If a legal channel exists between the two communicating processes (i.e., an
authorized channel), this channel is of no consequence; label it "L".
(4.2) If one cannot gain useful information from a channel, label it "N".
(4.3) If the sending and receiving processes are the same, label the channel "S".
(4.4) If a potential channel exists, label it "P".
The labeling of each channel is a useful means of summarizing the results of the analysis.
(5) Discover scenarios of use for potential covert channels by analyzing all entries of the
matrix. Examples 7 and 8 of Section 3.2.5 illustrate potential covert channels that
cannot be exploited because real scenarios of use cannot be found.
The SRM method has been used successfully on several design specifications [Kemmerer83,
Haigh87]. This method has the following advantages:
· It can be applied to both formal and informal specifications of both TCB software and
hardware; it can also be applied to TCB source code.
· It does not differentiate between storage and timing channels and, in principle, applies
to both types of channels. (However, it offers no specific help for timing channel
· It does not require that security levels be assigned to internal TCB variables represented
in the matrix and, therefore, it eliminates a major source of false illegal flows.
However, lack of security-level assignment to variables has the following negative
· Individual TCB primitives (or primitive pairs) cannot be proven secure (i.e., free of
illegal flows) in isolation. This shortfall adds to the complexity of incremental analysis
of new TCB functions.
· The SRM analysis may identify potential channels that could otherwise be eliminated
automatically by information-flow analysis.
Although the SRM method is applicable to source code, tools to automate the construction of
the shared resource matrix for TCB source code, which is by far the most time-consuming, labor-
intensive step, do not exist to date. The manual use of this method on source code-as with other
methods applied manually-is susceptible to error.
Example 6 - Inadequacy of Exclusive Reliance on Informal TCB Specifications
The major advantage of the SRM method over syntactic information flow analysis, namely its
applicability to informal TCB top-level specifications, is diminished to some extent by the fact that
informal top-level specifications lack sufficient detail. We illustrate this observation (1) by
showing the results of applying the SRM method to a UNIX TCB specification as found in the
Xenix reference manuals [IBM87] using three internal variables of the file subsystem (i.e.,
"mode," "lock," and "file_table") as the target of CCA, and (2) by comparing this analysis with the
automated analysis performed for the same three variables and the Secure Xenix TCB source code
with the tool presented in [He and Gligor90].
Figure 3-2 illustrates the results of this comparison. In this figure, the bold-faced matrix entries
denote the information added to the original SRM matrix as a result of the automated analysis. This
figure shows that about half of the relevant primitives were missed for one of the variables (i.e.,
"mode") and a third were missed for another variable (i.e., "file_table").
Furthermore, more than half of the R/M entries constructed for the primitives found to
reference the three variables in system manuals were added R/M designators by the automated
analysis of source code. Although different results can be obtained by applying the SRM method
to different informal specifications, this example illustrates that the application of SRM (and of any
other method) to informal specification can be only as good as the specifications.
Figure 3-2. Shared Resource Matrix for Three Variables
3.2.4 Noninterference Analysis
Noninterference analysis of a TCB requires one to view the TCB as an abstract machine. From
the point of view of a user process, a TCB provides certain services when requested. A process'
requests represent the abstract machine's inputs, the TCB responses (e.g., data values, error
messages, or positive acknowledgements) are its outputs, and the contents of the TCB internal
variables constitute its current state. Each input results in a (TCB) state change (if necessary) and
an output. Each input comes from some particular process running at a particular security level,
and each output is delivered only to the process that entered the input that prompted it.
[Goguen and Meseguer82] formulated the first general definition of information transmission
in the state-machine view of a TCB, generalizing on an earlier but more restricted definition by
[Feiertag80]. They defined the concept of noninterference between two user processes. The
definition was phrased in terms of an assumed initial or start-up state for the machine. It stated, in
effect, that one user process was noninterfering with another when the output observed by the
second user process would be unchanged if all inputs from the first user process, ever since the
initial state, were eliminated as though they had never been entered. Goguen and Meseguer
reasoned that if inputs from one user process could not affect the outputs of another, then no
information could be transmitted from the first to the second. (One can verify this property using
Shannon's definition of information transmission [Millen 89b].)
To define noninterference precisely, let X and Y be two user processes of a certain abstract-
machine TCB. If w is a sequence of inputs to the machine, ending with an input from Y, let Y(w)
be the output Y receives from that last input (assuming the machine was in its initial state when w
was entered). To express noninterference, w/X is the subsequence that remains of w when all X-
inputs are deleted, or "purged," from it. Then X is noninterfering with Y if, for all possible input
sequences w ending with a Y-input, Y(w) = Y(w/X).
It is somewhat unintuitive that noninterference relates a whole sequence of inputs, including,
perhaps, many X-inputs, to a single Y-output. In CCA, the traditional view is that whenever a
covert channel exists between X and Y, each individual X-input has an effect on the next Y-output.
Noninterference analysis suggests another view may be appropriate, however. Note that user
process Y might enter an input to request an output at any time. Suppose, in fact, that Y enters an
input every time X did. Ignoring other inputs, the overall input sequences looks like: x1y1x2y2 . . .
xnyn. The definition of noninterference applies not only to the whole sequence, but to all the initial
segments of it ending in a Y-input, namely: (x1y1), (x1y1x2y2), . . . ` (x1y1 xnyn). Noninterference
requires that every Y output is unaffected by all previous X inputs. Thus, it seems necessary to
analyze all past X inputs because of the following: Suppose each X input is reported as a Y output
after some delay; a covert channel arises just as it would if the X input came out immediately in
the next Y output.
In practice, it is cumbersome to analyze the entire history of inputs to the machine since its
initial state. However, this analysis is unnecessary because the current state has all the information
needed to determine the next Y-output. Thus, noninterference of X with Y can be expressed in
terms of the current state instead of the whole prior input history.
Clearly, if X is noninterfering with Y, an X input should have no effect on the next Y output.
Noninterference is actually stronger than this, however, since it requires that an X input has no
effect on any subsequent Y output. To avoid analyzing unbounded input sequences, it is useful to
partition TCB states into equivalence classes that are not distinguishable using present or
subsequent Y outputs. That is, two states are Y-equivalent if (1) they have the same Y output in
response to the same Y input, and (2) the corresponding next states after any input are also Y-
equivalent. (This definition is recursive rather than circular; this is computer science!) [Goguen
and Meseguer84] proved a theorem, called the "Unwinding Theorem," which states that X is
noninterfering with Y if and only if each X input takes each state to a Y-equivalent state; a simpler
version of this theorem was given by [Rushby85].
Unwinding is important because it leads to practical ways of checking noninterference,
especially when given a formal specification of a TCB that shows its states and state transitions.
The multilevel security policy requires that each process X at a given security level should interfere
only with a process Y of an equal or higher security level. To apply this requirement in practice,
the TCB states must be defined, and the Y-equivalent states must be determined. A straightforward
way of identifying Y-equivalent states in a multilevel secure TCB is to label state variables with
security levels. If Y is cleared for a Security level s, then the two states are Y-equivalent if they
have the same values in those state variables having a security level dominated by s. A less formal
way of expressing this statement is that Y has (or should have) a blind spot when it tries to observe
the current state. Y can observe state variables at or below its own level, but state variables at a
higher level are in the blind spot and are invisible. So two states are Y-equivalent if they look the
same under Y's "blind spot" handicap.
The state-variable level assignment must have the property that the effect of any input turns
equivalent states into equivalent states. This means that invisible variables cannot affect the visible
part of the state. This property is one of three that must be proved in a noninterference analysis.
The other two properties are that (1) any return values reported back to Y depend only on variables
visible to Y, and (2) an input from a higher level user process X cannot affect the variables visible
to user process Y.
Noninterference analysis has the following important advantages:
· It can be applied both to formal TCB specifications and to source code;
· It avoids discovery of false illegal flows; and
· It can be applied incrementally to individual TCB functions and primitives.
However, it has three practical disadvantages. First, one can only apply it to formal TCB top-
level specifications and, possibly, to source code. Therefore, its application to systems in classes
where analyses of formal specifications or source code is not required (i.e., class B2-B3 systems)
can only be recommended but not mandated. Only the Al system design, which requires
specification-to-code correspondence, can be construed to require covert channel identification on
source code (during the specification-to-code correspondence). Second, manual application of
noninterference to significant-size TCBs may be impractical, and automated tools are currently
unavailable for use in significant-size systems. Third, noninterference analysis is "optimistic."
That is, it tries to prove that interference does not appear in TCB specifications or code. Thus, its
best application is TCB specifications of trusted-process isolation rather than to TCB components
containing large numbers of shared variables (i.e., kernels). Noninterference analysis was used to
discover covert channels of the Logical Co-processing Kernel (LOCK)-a successor of the Secure
Ada Target (SAT) [Boebert85]. The process of using the Gypsy system to verify noninterference
objectives, and the consequences of discovering that a real operating system does not quite attain
them, was discussed in reference [Haigh87].
Covert channel identification methods applied statically to top-level specifications or to code
produce a list of potential covert channels. Some of the potential covert channels do not have
scenarios of real use. These potential channels are artifacts of the identification methods. However,
false illegal flows do not necessarily cause these potential channels. As illustrated in Figure 3-1(b),
all flows have a condition that enables the flow to take place as the system runs (e.g., dynamically).
A general reason why a potential covert channel may not necessarily be a real covert channel is
that, at run time, some flow conditions may never become true and, thus, may never enable the
illegal flow that could create a covert channel. Another reason is that the alteration (viewing) of a
covert channel variable may not be consistent with the required alteration (viewing) scenario. For
example, a field of the variable may be altered but it could not be used in the scenario of the covert
channel. Similarly, not all TCB primitives of a channel can be used in real covert channel
scenarios. The ability to use some TCB primitives of a channel to transfer information may depend
on the choice of the primitive's parameters and the TCB state. Examples 7, 8, and 9 illustrate these
cases. To determine whether a potential covert channel is a real covert channel, one must find a
real-time scenario enabling an illegal flow.
Example 7 - An Example of a Potential Covert Channel
Figure 3-3(a) illustrates the difference between potential and real covert channels. Two UNIX
TCB primitives "read" and "write" share the same internal function "rdwr" but pass different
values to the parameter of this function. CCA on the internal function "rdwr" reveals all possible
information flows within "rdwr" (i.e., both flows that lead to real channels and flows that only lead
to potential channels). Among the latter are flows with the condition "mode = FWRlTE." These
flows cannot be exploited by TCB primitive "read" because it can never enable this condition.
Similarly, TCB primitive "write" cannot exploit those flows with the condition "mode = FREAD."
Figure 3-3. Potential and Real Covert Channels Corresponding to Different Flow Partitions
Thus, among the potential covert channels arising from the invocation of the internal function
"rdwr," those with condition "mode = FWRlTE" cannot be real covert channels for the "read"
primitive, and those with the condition "mode = FREAD" cannot be real covert channels for the
"write" primitive. Real-time scenarios do not exist for those potential covert channels. Figure 3-3
(b) shows the partitioning of flows in internal function "rdwr" based on whether a flow can be
exploited by the "read" and "write" primitives.
Figure 3-4. Examples of Potential and Real Channels
Example 8 - Real and Potential Covert Channels in Secure Xenix
Figure 3-4 illustrates examples of real and potential covert channels of Secure Xenix. The two
tables shown in Figure 3-4 contain two basic types of covert storage channels: resource-exhaustion
and event-count channels. Resource-exhaustion channels arise wherever system resources are
shared among users at more than one security level. To use a resource-exhaustion channel, the
sending process chooses whether or not to exhaust a system resource to encode a signal of a 0 or
1. The receiving process detects the signal by trying to allocate the same system resource.
Depending on whether the resource can be allocated, the receiving process can determine the value
of the signal from the sending process.
In event-count channels, the sending process encodes a signal by modifying the status of a
shared system resource (but not exhausting the resource). By querying the status of the resource,
either through TCB primitives returning the resource status explicitly or by observing the return
result of some TCB primitives that allocate the resource, the receiving process can detect the signal
from the sending process.
In the tables of Figure 3-4, each row is marked with a TCB primitive and each column with a
shared global variable. Entries in the tables indicate whether a TCB primitive can alter (A or a)
and/or view (V or v) the corresponding global variable. An upper-case A in an entry indicates that
the TCB primitive can alter the global variable as the means of encoding and transferring
information through the variable. Similarly, an upper-case V in an entry indicates that the TCB
primitive can view the value of the global variable and detect the signal transmitted by sending user
processes. Thus, for any shared global variable, the set of TCB primitives that have a capital A and
those that have a capital V constitute a real covert channel. For example, TCB primitives "creat"
and "open" can be used by the sending and the receiving processes to transfer information through
the shared global variable representing the "file_table" in the system. On the other hand, a lower-
case a in an entry means that, although the TCB primitive can alter the global variable, the
alteration cannot be used for encoding information in the global variable. For example, the
execution of the TCB primitive "fork" alters the "file_table" because it increments the file
reference count for the child process it creates. This alteration, however, is different from that of
allocating a file-table entry and, thus, it does not provide a real scenario for sending a signal.
Similar reasoning explains why the entries marked with a lower-case v in Figure 3-4 cannot be used
in real scenarios of covert channels.
The distinction between an alteration of a global variable that can be used to encode
information (i.e., entry denoted by A) and one that cannot (i.e., entry denoted by a) can be
eliminated if a finer partitioning of the "file table" structure is performed. That is, if the file
reference count of the "file_table" is viewed as a separate variable within the "file_table" structure,
then the TCB primitive "fork" would not appear to alter the "file_table" structure. Instead, "fork"
would alter only the new variable, namely, the file reference count. In either case, however, the
covert channel analysis should yield the same results.
Example 9 - Dependencies on TCB State and Primitive Parameters
The covert channel examples of Figure 3-5 illustrate both system-state and parameter
dependencies found in UNIX systems. For example, the primitive "creat" can alter (i.e.,
decrement) the total number of free inodes (nfi) only if the object to be created does not exist. If
the object exists, "creat" has no effect on nfi. In addition, the primitive "creat" can be used to alter
(i.e., increment) the total number of free blocks (nfb) in the system if the file being created
currently exists. That is, if the file exists, "creat" truncates the file, and as a result increments nfb.
Otherwise, "creat" has no effect on nfb. (The disk-block-space channel is also affected by this
condition.) Furthermore, the alteration of the disk-block-space channel, and of the nfi and nfb
channels by the primitive "creat," is determined by the file system specified in the parameter of the
"creat" invocation.
Figure 3-5. An Example of the Use of Multiple Channels by Three Processes
The example of Figure 3-5 also illustrates the combined state and parameter dependencies.
Consider again the channel that modulates the nfb and the disk-block-space channel. Primitive
"chsize" can be used to alter these channel variables (i.e., deallocate memory and increase the total
number of free blocks) only if the file on which it is applied exists, and only if its parameter
indicates file shrinkage. When used to expand the size of an existing file, primitive "chsize" does
not alter the channel variables but merely changes the ip-i_size field of the inode.
Other examples of parameter dependency and combined state and parameter dependencies,
unrelated to those of Figure 3-5, can be found. For example, the primitive "semget(key, nsems,
semflg)" can affect the semaphore-identifier channel and the semaphore-map exhaustion channel.
Within this primitive, if parameter "key" is equal to IPC_CREAT, thereby denoting the creation
of a semaphore, a semaphore identifier, its associated semaphore data structure, and a set
containing "nsems" semaphores are created for key. In contrast, if parameter key is not equal to
IPC_CREAT, nothing is created.
Furthermore, if parameter key does not already have a semaphore identifier associated with it,
and if the Boolean expression (semflg and IPC_CREAT) is true, a "semget" call creates for
parameter key a semaphore identifier, its associated data structure, and the set containing "nsems"
semaphores. If parameter key already has a semaphore identifier associated with it, a new
semaphore structure is not created.
Covert channel identification requirements appear for the classes B2-A1 of the [NCSC
TCSEC]. The B2 requirements of CCA state that the "system developer shall conduct a thorough
search for storage channels...."
For class B2, the search for covert storage channels should be conducted on system reference
manuals and on the DTLS of the TCB. Although the TCSEC does not require storage channel
identification in the TCB source code and in hardware (microcode) specifications, such a search
would ensure the completeness of the identification results. Although no specific identification
method is required, arbitrary, ad hoc, undocumented methods, which system evaluators cannot
repeat on independently selected test cases, are unacceptable. This nonacceptance is justified by
the notion that system developers must conduct a thorough search for covert channels and an
evaluation team must evaluate the search.
Use of any identification method on informal top-level specifications may yield incomplete
results, as illustrated in Example 6 of this section in the context of the SRM method. For this
reason, it seems important to apply the storage channel identification method to the TCB source
code. Otherwise, the thoroughness of the covert channel identification search may be in doubt.
Furthermore, source-code analysis may be useful in the definition of covert channel scenarios that
help distinguish real and potential channels. Therefore, we recommend analyzing both the DTLS
and the source code for covert channel identification at class B2.
The B3-class requirement of the TCSEC extends the above B2-class requirement to all covert
channels (i.e., to timing channels). Although this extension imposes no added requirement in terms
of the identification method used, timing channel scenarios should be developed. These scenarios
should include all system sources of independent timing such as the CPU and the I/O processors.
Inclusion of all these sources will provide additional assurance that classes of timing channels are
not overlooked. [Huskamp78] provides an example of complete timing channel analysis for the
CPU scheduling channels.
The A1-class requirement of CCA includes all the B2-B3-class requirements and extends
them by stating, "Formal methods shall be used in analysis."
One may apply CCA methods to both formal specifications and source code of the TCB.
Examples of such methods include syntactic information-flow analysis (with or without the use of
semantic analysis), SRM, and noninterference analysis. Other formal methods for covert channel
identification may exist and may be equally suitable at level A1. The identification method chosen
by the developer should be applied to the FTLS. Unless the identification of covert channels is
made a part of the specification-to-code correspondence, in which case source-code analysis is
included, we recommend complementing FTLS analysis with formal or informal source-code
analysis. Otherwise, covert channels may remain undetected.
In this chapter we discuss various factors that affect the covert channel bandwidth
computation, including TCB primitive selection, parameter and state dependencies, and channel
aggregation. We also present both information-theory-based and informal methods for maximum
bandwidth estimation, and discuss various factors that degrade the covert channel bandwidth. The
TCSEC requirements and recommendations are also discussed.
The computation of covert channel bandwidths is one of the key aspects of covert channel
analysis. This is the case because most decisions about how to handle identified channels rely on
the determination of channel bandwidth. Therefore, it is important to examine briefly the factors
that primarily affect the computation of covert channel bandwidth.
4.1.1 Noise and Delay
Two of the most important factors affecting the bandwidth of a covert channel in any operating
system or hardware platform are the presence of noise and the delays experienced by senders and
receivers using the channel. The primary sources of noise and delay are the processes Up, . . . ,Uq
shown in Figure 2-5, which can interpose themselves due to scheduling of various hardware
resources between senders and receivers. Although these processes can degrade the maximum
attainable bandwidth of a channel significantly (e.g., up to about 75% [Tsai and Gligor88]), the
degradation is not certain in all architectures and at all times since it depends on the nature of the
multiprogrammed system (e.g., single user, multiprocess workstation, multiuser time sharing
system) and on the system load. Thus, while the noise and delay factors are significant, the
computation of the maximum attainable bandwidth of any channel must discount both noise and
delays, and must assume that only the senders and receivers are present in the system [Millen89a].
4.1.2 Coding and Symbol Distribution
In general, the attainable maximum bandwidth (i.e., capacity) depends on the choice of
symbol encoding scheme agreed upon by a sender and a receiver. Coding schemes exist that allow
the exploitation of the maximum attainable bandwidth of a channel on the distribution of symbols
in the space of transmitted messages [Millen89a]. However, informal covert channel analysis
usually assumes a 0 or a 1 represents each symbol transmitted. Thus, the distribution of 0s and 1s
becomes an important factor of bandwidth computation whenever using informal methods. Where
the time required to transmit a 0 is close (on the average) to the time required to transmit a 1, one
can assume that 0s and 1s are used with approximately equal frequency. This assumption is based
on the fact that the bandwidth (i.e., capacity) of discrete memoryless channels is maximized under
such distributions. (Section 4.2 below illustrates both an informal bandwidth-computation method,
where such distributions are assumed, and an information-theory-based method, where such
distributions are not assumed.)
Informal bandwidth computation methods do not achieve, in general, the maximum
bandwidth of a channel because they do not use appropriate coding techniques. Formal bandwidth-
computation methods not only allow the precise determination of attainable maximum bandwidth
but also help define coding schemes that can be used to attain those bandwidths [Millen89a].
4.1.3 TCB Primitive Selection
In most systems, covert channel identification associates multiple TCB primitives with a
covert channel variable. For example, most UNIX covert channel variables can be altered or
viewed by a number of primitives that varies between about ten and forty. Among the primitives
of each variable, one must select those having the highest speed for the bandwidth computation.
Although one should measure each primitive's speed with only senders and receivers using the
system, one should not conduct these measurements independently of the covert channel scenario
of use (i.e., without using parameters and TCB state conditions that would be present when a
channel is in use). Otherwise, the bandwidth computation could lead to unrealistically high or low
values. Low values may cause security exposures whereas high values may cause performance
degradation whenever delays are used based on bandwidth values. We can illustrate the latter case
by the "chsize primitive of UNIX. The speed of this primitive depends on whether a file is shrunk
(low speed) or expanded (higher speed). However, the use of "chsize" with the expand option
cannot be made in covert channels requiring disk free block alteration because this primitive does
not alter the disk free block variable. We discuss this in more detail in the next section.
4.1.4 Measurements and Scenarios of Use
The performance measurements of the TCB primitives of covert channels require one to
include not only the altering and viewing primitives but also the performance of the primitives that
initialize the environment for the altering and viewing of a variable. The environment initialization
primitives may differ for the altering and viewing primitives. For example, the environment
initialization primitive for altering a variable to transmit a 1 may differ from that necessary to
transmit a 0. Similarly, the environment initialization primitives for viewing a 1 may differ from
those necessary for viewing a 0. Furthermore, the same primitive may use different amounts of
time depending upon whether it is used to set (read) a zero or a one (e.g., whether it returns an
error). Scenarios of covert channel use are needed to determine which environment initialization
primitives must be taken into account. Section 4.2 provides examples of different environment
initialization primitives and their use for two real covert channels of UNIX.
Also included in the measurements is the process- or context-switching time. The
measurement of this time is needed because, during the transmission of every bit of information
through a covert channel, control is transferred between the sender and receiver at least twice. In
most operating systems, the measurement of the minimum process switching time is a fairly
complex task. The reason for this complexity is that with every process switch the measurement
environment changes and, therefore, the measurement of each switch may yield different values.
Sometimes it is also difficult to measure individual process-switching times because process
switching may be possible only as a side-effect of some primitives. Other processes may be
scheduled to run during a switch from one process to another, thereby adding unwarranted delay
to switching time. To eliminate the difference between measured process-switching times within
the same system, one must ensure that only a few processes are present in the system when taking
measurements and repeat the measurements a large number of times (e.g., a hundred thousand
times) to ensure choosing the minimum value.
Real scenarios of covert channel use include sender-receiver synchronization. This
synchronization delays the covert channel and, therefore, decreases the channel's bandwidth.
However, since one cannot predict the synchronization scenario (because it is privately agreed
upon by the sender and receiver), we generally assume the bandwidth decrease caused by
synchronization is negligible. This assumption helps ensure computing the maximum bandwidth.
All primitive measurements and process-switching time measurements must be repeatable.
Otherwise, independent evaluators cannot verify the bandwidth computations.
4.1.5 System Configuration and lnitialization Dependencies
TCB primitive measurements and process switching times depend very heavily on a number
of system architecture parameters. These parameters include:
· System-component speed (e.g., disk, memory, and CPU);
· System configuration (e.g., configurations using or not using caches);
· Configuration-component sizes (e.g., memory sizes, cache sizes); and
· Configuration initialization.
The least obvious dependency is memory size. The same measurement on two systems
configured identically but using different memory sizes may yield different results. For example,
in systems with smaller memory the primitives will appear to be slower due to the additional
swapping and buffer management necessary to accommodate the measurement environment.
Similarly, to ensure repeatable results, one must properly initialize the measurement environment.
4.1.6 Aggregation of Covert Channels
In general, both serial and parallel aggregation of distinct covert channels can increase the
effective bandwidth available to senders and receivers for covert transmission of information. The
easiest way to approximate the effect of aggregation on the maximum channel bandwidths is to (1)
set the context-switching time to zero for both serial and parallel aggregation, and (2) to sum the
bandwidths of the individual channels for parallel aggregation. However, the TCSEC requirements
and guidelines neither require nor recommend that one consider aggregation in covert channel
analysis. However, one needs to consider the notion of channel aggregation in the area of threat
analysis, whenever such analysis is performed in the environment of system use (see Section 5.4
4.1.7 Transient Covert Channels
Transient covert channels are those which transfer a fixed amount of data and then cease to
exist. Normally, bandwidth and capacity calculations apply only to channels that are sustainable
indefinitely. Thus, it would seem transient channels are an irrelevant threat. However, if a large
volume of data can be leaked through a transient channel, one must consider channel bandwidth
analysis and handling, for the threat of channel use becomes real.
4.2.1 Information-Theory-Based Method for Channel-Bandwidth Estimation
Millen presents in [1989a] a method based on Shannon's information theory [Shannon and
Weaver64]. In this method, one assumes the covert channels are noiseless, no processes other than
the sender and receiver are present in the system during channel operation, and the sender-receiver
synchronization takes a negligible amount of time. These assumptions are justified if the goal is
the computation of the maximum attainable bandwidth. With these assumptions, one can model
most covert channels that arise in practice as finite-state machines (graphs). Furthermore, these
graphs are deterministic in that for any state transition corresponding to a given channel symbol
(e.g., 0 or 1), only one next state appears in the graph. Figure 4-1 illustrates a state graph for a two-
state channel. Most covert channels of interest in practice can be represented with two-state graphs.
This is because, for most channels, the current state of the channel depends on the last signal sent
and, thus, only two states are necessary to capture the scenario of information transfer.
Figure 4-1. Two-State Graph for a Covert Channel
Example 10 - Scenario for a Two-State Covert Channel
A scenario for the transfer of 0s and 1s using a two-state graph can be defined by associating
each transition of the graph with the transfer of a 0 or a 1. Each transition covers a sender's action
followed by a receiver's action.
For example, to send 0 in state 0:
- sender transfers control to receiver;
- receiver reads the channel variable;
- receiver records 0;
- receiver resets the environment (if necessary);
- receiver transfers control to sender.
To send 0 in state 1:
- sender sets the channel variable to 0;
- sender transfers control to receiver;
- receiver reads the channel variable;
- receiver records 0;
- receiver resets the channel environment (if necessary);
- receiver transfers control to sender
To send 1 in state 0:
- sender sets the channel variable to 1;
- sender transfers control to receiver;
- receiver reads the channel variable;
- receiver records 1;
- receiver transfers control to sender
To send 1 in state 1:
- sender transfers control to receiver;
- receiver reads the channel variable;
- receiver records 1;
- receiver transfers control to sender.
One can determine the time required to send a 0 or 1 by listing the corresponding sequence of
TCB primitive calls and adding up their times. Recall that the TCB primitive calls, and their total
duration, depend on the state of the channel. Also, recall that the reading (not just the setting) of a
0 or a 1 will have different durations even if they are represented by the same TCB primitive call.
For example, if the reading of a 0 in one state is represented by the "open" primitive call with a
successful return and in the other state by "open" with a failure return, the reading of the 0 in the
two states will have different durations because the latter call always has a shorter duration. The
sequences of TCB primitive calls necessary to transfer 0s and 1s using a two-state graph may be
different, and thus they may take four different amounts of time, say a, b, c, and d time units,
respectively (as shown in Figure 4-1).
To determine the bandwidth of a channel represented with a two-state graph, N(t), one must
find the number of possible transmissions of duration t. The bandwidth (i.e., capacity) of a channel
can be expressed in terms of Nh(t) as follows:
C = lim(log2Nh(t))/t.
To find Nh(t), let N0(t) be the total possible number of transmissions of duration exactly t
beginning in one of the two states, and let N1(t) be the total possible number of transmissions of
duration exactly t beginning in the other state. (In general, there will be an Nh(t) for the h-th state
where h ranges over the state set.) The number of transmissions satisfies a system of difference
equations that can be read off the two-state graph. Each equation is based on the fact that the set of
transmissions beginning in a given state consists of a union of several disjoint sets, discriminated
by the initial symbol of the transmissions. The number of transmissions with a given initial symbol
is equal to the total number of (shorter) transmissions beginning in the next state after the transition
for that symbol.
The following system of equations can be used for the file-lock channel:
N0(t)=N0(t - a)+N1(t - c)
N1(t)=N0(t - b)+N1(t - d)
In general, the h-th equation has the form:
N*(t', =* i(Ni(t - Thi),
where Thi is the time taken by a transition from state h to state i.
Note that N0(t) is nonzero only for those values of t that are expressible as a sum of multiples
of a, b, c, and d. To determine the bandwidth of the channel, it is only necessary to find the
asymptotic upper limit of N0(t) as t approaches infinity [Shannon and Weaver64]. This may be
found in the form:
Substituting this solution, we obtain the system of equations:
Ah*xt =**(Ai*xt-Thi
and C = lim(log2(Ah(xt))/t = log2x, when t*infinity.
Note that there may be multiple solutions for x in the above equations. The largest solution
provides the bandwidth (capacity).
We can express this system of equations in matrix form as (P-I)A = 0, where P is a matrix of
negative powers of x. Since (P-I) is singular, its determinant Det(P-I) = 0. Figure 4-2 shows the
system of equations, their determinant, and the solution.
Example 11 - Application to Two Secure Xenix Channels
Two of the Secure Xenix channels whose bandwidths were computed in refer- ence [Tsai and
Gligor88] for a PC/AT configuration are the inode table channel and the upgraded directory
channel. In this example we illustrate Millen's method described above using measurements of
Secure Xenix TCB primitives on an IBM PS/2 model 80 configuration. Tcs represents the context
switch time, which is 3 milliseconds. The values of Tr (Ts) represent the duration of reading
(setting) the covert channel variable, and the value of Tenv represents the duration of setting up the
transfer environment (e.g., a state transition).
Figure 4-2. Simultaneous Equations, Determinant, Capacity (Bandwidth)
The lnode Table Channel
In this example the state 0 of the inode table channel is represented by the inode table full state,
and the state 1 by the node table nonfull state. Figure 4-3 shows the state transitions defined
Figure 4-3. State Graphs for the lnode Table Channel
State 0:
When the inode table is full, two Tcs and one viewing primitive "open(f)" with a failure return
are needed to transfer a 1 from a sending process to a receiving process. Thus, the following times
are needed to transfer a 1 from state 0:
Tr(fullÆfull) = open(f), Ts(fullÆfull) = 0, Tenv(fullÆfull) = 0.
When switching from the full state to the nonfull state, an alteration primitive "close(s)," a
viewing primitive "open(s)," an environment set-up primitive "close(s)," and two Tcs are needed
to send a 0. Thus, the following times are needed to transfer a 0 from state 0:
Tr(fullÆnonfull) = open(s), Ts(fullÆnonfull) = close(s), Tenv(fullÆnonfull) = close(s).
State 1:
When the transition is from the nonfull state to the nonfull state, a viewing primitive "open(s),"
an environment set-up primitive "close(s)," and two Tcs are needed to transfer a 0. Thus, the
following times are needed to transfer a 0 from state 1:
Tr(nonfullÆnonfull) = open(s), Ts(nonfullÆnonfull) = 0, Tenv(nonfullÆnonfull) = close(s).
When switching from the nonfull state to the full state, an alteration primitive "open(s)," a
viewing primitive "open(f)," and two Tcs are needed to transfer a 1. Thus, the following times are
needed to transfer a 0 from state 1:
Tr(nonfullÆfull) = open(f), Ts(nonfullÆfull) = open(s), Tenv(nonfullÆfull) = 0.
The bandwidth (i.e., capacity) of this channel, denoted by C in Figure 4-3, is 47.63 bits/second.
The Upgraded Directory Channel
In this example the state 0 of the upgraded directory channel is represented by the directory-full
state, and the state 1 by the directory-nonfull state. The state transitions defined below and their
durations are shown in Figure 4-4.
Figure 4-4. State Graphs for the Upgraded Directory Channel
State 0:
When an upgraded directory is nonempty, two Tcs and one viewing primitive "rmdir(f)" with
a failure return are needed to transfer a 1 from a sending process to a receiving process.
Tr(nonemptyÆnonempty) = rmdir(f), Ts(nonemptyÆnonempty) = 0,
Tenv(nonemptyÆnonempty) = 0.
When switching from the nonempty state to the empty state, an alteration primitive
"unlink(s)," a viewing primitive "rmdir(s)," an environment set-up primitive "mkdir(s)," and two
Tcs are needed to send a 0. Thus, the following times are needed to transfer a 0 from state 0:
Tr(nonemptyÆempty) = rmdir(s), Ts(nonemptyÆempty) = unlink(s),
Tenv(nonemptyÆempty) = mkdir(s).
State 1:
When the transition is from the empty state to the empty state, a viewing primitive "rmdir(s),"
an environment set-up primitive "mkdir(s)," and two Tcs are needed to transfer a 0. Thus, the
following times are needed to transfer a 0 from state 1:
Tr(emptyÆempty) = rmdir(s), Ts(emptyÆempty) = 0, Tenv(emptyÆempty) = mkdir(s).
When switching from the empty state to the nonempty state, an alteration primitive "creat(s)",
a viewing primitive "rmdir(f)", and two Tcs are needed to transfer a 1. Thus, the following times
are needed to transfer a 1 from state 1:
Tr(emptyÆnonempty) = open(f), Ts(emptyÆnonempty) = open(s),
Tenv(emptyÆnonempty) = 0.
The bandwidth of this channel is denoted by C in Figure 4-4 and is 0.512 bits/second.
4.2.2 Informal Method for Estimating Covert Channel Bandwidth
A simple formula for computing the maximum attainable bandwidth of a noise-less covert
channel in absence of any spurious processes that would delay senders and receivers was presented
in [Tsai and Gligor88]. The formula is:
B(0) = b*(Tr + Ts + 2Tcs)**(-1),
In this formula, b represents the encoding factor (which we assume to be 1 in most practical
cases), and where n is the number of total possible transitions. T5(i) and Tr(i) are the times
necessary to set and read a 0 or a 1 after having transmitted a 0 or a 1. Thus, n = 4. Tenv(i) is the
time to set up the environment to read a 0 or a 1. Note that in these formulas it is assumed that all
environment setup for both variable reading and setting is done by the receiving processes.
In deriving this formula it is assumed that the setting of 0's and 1's take the same amount of
time, and that all transmissions contain an equal distribution of 0's and 1's.
Example 12 - Application of the Bandwldth EstImation Formula
The maximum bandwidths of the two channels of Example 11 can be recalculated by using
the above formula, as follows:
The Inode Table Channel
Ts = [Ts(fullÆfull) + Ts(fullÆnonfull) + Ts(nonfullÆnonfull) + Ts(nonfullÆfull)]/4
= [0 + close(s) + 0 + open(s)]/4
=(open+close)/4 = (12 + .2)/4 = 3.05 (ms)
Tr = [T,(fullÆfull)+ Tenv(fullÆfull) + Tr(fullÆnonfull) + Tenv(fullÆnonfull) +
Tr(nonfullÆnonfull) + Tenv(nonfullÆnonfull) + Tr(nonfullÆfull) + Tenv(nonfullÆfull)]/4
= [open(f) + 0 + open(s) + close(s) + open(s) + close(s) + open(f) + 0]/4
=open + close/2 = 12.1 (ms)
B(0) = 1000/(l2.1 + 3.05 + 6) 47.28 bits/sec
The Upgraded Directory Channel
Ts = [Ts(nonemptyÆnonempty) + Ts(nonemptyÆempty) + Ts(emptyÆempty)
+ Ts(emptyÆnonempty)]/4
= [0 + unlink(s) + 0 + creat(s)]/4
=(creat + unlink)/4 = (30 + 22)/4 = 13(ms)
Tr = [Tr(nonemptyÆnonempty) + Tenv(nonemptyÆnonempty) + Tr(nonemptyÆempty)
+ Tenv(nonemptyÆempty) + Tr(emptyÆempty) + Tenv(emptyÆempty)
+ Tr(emptyÆnon-empty) + Tenv(emptyÆnonempty)]/4
= [rmdir(f) + 0 + rmdir(s) + mkdir(s) + rmdir(s) + mkdir(s) + rmdir(f) + 0]/4
= [rmdir(s) + rmdir(f)l/2 + mkdir/2
=(180+3020)/2+260/2=1730 (ms)
B(0) = 1000/(1730 + 13 +6)=0.572bits/sec
4.2.3 Differences between the Two Methods
Comparing the results of Examples 11 and 12 one might be tempted to conclude that the two
bandwidth computation methods yield similar results for all covert channels. This conclusion,
however, is not always the case. Millen's method yields higher bandwidths whenever the times to
set up transmission environments and/or those to transmit 0s differ significantly from those to
transmit 1s. This may be the case after delays are placed in some but not all TCB primitives of a
channel (e.g., in the error return path of a primitive needed to use the channel; this ensures that
undue performance penalty is not incurred.). Subsequent recomputation of the (delayed) channel
bandwidth by the two methods would yield significantly different results. Experience with using
the two methods for Secure Xenix shows that in cases where the times to transmit a 0 and a 1 are
close, the two methods yield results that differ by at most 20%.
Millen's method is superior to that presented in [Tsai and Gligor88] not only because it always
helps compute the maximum attainable bandwidth but also because during its use one is required
to define a realistic scenario of covert channel use. This process helps remove any
misunderstandings that might arise when different parties use different assumptions to define the
environment set-up times for a channel.
The TCSEC requirements for bandwidth determination of covert channels state, "The system
developer ... shall make a determination (either by actual measurements or by engineering
estimation) of the maximum bandwidths of each identified channel."
As explained in Section 4.1, the measurements or estimation of the maximum bandwidth must
assume that the covert channels are noiseless, that no processes-other than the sender and
receiver-are present in the system when measurements are performed, and that the
synchronization time between senders and receivers is negligible. If the channel's bandwidth is
estimated using informal methods, measurements of the channel's fastest primitives must be done
to determine the values of T5(i), Tr(i), Tenv(j) as defined in Section 4.2.2, and the smallest
measured value of Tcs must be chosen. For both formal and informal bandwidth determination
methods, the selection of the TCB primitives measured should be based on realistic scenarios of
channel use and should take into account any parameter of TCB state dependency that is relevant
for a channel. The system configuration and architecture parameters should be specified for each
set of measurements. All measurements necessary for bandwidth determination should be
repeatable. Channel aggregation should be considered even though it is not supported by any
TCSEC requirements or recommendations.
The TCSEC requirements for level A1 state, "Formal methods shall be used in the [covert
channel] analysis."
In the context of bandwidth measurement or estimation, this requirement suggests that
Millen's method (1989a)-defined and illustrated in Section 4.2.1 -should be used. Any other
relevant information-theory-based method for covert channel bandwidth estimation could be
acceptable on a case-by-case basis.
In this chapter we present three general methods for the handling of known covert channels
that have been proposed and used to date. We also present a set of handling policies based on the
analysis of the covert channel threats and risks that is consistent with the objective of the handling
guideline of [NCSC TCSEC].
The first method is the elimination of covert channels. Elimination requires changing the
design and/or implementation of a system to remove covert channels from the system. These
changes include:
· The elimination of resource sharing between any potential participants in covert
leakage of information by preallocating maximum resource demands to all participants
or by partitioning resources on a per-security-level basis;
· The elimination of interfaces, features, and mechanisms which can cause covert
Example 13 - Elimination of Resource Sharing and Resource Partitioning
To illustrate elimination of covert channels by the elimination of resource sharing, let us
reconsider Example 1 . The dynamic allocation/deallocation of objects triggers dynamic allocation
of memory segments, which provides a resource-exhaustion channel. If the memory is statically
partitioned on a per-process or per-security-level basis, the resource-exhaustion channel is
eliminated. However, as pointed out in Example 1, this partitioning is not always practical. For
example, if the memory (or any other TCB resource, such as internal tables) is partitioned, memory
utilization may decrease because some partitions may not be as frequently used as others. This
infrequent use may cause a significant degradation in performance. We can find examples of
resource partitioning that do not impose undue performance degradation. For instance, the name
space of the UNIX, System V interprocess communication objects can be partitioned on a per-
security-level basis without significant performance degradation.
Resource partitioning on a per-user, or a per-process, basis is not always possible (e.g., shared
hardware resources, such as busses, cannot be partitioned on a per-user or per-process basis).
However, the use of these resources can, in principle, be partitioned in time on a per-security-level
basis. That is, processes running at the same time can share hardware resources only if the
processes run at the same level. For example, in the case of the multiprocessor configurations
presented in Example 4, and illustrated in Figure 2-7, a dual-mode process dispatcher can be
implemented. In normal mode, the use of the CPUs is not partitioned. However, to eliminate the
timing channels discussed in Example 4, the processes waiting for service in the "ready" queue(s)
can be loaded in available CPUs during the same quantum only if they have the same security level.
In this mode, called the time-partitioned mode, the timing channels caused by bus or memory
locking by each memory reference become harmless. Trusted processes should be exempt from
time-partitioned dispatching whenever it can be shown they do not exploit Covert channels.
(Furthermore, threat analysis performed in the environment of system use may exempt other non-
TCB applications from the time-partitioned mode of operation. This exemption is an accreditation-
policy matter and, thus, beyond the scope of this guide.)
The performance degradation that may be caused from the time-partitioned dispatching
depends on the mix of processes ready to run at any instance. In some environments, where
families of processes run concurrently (i.e., are coscheduled, we discuss in Section 2.2.3), the
performance degradation will be minimized since all processes of a family run at the same security
level. Performance degradation will be significant whenever all processes of the "ready" queue(s)
run at different security levels because partitioned-mode dispatching will idle all but one CPU. The
overall performance degradation can be mitigated whenever partitioned mode dispatching can be
turned on/off selectively by security administrators. In Section 5.4 we discuss policy factors, such
as threat analysis, required for such actions.
Example 4 - Elimination of TCB Interfaces, Features, or Mechanisms
In Example 2 we presented a covert channel caused by the UNIX interface convention of
preventing the removal of nonempty directories. We argued that eliminating this UNIX convention
may be impossible in practice due to user program reliance on the inability to delete nonempty
directories. However, in other instances, the elimination of TCB interface conventions, features, or
mechanisms causing Covert channels is possible. For example, programs can encode classified
information by modulating the extent to which they use resources, which is reflected in different
accounting (e.g., billing) information returned to users. One could remove this accounting channel
by eliminating billing on a user-level basis (i.e., by imposing fixed uniform limits on the extent to
which a resource could be used, such as fixed maximum CPU time, fixed maximum I/O time).
[Lampson73] Alternatively, this channel can be eliminated by producing accounting information
on a per-level basis. Neither alternative seems particularly troublesome, in practice.
The second method of handling known covert channels is based on bandwidth-limitation
policies. Such policies require the reduction of the maximum, or alternatively the average,
bandwidth of any channel to a predefined acceptable limit. One can limit bandwidths by:
· Deliberately introducing noise into channels (e.g., using random allocation algorithms
for shared resources such as indices in shared tables, disk areas, process identifiers;
introducing extraneous processes that modify covert channel variables in random
patterns); and
· Deliberately introducing delays in each TCB primitive of a real channel.
Example 15 - Introduction of Noise and Delays in Channels
The process identifier channel is an event-count channel that in most systems can have a
bandwidth of 10 to 500 bits per second. This channel appears because most TCBs create a new
process identifier by incrementing a process-identifier variable whenever a new process is created.
Thus, a receiver process could detect whether the sender process transmitted a 0 or a 1 bit by
determining whether the identifiers of two processes it creates are consecutive numbers. One can
reduce the bandwidth of this channel by changing the process-identifier allocation algorithm of the
TCB. That is, the TCB could allocate unused identifiers in the identifier space (pseudo) randomly
in a nonmonotonic sequence. Depending upon the randomization characteristics of the allocation
algorithm, the bandwidth of the process-identifier channel can be reduced to negligible values.
Similar considerations apply to the other allocation algorithms of object identifiers. Note that using
random allocation of identifiers introduces negligible overhead and performance degradation in a
An additional example of noise introduction in covert channels is the notion of "fuzzy time"
introduced in [Hu91 ]. Security kernels can constrain user processes to use only virtual time (i.e.,
time related only to a user's process activity but not to real time). [Lipner75] To ensure little
correlation between real and virtual time by a user process (i.e., a receiver), the relationship
between real and virtual time is randomized. This is the underlying principle of the notion of "fuzzy
time." The randomization appears to degrade system performance very little (i.e., 5-6% on a VAX
system [Hu91]). Thus, "fuzzy time" seems practical even in systems where performance
degradation is a significant concern.
An alternative method of reducing channel bandwidths includes the deliberate introduction of
spurious processes. That is, user-level processes are introduced in the system to perform random
alteration of channel variables. As illustrated in Figure 2-5, processes Up, . . . ,Uq can introduce
noise by altering a channel variable. Furthermore, these processes can introduce delays in channels
by interposing themselves between the senders and receivers. Analysis presented in [Tsai and
Gligor88] shows that the introduction of spurious processes can reduce up to about 75% of the
bandwidth of typical channels. However, the introduction of spurious processes for bandwidth-
degradation purposes may not be cost-free. Spurious processes tend to degrade system
performance-not only channel bandwidth.
The deliberate introduction of delays in TCB primitives of real channels is typically used only
for limiting the bandwidth of resource-exhaustion channels. The reason is that one can place delays
in these channels in a way that does not degrade system performance until these channels are used.
Resource-exhaustion channels make use of resource-exhaustion exception (error) returns to
transmit zeros or ones. By placing delays within the return path of an exception, the channel
bandwidth is reduced proportionally with the frequency of either the zeros or the ones in the code
used by the channel users. In normal mode of TCB operation, however, performance is not
degraded because resource-exhaustion exceptions are generally rare (unless channels are used).
It is generally advisable to introduce settable delays within TCB primitives, for two reasons.
First, settable delays give system management the opportunity to determine the extent of
performance degradation incurred by setting delays selectively on a per-channel basis. Second,
whenever the same operating system is used on different hardware platforms, the delay values need
to be changed to account for increased or decreased bandwidth for the same channel.
The placement of delays in TCB primitives can be a more complex task than it may first
appear. Tradeoffs appear in the placement of delays in the TCB. On one hand, the placement of a
delay in functions closer to the TCB interface (i.e., in high-level functions) offers the potential of
minimizing the impact of the delay on the entire TCB. For each covert channel, each TCB primitive
can be dealt with separately. Thus, one can choose a minimum delay value for each particular TCB
primitive and covert channel variable. On the other hand, disadvantages of this delay placement
strategy are:
· More coding is needed because for each covert channel, every TCB primitive of the
channel would have to be delayed individually; Example 16 illustrates this concept.
· A minimum delay value may not be achievable for every covert channel because,
sometimes, it is unclear from the perspective of high-level TCB functions what
variables and other functions the low-level functions use. For example, when a user
issues a "creat" call in UNIX, the setting of an error message ENFlLE, when returning
from "copen, may be done either in code using the file structure or in code using the i-
nodes. This concept is illustrated in Example 17. In this case, it is impossible to achieve
minimum delay for both error situations simultaneously.
Delays could be added in low-level TCB functions common to many TCB primitives. This
action is possible because, in practice, each resource within the TCB is managed by a few dedicated
functions (resource managers). Thus, all user processes that make use of a resource share these
low-level resource-management functions. Delays added to low-level functions will virtually
delay all TCB primitives that could take advantage of the corresponding covert channel. However,
the disadvantage of this approach is that the length of delay must be determined by the highest-
bandwidth channel (e.g., by the fastest TCB primitive) using this lowbandwidth channel.
Consequently, TCB primitives used by low-bandwidth channels (or slower TCB primitives that
reference the same shared global variable) sometimes tend to be delayed unnecessarily.
Example 16 - Delay Placement in a Resource-Exhaustion Channel
For most covert channels, one must place delays in more than one location of the TCB code.
The control-flow paths presented in this example refer to the resource-exhaustion channel provided
by the variable "inodeÆi_flag" of UNIX. This example shows that multiple control paths, both
through different TCB primitives of a channel and through the same TCB primitive, must be
covered by delays.
Some Control-Flow Paths for the inode_i_flag Variable
(1) creatÆcopenÆnameiÆaccess
(2) creatÆcopenÆaccess
(1) openÆcopenÆnameiÆaccess
(2) openÆcopenÆaccess
(1) unlink
(2) unlinkÆnameiÆaccess
(1) utimeÆnameiÆaccess
(2) utimeÆaccess
(1) chsize
This example shows that delay addition to a channel should be placed in low-level TCB
functions shared by multiple control paths for the same channel. The low-level TCB functions that
are common to all control paths of the inodeÆ i_flag channel include those of "access," "unlink,"
and "chsize."
Example 17 - Ambiguity in Delay Placement
The setting of a specific error message within a TCB primitive may correspond to the viewing
of multiple covert channels. Thus, the highest-level functions of a TCB primitive cannot determine
which channel is being used. Therefore, achieving minimum delay in high-level TCB functions is
not always possible. The highest-level functions of TCB primitives where different channels can
be distinguished should be found and used for placement of minimum delays. The primitive "creat"
of UNIX, in which the ENFILE error is set for both the inode_space and file_table channels,
illustrates this case.
File Table Channel
(1) creatÆcopenÆfaIloc
lnode Space Channel
(1) creatÆcopenÆnameiÆiget
(2) creatÆcopenÆmknodÆiallocÆiget
In event-count channels, the addition of time delays is not advisable. These channels can be
used in normal mode of TCB operation rather than in exception cases, and addition of delay would
degrade performance significantly. Wherever possible, bandwidth limitation should be achieved
by using a randomization algorithm for assigning the next available index or identifier. For TCB
primitives that simply read, rather than allocate, indices and identifiers, use of delays may still be
necessary whenever the randomization algorithm cannot introduce a sufficient amount of noise to
achieve the target bandwidth limit. This situation may arise when the index or identifier range is
too small for effective randomization. Example 18 il lustrates the selection of randomization points
for the process identifier channel of UNIX (variable procÆp_pid of UNIX).
Example 18 - Randomization Points of the Process-Identifier Channel in UNIX
(1) fork
(1) wait
(2) waitÆfreeproc
(3) waitÆsleepÆissigÆfreeproc
(1) getpid
(1) setpgrp
In the process identifier channel of UNIX, a randomization algorithm should be used within
the TCB functions listed below to assign the next available identifier. The invocation of identifier-
reading TCB primitives, such as "getpid" and "setpgrp," could also be delayed unconditionally to
help limit the channel bandwidth whenever the identifier randomization is inadequate (e.g.,
provides monotonically increasing identifiers in all cases).
The third method of handling known covert channels is that of deterrence of Co- vert channel
use. This method allows all users to exploit known channels but provides a mechanism
discouraging channel use. The main deterrence method is channel auditing. This method assumes
audit mechanisms can unambiguously detect the use of a channel. Thus, users can be assured of
detection of any unauthorized use of covert channels. Note, however, that the TCSEC requires only
the ability to audit covert channels be provided-not that covert channels be actually audited. This
detail limits somewhat the effectiveness of audit as a real deterrent.
Covert channel auditing requires that sufficient data be recorded in audit trails to enable the
identification of (1) individual covert channel use, or use of certain channel types; and (2)
identification of the senders and receivers of individual channels or of channel types (i.e., the
identification of the covert channel users). Furthermore, discovery of covert channel use must be
certain (i.e., covert channel auditing must not be circumventable), and false detection of covert
channel use must be avoided. Circumvention of covert channel auditing is undesirable because it
allows leakage of information to remain undetected. False detection of covert channel use is also
undesirable because it may make it impossible to distinguish between innocuous user activity and
covert channel use.
Estimation of actual covert channel bandwidth is possible and desirable once covert channel
use has been determined by audit-trail analysis. Note that, in genera, it is impossible to discover
the actual information being leaked through covert channels from audit trails because a user can
encrypt it before leakage. Also, one cannot distinguish between real information and noise leakage
merely by inspecting audit trails. Constant streams of either zeros or ones are the only recorded
patterns one can unambiguously classify as noise.
Most of the problems identified in covert channel auditing are fundamental and are shared by
most operating systems; these problems include (1) inability of distinguishing use of covert
channels from innocuous use of TCB primitives, and (2) ambiguity in distinguishing senders from
receivers among covert channel users. These problems appear because single TCB primitives may
both alter and view a variable or attribute, depending on the argument values of that primitive and
on the system state, and because different TCB primitives may be shared by different covert
channels. Such primitives allow users to disguise covert channel use, thereby circumventing audit,
and cause false detection of covert channels [Shieh and Gligor9]. Figures 3-2 and 3-4 show
examples of such primitives.
Key design concerns of covert channel auditing are those of determining what events should
be recorded by auditing mechanisms and what data should be maintained by auditing tools to
ensure that all covert channel use can be discovered. The identification of covert channels can be
summarized as sets of < variable, PAh,PVi > triples (where PAh/PVi represents a TCB primitive
altering/viewing the variable, as shown in Figures 3-2 and 3-4), suggesting that recording all events
including pairs of < PAh, variable > and < PVi, variable > is necessary and sufficient for covert
channel auditing. However, recording such events is fraught with both practical and fundamental
difficulties because audit-record formats and mechanisms currently used in practice include only
process identifiers, object identifiers, process and object security levels, type of event (e.g.,
primitive identifier), and event outcome (i.e., success or error value); viz., Refs. [NCSC TCSEC,
NCSC Audit]. Fields for recording covert channel variables are not included in existent audit-
record formats. [Shieh and Gligor9o] provide examples of such fields and their setting.
In resource-exhaustion channels one can sometimes identify <PVi, variable> pairs from
recorded primitive identifiers and event outcomes. For example, whenever the event outcome is an
error that can be unambiguously associated with a channel variable, the auditor can infer that the
recorded primitive identifier represents PVi. However, whenever the event outcome is no-error and
if PVi = PAh, the auditor cannot tell whether the recorded primitive identifier is for a PVi- or a PAh-
type of primitive; nor can the auditor tell whether the recorded primitive identifier represents a PAh
type of primitive or an innocuous TCB primitive, whenever PVi ! = PAh occurs. Whether the use
of a TCB primitive is innocuous or covert channel related depends on the state of the system and
on the values of the primitive's parameters. Thus, the recording of channel variables is necessary
for all no-error outcomes of a primitive associated with a covert channel.
Fundamental difficulties with recording channel variables appear because many TCB
primitives are shared by several covert channels. Thus, a PAh- or a PVi-type primitive may refer
to variables of multiple channels. The actual use of a single variable cannot be discerned even when
all potential variables are known and even when the error outcomes of a PV; primitive can be
unambiguously associated with single channel variables. For example, a user can infer a no-error
outcome of a shared PVi primitive on a given variable from an error outcome of the same PVi
primitive on another variable. This process enables users to disguise the use of a channel as
transmission of noise (e.g., constant strings of 0s or 1s) on multiple channels (an example of
reference [Shieh and Gligor90]). In such cases, auditors have to maintain additional information to
enable the detection of all potential use of covert channels.
Examples of the storage channel auditing problems mentioned above have been illustrated in
the context of the Secure Xenix system in reference [Shieh and Gligor90]. Solutions to these
problems are also presented in that reference. We must note, however, that not all use of covert
channels can be audited. Example 4 of section 2.2 illustrates a few instances of covert timing
channels usage where auditing is impractical.
TCSEC requirements for covert channel handling are included in the audit and documentation
requirements. Section 8 of the TCSEC, "A Guideline on Covert Channels," makes additional
The audit requirements of the TCSEC state, "The TCB shall be able to audit the identified
events that may be used in the exploitation of covert storage channels."
The design documentation requirements state:
[Documentation] shall also present the results of the covert channel analysis and the
trade-offs involved in restricting the channels. All auditable events that may be used
in the exploitation of known covert storage channels shall be identified. The
bandwidths of known covert channels, the use of which is not detectable by the
auditing mechanisms, shall be provided.
The [NCSC TCSEC] guidelines on covert channels suggest the following combination of the
above methods: (1) use elimination methods wherever possible to eliminate channels with
bandwidths over 0.1 bits/second; (2) use bandwidth-limitation methods to reduce, whenever
possible, the maximum bandwidth of every channel that cannot be eliminated to 1 bit/second or
less; (3) use deterrence methods, namely audit, for channels with bandwidths over 0.1 bit/second;
and (4) use a "don't care" policy for covert channels with bandwidths less than 0.1 bit/second.
The TCSEC requirements for handling covert channels and the covert channel guidelines
presented in Section 8 of the TCSEC suggest the following handling policy:
· Covert channels with bandwidths under some predefined lower limit b are acceptable;
· Covert storage channels with bandwidths over lower limit b shall be auditable; the
bandwidths of all storage channels that are not auditable shall be documented;
· Covert channels with bandwidths over some predefined upper limit B > b represent a
significant threat and, wherever possible, they should either be eliminated or their
bandwidth should be reduced to B bits/second; and
· Covert storage channels with bandwidths over b bits per second should be audited; this
gives system administrators the ability to detect and procedurally correct significant
This policy allows for the existence of storage channels that are not auditable. Also, it allows
for the possibility that covert storage and timing channels with bandwidths over B = 1 bit/second
will exist in secure systems. However, the suggested values of b = 0.1 bits/second and B = 1 bit/
second are not justified based on any specific policy. The only basis for deriving these values is the
determination that:
· Covert channel handling may impose performance penalties, and that bandwidths of 1
bit/second are acceptable in most environments; and
· Although covert channels with bandwidth of over 1 bit/second may be allowed in a
secure system, covert channels with bandwidths of over 100 bits/second approximate
the rate at which many (old) computer terminals are run (or users can type). Therefore,
the existence of such channels in a secure computer system would seem inappropriate.
(Note: This guide may not contain the current covert channel bandwidth policy, which is
subject to change. Please contact the NCSC for information about the current policy.)
Although the intent of the TCSEC handling requirements and guideline is sound, the
justification of the particular values of bandwidth limits b (0.1 bits/second) and B (1 bit/second)
may be less than satisfactory for the following reasons:
· The threat posed by covert channels depends on the specific application environment
of use; therefore, the appropriateness of the bandwidth limits b and B cannot be
determined without threat analyses within the specific application environment. Hence,
these limits cannot be specified during the design or evaluation process. Whenever
practical, a system should include variable covert channel delays whose values can be
set by security administrators [IBM87].
· The threat posed by covert channels depends on the characteristics of the covert
channels themselves. For example, (1) some covert channels have a maximum
attainable value that may be very high but the noise and delay under normal system load
decrease the attainable maximum bandwidth of these channels under an acceptable
limit B; (2) some covert channels can be exploited more readily than others having
simpler scenarios of use; (3) some covert channels cannot be audited because they
appear at low system levels where audit is impractical; or (4) some covert channels can
be aggregated serially or in parallel, increasing the effective bandwidth available to
senders and receivers, and some others cannot be aggregated [Tsai and Gligor88].
These considerations indicate that the values of the bandwidth limits b and B can only be
determined after a threat analysis which includes the above factors. Let us consider an example
illustrating the necessity of threat analysis in the environment of secure system use.
Example 19 - Application Dependency of Bandwidth Limits
Consider an application environment in which classified satellite images are processed (e.g.,
satellite images of various agricultural crops in certain countries). Each image frame consists of
512x512 picture elements (pixels), each pixel having 8 bits, and each application includes up to 1
0,000 frames. A multilevel secure system is used which includes a covert channel of 10,000 bits/
second. This means an image frame can be declassified by using this covert channel in
approximatively 200 seconds. Thus, up to 18 frames can be declassified in an unauthorized manner
per hour. The need to operate this channel for more than one hour to declassify less than 0.2% of
the data makes this threat negligible. The likelihood of detecting the use of this channel by (off-
line) audit is very high due to its long period of operation. Thus, in this environment b can be set
to 10,000 bits/second or even higher. Of course, information concerning the source of the satellite
images may have a higher classification. The vulnerability of this information to covert channels
may require its separate processing by trusted software rather than by untrusted application code.
In contrast, consider an application environment where 64-bit encryption keys are generated
whose lifetimes are comparable with that of a login session (i.e., 8 hours). Even if these keys are
encrypted when stored on nonvolatile storage, their actual use by application software would be in
cleartext form. If the secure system used in this application contains a 0.1 bit/second channel, each
session key can be declassified in less than 11 minutes, rendering the key vulnerable for most of
its lifetime. The likelihood of being able to detect the use of this channel through off-line audit may
not be very high because of the relatively short period of channel use. On-line audit of this channel
may be even less likely. Thus, in this application environment B could not be set to 0.1 bit/second.
Instead, a B of 0.002 bit/second would seem more appropriate because, at that rate, it would take
at least 8 hours to declassify a key.
The classification range of the information processed in a trusted system and, therefore, the
trusted system class (i.e., B2-A1) must also be considered in threat analysis. Covert channels of
high bandwidths (e.g., 1,000-10,000 bits per second) may be acceptable in a B2 system in which
only Top Secret and Secret information is processed, and leakage below the Secret level is
impossible. In contrast, the same leakage rate may be unacceptable in A1 systems that process
multilevel information, since the possibility of unauthorized declassification of Top Secret
information might be a real threat.
In threat analyses, one must also consider the characteristics of each covert channel. For
example, the CPU scheduling channels of Example 3 may have a maximum bandwidth of 5-300
bits/second on systems comparable to today's fast workstations (depending on the operating
system and scheduling parameters [Huskamp78]). However, compared with the upgraded
directory channels, the CPU scheduling channels are much more difficult to use in any real system
due to lack of control over scheduling parameters and due to noise introduced by background
processes. Thus, these channels (and also those illustrated in Example 4 which use shared hardware
resources) are significantly less likely to be used in practice than the noiseless upgraded-directory
channels of Example 2. On the other hand, other noisy channels such as the various identifier
channels may be more likely to be used than the upgraded directory channels because the
likelihood of auditing correctly a noiseless channel is higher than that of auditing correctly a noisy
channel. Thus, the high likelihood of detecting the use of the upgraded directory channel may deter
its use.
This example indicates the need for establishing a threat-analysis policy on a per environment
and system basis. It also suggests this analysis cannot be carried out at system evaluation time
without postulating the characteristics of the application environment. Finally, this example
suggests few of the important parameters that should be considered for such an analysis.
The TCSEC requirements of test documentation at class B2 state, ". . . [Test documentation]
shall include results of testing the effectiveness of the methods used to reduce covert channel
Covert channel testing demonstrates that covert channel handling methods chosen by system
designers work as intended. These methods include covert channel elimination, bandwidth
limitation, and (ability to) audit. Testing is also useful to confirm that potential covert channels
discovered in the system are in fact real channels. Furthermore, testing is useful when the handling
method for covert channels uses variable bandwidth-reduction parameters (e.g., delays) that are
settable by system administrators (e.g., by auditors).
Bandwidth estimation methods necessary for the handling of covert channels may be based on
engineering estimation rather than on actual measurements. Bandwidth estimations provide upper
bounds for covert channels before employing any handling methods. In contrast, covert channel
testing always requires doing actual measurements to determine the covert channel bandwidths
after implementing the chosen handling method in a system.
Test plan documentation, including test conditions, test environment set-up, test data,
expected test outcome, and actual test result documentation are discussed in the security testing
guideline [NCSC Testing] in detail. Therefore, we do not repeat the discussion here. The security
testing guideline also gives an example of the test plans for a real channel (i.e., for the upgraded-
directory channel of Example 2).
We present in this chapter the TCSEC requirements relevant to covert channel analysis and
suggest ways to satisfy them. For each class containing them, we show the requirements of CCA
(which include channel identification, bandwidth measurement or estimation, audit, and design
documentation). We also summarize the recommendations made in the TCSEC guidelines on
covert channels. Our recommendations, though derived from TCSEC objectives, are not
7.1.1 Covert Channel Analysis
Channel Identification
The TCSEC requirement for CCA states, "The system developer shall conduct a thorough
search for covert storage channels . . ."
Developers shall identify the sources of information used to satisfy this requirement. These
sources shall include system reference manuals and the DTLS. They should include source code
and processor specifications whenever the identification method includes source code and
hardware analysis. Developers should show the identification method they use to be sound and
reliable (e.g., repeatable). This implies, among other things, that independent evaluators can use
the method on the same sources of covert channel information and get the same results. Otherwise,
the identification evidence will lack credibility.
Bandwidth Measurement or Engineering Estimation
The TCSEC requirement for this area states, "The system developer shall . . . make a
determination (either by actual measurement or by engineering estimation) of the maximum
bandwidth of each identified channel."
In measuring or estimating covert channel bandwidth, developers should consider the
following factors (as discussed in Section 4.1):
· For maximum bandwidth, assume the channel is noiseless and the presence of other
processes in the system do not delay the senders and receivers.
· The choice of informal estimation methods requires defining (and possibly justifying)
assumptions about the coding method and, therefore, the distribution of 0s and 1s in all
transmissions. Whenever possible, use Millen's information-theory-based method,
which yields the maximum bandwidth and also provides the required coding method to
achieve it [Millen89a].
· Covert channel measurements should include the fastest primitives for altering,
viewing, and setting up the transmission environment. Also, bandwidth measurements
should involve the demonstrably fastest process (context) switch time.
· To determine bandwidth, derive the TCB primitives to measure from real scenarios of
covert channel use. Take into account parameter and TCB state dependencies of each
selected primitive (if any).
· Specify the measurement environment. This specification includes (1) the speed of the
system components, (2) the system configuration, (3) the sizes of the memory and
cache components, and (4) the system initialization. Document the sensitivity of the
measurement results to configuration changes. (This documentation enables
accreditors to assess the real impact of covert channels in different environments of
· Sender-receiver synchronization time may be considered negligible and, therefore,
· Consider channel aggregation in bandwidth estimation.
· All measurements must be repeatable.
7.1.2 Audit
The TCSEC Audit requirements state, ". . . The TCB shall be able to audit the identified events
that may be used in the exploitation of covert storage channels."
To satisfy this requirement, audit mechanisms should include the following features whenever
possible (viz., discussion of Section 5.3):
· The audit record should include the storage channel variables.
· The audit code of the TCB should cover all control paths leading to the alteration or
viewing of the storage channel variables.
· The audit record should include sufficient information to identify unambiguously the
senders and receivers of a storage channel.
· The audit mechanism should be noncircumventable whenever audit is turned on for a
covert channel.
7.1.3 Design Documentation
Part of the TCSEC requirements for this area states the following:
. . . This documentation shall also present the results of the covert channel analysis
and the tradeoffs involved in restricting the channels. All auditable events that may
be used in the exploitation of known covert storage channels shall be identified. The
bandwidths of known covert storage channels, the use of which is not detectable by
the auditing mechanism, shall be provided. . . .
Documentation of Identified Channels
The documentation of each identified storage channel should consist of the variable the
channel views/alters and the TCB primitives that alter or view the variable. Developers should
distinguish potential covert channels from real ones.
Documentation of Bandwidth Estimation
Developers must document measurements of each covert channel primitive and should
include the bandwidth computation for each channel. They should document the measurement
environment as specified in Section 7.1.1.
Documentation of Covert Channel Auditing
Documentation shall include a definition of each event used in the exploitation of a covert
channel. This documentation should cite the definition of the TCB primitives and TCB paths
leading to a covert channel variable. Developers should also identify and justify the covert storage
channels that cannot be audited.
Channel Restriction and Handling Policies
The documentation shall include a description of (1) how covert channels are eliminated, and
(2) how covert channel bandwidth is limited to a value deemed acceptable. Sections 5.1 and 5.2
provide a discussion of channel restriction methods.
Covert channel-handling policies should be consistent with the intent of the TCSEC
guidelines. Covert channel bandwidth limits (b, B)-as defined in Sections 5.4 and 5.5-are
considered outside the purview of the TCSEC. System accreditors should specify these limits for
the specific threat environment the system will be used in.
7.1.4 Test Documentation
Part of the TCSEC requirements for test documentation states, ". . . [Test documentation]
shall include results of testing the effectiveness of the methods used to reduce covert channel
See the security testing guideline [NCSC Testing], which discusses these requirements.
Class B3 incorporates all requirements of class B2. In addition, the following requirements
7.2.1 Covert Channel Analysis
Channel Identification
The only additional B3-class requirement is the identification of timing channels. Developers
must define timing channel scenarios and identify all system components providing independent
sources of timing (e.g., CPUs and I/O processors). Developers may use the same sources of
information and methods for identifying timing channels as those used for identifying storage
Bandwidth Measurement or Engineering Estimation
There are no additional requirements.
7.2.2 Audit
There are no additional requirements.
7.2.3 Design Documentation
Documentation of Identified Channels
The only additional requirement for this class is the documentation of all timing channels.
Developers should document these channels by specifying the variable of the TCB state that may
be changed by direct or indirect actions of user processes. These channels include CPU-scheduling
channels, I/O-processor-scheduling channels, and page-replacement channels.
7.2.4 Test Documentation
There are no additional requirements.
Class A1 contains all the class B3 requirements. The only additional requirements of class A1
appear in CCA.
Covert Channel Analysis
Part of the TCSEC requirement for this area states, ". . . Formal methods shall be used in
Channel Identification
Developers can apply formal methods on both formal specifications and source code of the
TCB. These methods include syntactic information-flow analysis (with or without the use of
semantic analysis) and noninterference analysis. Developers shall apply the chosen identification
method to the FTLS. Unless the identification of covert channels is made a part of the
specification-to-code correspondence (in which case source-code analysis is included), developers
should complement the FTLS analysis with formal or informal source-code analysis. Otherwise,
covert channels may remain undetected.
Bandwidth Measurement or Engineering Estimation
The requirement to use formal methods suggests that developers should use Millen's method
(1989a)-defined and illustrated in Section 4.2.1. Any other information-theory-based method for
covert channel bandwidth estimation may be acceptable on a case-by-case basis.
AIS Automated Information System
CCA Covert Channel Analysis
CPU Central Processing Unit
DAC Discretionary Access Control
DoD Department of Defense
DTLS Descriptive Top-level Specification
EHDM Enhance Hierarchical Development Methodology
FDM Formal Development Methodology
FTLS Formal Top-level Specification
GVE Gypsy Verification Environment
HDM Hierarchical Development Methodology
I/O Input/Output
IPC InterProcess Communication
LOCK Logical Co-processing Kernel
LRU Least Recently Used
MAC Mandatory Access Control
MLS Multilevel Secure
NCSC National Computer Security Center
SAT Secure Ada Target
SRM Shared Resource Matrix
TCB Trusted Computing Base
TCSEC Trusted Computer System Evaluation Criteria
TLS Top-level Specification
Ability and means to communicate with (i.e., input to or receive output from) or
otherwise make use of any information, resource, or component in an AIS.
NOTE: An individual does not have "access" if the proper authority or a physical,
technical, or procedural measure prevents them from obtaining knowledge or having
an opportunity to alter information, material, resources, or components.
Privilege to perform an action on a program or file. NOTE: Read, write, execute,
append, modify, delete, and create are examples of access types.
Formal declaration by a designated approving authority that an AIS is approved to
operate in a particular security mode using a prescribed set of safeguards.
A user assigned to supervise all or a portion of an AIS.
Independent review and examination of records and activities to assess the adequacy
of system controls, to ensure compliance with established policies and operational
procedures, and to recommend necessary changes in controls, policies, or
The processes used to collect, review, and/or examine system activities.
An authorized individual, or role, with administrative duties, which include selecting
the events to be audited on the system, setting up the audit parameters which enable
the recording of those events, and analyzing the trail of audit events.
Chronological record of system activities to enable the reconstruction and
examination of the sequence of events and/or changes in an event.
A characteristic of a communication channel that is the amount of information that
can be passed through it in a given amount of time, usually expressed in bits per
Formal-state transition model of a computer security policy that describes a formal
set of access controls based on information sensitivity and subject authorizations.
Restrictive label that has been applied to both classified and unclassified data,
thereby increasing the requirement for protection of, and restricting the access to, the
data. NOTE: Examples include sensitive compartmented information, proprietary
information, and North Atlantic Treaty Organization information. Individuals are
granted access to special category information only after being granted formal access
Comprehensive evaluation of the technical and nontechnical security features of an
AlS and other safeguards, made in support of the accreditation process, to establish
the extent to which a particular design and implementation meets a set of specified
security requirements.
An information transfer path within a system. May also refer to the mechanism by
which the path is effected.
Unintended and/or unauthorized communications path that can be used to transfer
information in a manner that violates an AIS security policy. See also: Covert Storage
Channel, Covert Timing Channel.
Covert channel that involves the direct or indirect writing to a storage location by one
process and the direct or indirect reading of the storage location by another process.
NOTE: Covert storage channels typically involve a finite resource (e.g., sectors on a
disk) that is shared by two subjects at different security levels.
Covert channel in which one process signals information to another process by
modulating its own use of system resources (e.g., central processing unit time) in
such a way that this manipulation affects the real response time observed by the
second process.
Information with a specific physical representation.
Condition that exists when data is unchanged from its source and has not been
accidentally or maliciously modified, altered, or destroyed.
Top-level specification that is written in a natural language (e.g., English), an
informal program design notation, or a combination of the two. NOTE: Descriptive
top-level specification, required for a class B2 and B3 AIS, completely and
accurately describes a trusted computing base. See formal top-level specification.
Means of restricting access to objects based on the identity and need-to-know of users
and/or groups to which the object belongs. NOTE: Controls are discretionary in the
sense that a subject with a certain access permission is capable of passing that
permission (directly or indirectly) to any other subject. See mandatory access control.
Unique context (e.g., access control parameters) in which a program is operating; in
effect, the set of objects that a subject has the ability to access.
Covert channel that is intended to violate the security policy governing an AIS and is
usable or detectable by subjects external to the trusted computing base. See covert
Mathematically precise statement of a security policy. NOTE: Such a model must
define a secure state, an initial state, and how the model represents changes in state.
The model must be shown to be secure by proving that the initial state is secure and
that all possible subsequent states remain secure.
Top-level specification that is written in a formal mathematical language to allow
theorems, showing the correspondence of the system specification to its formal
requirements, to be hypothesized and formally proven. NOTE: Formal top-level
specification, required for a class A1 AIS, completely and accurately describes the
trusted computing base. See descriptive top-level specification.
Segment of security testing in which advertised security mechanisms of an AIS are
tested under operational conditions.
Means of restricting access to objects based on the sensitivity (as represented by a
label) of the information contained in the objects and the formal authorization (i.e.,
clearance) of subjects to access information of such sensitivity. See discretionary
access control.
Device that is trusted to properly maintain and separate data of different security
Passive entity that contains or receives information. NOTE: Access to an object
implies access to the information it contains. Examples of objects are: records,
blocks, pages, segments, files, directories, directory trees and programs, as well as
bits, bytes, words, fields, processors, video displays, keyboards, clocks, printers, and
network nodes.
Communications path within a computer system or network that is designed for the
authorized transfer of data. See covert channel.
A program in execution. See domain and subject.
Fundamental operation in an AIS that results only in the flow of information from an
object to a subject. See access type.
Permission to read information in an AIS.
An administrative role (or user) responsible for the security of an AIS and having the
authority to enforce the security safeguards on all others who have access to the AIS
(with the possible exception of the auditor.) Also called system administrator.
The combination of a hierarchical classification and a set of nonhierarchical
categories that represents the sensitivity of information.
The set of laws, rules, and practices that regulate how an organization manages,
protects, and distributes sensitive information.
An informal or formal presentation of a security policy enforced by the AIS. It must
identify the set of rules and practices that regulate how an AIS manages, protects, and
distributes sensitive information. See Bell-La Padula security model and formal
security policy model.
Process to determine that an AIS protects data and maintains functionality as
intended. NOTE: Security testing may reveal vulnerabilities beyond the scope of the
AS design.
Active entity in an AIS, generally in the form of a person, process, or device that
causes information to flow among objects or changes the system state. NOTE:
Technically, a process/domain pair.
Sensitivity label(s) of the objects to which the subject has both read and write access.
NOTE: Security level of a subject must always be dominated by the clearance level
of the user with which the subject is associated.
An operation implemented by the TCB whose interface specifications (e.g., names,
parameters, effects, exceptions, access control checks, errors, and calling
conventions) are provided by system reference manuals or DTLS/FTLS as required.
A nonprocedural description of system behavior at the most abstract level; typically,
a functional specification that omits all implementation details.
Computer program containing an apparent or actual useful function that contains
additional (hidden) functions that allows unauthorized collection, falsification or
destruction of data.
Totality of protection mechanisms within a computer system, including hardware,
firmer, and software, the combination of which is responsible for enforcing a security
policy. NOTE: The ability of a trusted computing base to enforce correctly a unified
security policy depends on the correctness of the mechanisms within the trusted
computing base, the protection of those mechanisms to ensure their correctness, and
the correct input of parameters related to the security policy.
Person or process accessing an AIS by direct connections (e.g., via terminals) or
indirect connections. NOTE: "Indirect connection" relates to persons who prepare
input data or receive output that is not reviewed for content or classification by a
responsible individual.
The process of comparing two levels of an AIS specification for proper
correspondence (e.g., security policy model with top-level specification, top-level
specification with source code, or source code with object code). NOTE: This
process may or may not be automated.
Fundamental operation in an AIS that results only in the flow of information from a
subject to an object. See access type.
Permission to write to an object in an AIS.
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Technical Report MTR-10538, January 1989.
[NCSC Audit]
National Computer Security Center, A Guide to Understanding Audit in Trusted Systems,
NCSC-TG-001, version 2, June 1988.
National Computer Security Center, A Guide to Understanding Discretionary Access
Control, NCSC-TG-003 , version 1, 30 September 1987.
National Computer Security Center, Department of Defense Trusted Computer System
Evaluation Criteria, DoD 5200.28-STD, December 1985.
[NCSC Testing]
National Computer Security Center, A Guide to Understanding Security Testing and Test
Documentation in Trusted Systems, Draft, 1989.
J. K. Osterhout, S. H. Scelza, and P. S. Sinhu, "Medusa: An Experiment in Distributed
Operating System Structure," Communications of the ACM, 23:2, pp. 92-105, February 1980.
J. K. Osterhout, "Scheduling Techniques for Concurrent System Structure," Proceedings
of the 3rd International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida,
pp. 22-30, October 1982.
[Reed and Kanodia78]
D. P. Reed and R. K. Kanodia, "Synchronization with Eventcounts and Sequencers,"
Communications of the ACM, 21:2, pp. 115-122, February 1978.
J. Rushby, "The Security Model of Enhanced HDM," Proceedings of the 7th DOD/NBS
Computer Security Conference, pp. 120-136, September 1984.
J. Rushby, The SRI Security Model, Technical Report, Computer Science Laboratory, SRI
International, Menlo Park, California, April 1985.
[Saltzer and Schroeder75]
J. H. Saltzer and M. D. Schroeder, "The Protection of Information in Computer Systems,"
Proceedings of the IEEE, 63:9, pp. 1278-1308, September 1975.
M. Schaefer, B. Gold, R. Linde, and J. Scheid, "Program Confinement in KVM/370,"
Proceedings of the 1977 Annual ACM Conference, Seattle, Washington, ACM, New York, pp.
404-410, October 1977.
M. Schaefer, "Symbol Security Condition Considered Harmful," Proceedings of the IEEE
Symposium on Security and Privacy, Oakland, California, pp. 20-46, April 1989.
M. D. Schroeder, D. D. Clark, and J. H. Saltzer, "The Multics Kernel Design Project,"
Proceedings of the 6th ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles, West Lafayette, IN, pp.
43-45, November 1977. (Also available in the Operating Systems Review, 11:5, November
[Shannon and Weaver64]
C. E. Shannon and W. Weaver, The Mathematical Theory of Communication, The
University of Illinois Press, Urbana, Illinois, 1964.
[Shieh and Gligor90]
S. P. Shieh and V. D. Gligor, "Auditing the Use of Covert Channels in Secure Systems,"
Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on Research in Security and Privacy, Oakland, California,
May 1990.
C.-R. Tsai, V. D. Gligor, and C. S Chandersekaran, "A Formal Method for the
Identification of Covert Storage Channels in Source Code," lEEE Transactions on Software
Engineering, 16:6, pp. 569-580, June 1990. (Also in the Proceedings of the lEEE Symposium on
Security and Privacy, Oakland, California, pp. 74-86, April 1987.)
[Tsai and Gligor88]
C.-R. Tsai and V. D. Gligor, "A Bandwidth Computation Model for Covert Storage
Channels and Its Applications," Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy,
Oakland, California, pp. 108-121, April 1988.
B. Walker, G. Popek, and G. Thiel, "The LOCUS Distributed Operating System,"
Proceedings of the 9th ACM Symposium on Operating System Principles, Bretton-Wood, New
Hampshire, pp. 49-70, December 1983.
K. G. Walter, W. F. Ogden, W. C. Rounds, F. T. Bradshaw, S. R. Ames, K. J. Biba, J. M.
Gilligan, D. D. Schaeffer, S. I. Schaen, and D. G. Shumway, Modeling the Security Interface,
Technical Report No. 1158, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio, August 1974.
J. Whitmore, et al., Design for Multics Security Enhancements, Honeywell Information
Systems Inc., Technical Report ESD-TR-74-1 76, HQ Electronic Systems Division, Hanscom
AFB, Massachusetts, December 1973.
J. C. Wray, "An Analysis of Covert Timing Channels," Proceedings of the IEEE
Symposium on Research in Security and Privacy, Oakland, California, pp. 2-7, May 1991.
This appendix provides additional examples of storage and timing channels. For simplicity, in
all covert channel examples below we assume the security level of the sending process S dominates
that of the receiving process R. However, one can find similar examples where the security levels
of S and R are incomparable using the dominance relation defined in the system.
The following examples of covert storage channels are identified in the literature; for example,
see [Lopere85] or [Tsai and Gligor88]. These examples are necessarily genric in nature and are
meant to be a starting point for identification of covert storage channels in specific systems.
A.1.1 Table-Space Exhaustion Channels
The table-space exhaustion channel is similar to the memory-resource exhaustion channel. The
channel is present on systems in which the TCB allocates a fixed amount of space for its table
rather than employing some type of dynamic allocation scheme. For the purpose of creating an
example here, suppose that a TCB has allocated a fixed table to keep track of processes created in
the system. A sending process S whose security level dominates that of a receiving process R
would transmit information in the following manner:
(1) Process R creates processes (one or more of these processes can be deleted by the sender S)
until the process table space is exhausted. The new processes simply sleep or block indefinitely.
(2) Process R then synchronizes with process S.
(3) To send a 1 or 0, process S either deletes a process (in common with R) or doesn't and then
(4) Process R attempts to create another process (again, in common with S). It records a 1 or 0
depending on its success. Process R then synchronized with process S, and the operation continues
in this fashion until all of the desired information is transferred.
A.1.2 Unmount of Busy File System Channels
This covert storage channel is exploitable in a segmented memory architecture system in which
the file system cannot be unmounted if some segments are still in the address space of a process.
If a process attempts to unmount a file system and is given an answer busy or not busy, a higher
security level process owning segments contained in the file system can transfer information to a
lower security level process attempting the unmount. The scenario is as follows:
(1) Process R (whose security level is dominated by that of S) begins by releasing all of the
segments on the file system. Processes R and S have one segment in common which they can both
map into their address spaces.
(2) Process R then synchronizes with process S.
(3) To send a 1 or 0, process S either maps the common segment into its address space (or does
nothing if it is already there) or unmaps the common segment from its address space (or does
nothing if it is already not there). Process S then blocks.
(4) Process R receives a 1 or 0 by attempting to unmount the file system and reviewing the
result. If the unmount was successful, R remounts the file system.
(5) Process R then synchronized with process S and the exchange continues until completion of
the desired transfer.
A.1.3 Printer Attachment Channel
When physical printers or other I/O devices are shared resources in a system, a sending process
S at a high security level could potentially transfer information to a receiving process R at a lower
security level by creating contention for the device(s). As always, the sender and receiver must
have some way to synchronize. To send a 1, the sender process S simply checks to see if the printer
is attached, and attaches it if it is not. To send a 0, the sender process S checks to see if the printer
is attached, and detaches it if it is. The receiver process R attempts to attach the printer, receiving
a 0 if successful, and a 1 otherwise. The receiver process R then detaches the printer if the attach
call was successful.
One way to think of the difference between covert timing channels and covert storage channels
is that covert timing channels are essentially memoryless, whereas covert storage channels are not.
With a timing channel, the information transmitted from the sender must be sensed by the receiver
immediately, or it will be lost. However, an error code indicating a full disk which is exploited to
create a storage channel may stay constant for an indefinite amount of time, so a receiving process
is not as constrained by time.
As is the case with covert storage channels, covert timing channels will inevitably be present on
any system in which sharing of system resources takes place. We present several examples of
covert timing channels in the following sections.
The tasks of identification and handling covert timing channels (i.e., bandwidth reduction,
elimination, or audit) in a secure system are more difficult than for covert storage channels for the
following reasons:
(1) An accepted method (such as the SRM method presented in [Kemmerer83] and reviewed in
Section 3.2.3) for identifying all covert timing channels does not exist. Although the SRM method
has been presented as a tool for the identification of both covert storage and timing channels, in the
case of timing channels it is no more effective than an ad hoc examination of each system call.
(2) Tools (such as Ina Flo or HDM MLS-presented in Appendix B) for identification covert
timing channels do not exist. This is largely because the formal specification methodologies that
have been developed do not address timing issues, and this situation is not expected to change in
the near future [Haigh87]. This is the case because none of the existent tools can help discover
timing channel scenarios.
(3) Covert timing channels involve the exploitation of normal system activity (and sometimes
the direct exploitation of hardware), thus they are much more difficult to audit than covert storage
channels. Attempts to perform meaningful audit of normal system activity will result in the
generation of massive amounts of unusable data, added kernel complexity, and reduced
performance. For example, it is practically impossible to audit the CPU timing channels of
Example 3 and the bus, memory-port, and crossbar-switch contention channels of Example 4,
Section 2.2.1.
Despite the problems listed above, to a certain extent one can design a secure system that limits
or eliminates some types of covert timing channels. For example, one can eliminate a potential
covert timing channel by time-partitioning a shared resource on a security-level basis (see Section
5.1). The addition of noise (for example, in the form of added processes) of added process) can also
reduce the bandwidth of most covert timing channels.
The following sections enumerate some of the covert timing channels that are identified in the
literature (for example, see [Schaefer77, Huskamp78, Karger and Wray91]). These examples are
necessarily generic in nature and are meant to be a starting point for identification of covert timing
channels in specific systems. We make two basic assumptions for all the examples detailed in the
following sections. First, in each scenario we assume the communicating processes either have a
continuous clock available that has reasonable resolution, or the processes create a time reference
by using simple counters in memory segments or files. Second, we assume the communicating
processes are running alone the system (i.e., little or no noise is present). This second assumption
ensures calculating the maximum channels bandwidths.
These two assumptions help identify some of the countermeasures that can be used against some
covert timing channels ina secure system. The first is to virtualize the clock in the system by
resetting the clock at every context switch [Lipner75]. However, this action could render the
system useless, since many system functions depend on a real, continuous time source. Also, this
countermeasure is ineffective when the communicating processes have constructed their own time
references. The other countermeasure that applies to most covert timing channels is the addition of
noise to the system in the form of added processes. While the countermeasure can effectively
reduce the bandwidth of the channel, it adds unwanted overhead to the system.
A.2.1. I/O Scheduling Channels
Consider a movable head I/O device that uses a scheduling algorithm called the "elevator
algorithm." The algorithm works as follows: requests are enqueued by ascending cylinder
number. Requests are then dequeued in order of ascending cylinder number until no greater
cylinder number remains (i.e., the upper end of the cylinder is reached) and then are dequeued in
descending order until no lower numbered cylinders remain (i.e., the lower end of the cylinder is
reached). This process is continuously repeated.
Again, let process R be a receiver at a low security level and process S be the sender at a higher
security level. Process R is the owner of cylinders 51 through 59 of a disk, to which S has read
access. Process R issues a request for cylinder 55, waits until notified of its completion, and then
relinquishes the CPU. Process S then issues a request for either cylinder 53 (to send a 0) or 57 (to
send a 1), and then relinquishes the CPU. Process R then issues requests for cylinders 58 and 52,
recording a 1 or 0 depending on which request completes first.
Note that similar timing channels can be found for other I/O scheduling algorithms. One way to
eliminate these channels is to keep a process from viewing its requests until the entire queue of
requests has been completed. This action also leads to underutilization of the i/O processing power.
A.2.2 I/O Operation Completion Channels
Assume process S and process R own separate portions of the same movable-head I/O device.
Process S and process R synchronize themselves to run alternately by using the system's
synchronization facilities. For an example of the synchronization primitives that could be used, see
[Reed and Kanodia78]. T send a 1, process S requests a read on a part of the disk that is farthest
from process R's portion of the disk. To send a 0, process S does nothing. Process R issues a read
to its portion of the disk and determines the bit of information received depending on the time that
it takes for the request to complete.
Note that both the I/O scheduling and the I/O completion channels are similar to the CPU
quantum and CPU interquantum channels of Example3, Section 2.2.1.
A.2.3 Memory Resource Management Channels
Below we describe two possible covert timing channels associated with the activity of
memory resource management. Both involve a sending process conveying information by
modulating the frequency with which a receiver process obtains a resource. The first channel
involves the ability of the sender to modulate the data paging rate; the second involves the sender
modulating the time the receiver takes to obtain addressability to a segment via an active segment
A.2.3.1 Data Page Pool Channels
Suppose a sender process S whose security level dominates that of a receiver process R can
request the same page of data in a demand-paging environment. In this scenario, the receiver
process R's security level must dominate the security level of the page, and the processes S and R
must possess "read" access to the page. The sender process S may not possess "write" access to the
page. Imagine also that the page has not been referenced, and so is not resident in main memory.
Additionally, the processes S and R must agree on a set of pages to be used to exploit this covert
channel. Process S can now modulate process R's response time (and thus send a bit of information
to R) when reading the page by either referencing the page or not (bringing the page into memory
or not). If process S is reading (or not reading) from a new page each time, it can continually send
information to R. Since memory is not infinite, a new page cannot be referenced each time. A
potentially continuous channel still exists, though, as long as process S has more pages available
to it than the memory management working set size, the pages are referenced ina circular fashion,
and the memory manager is using a Least Recently Used (LRU) page-replacement algorithm.
A.2.3.2 Active Segment Table Channels
The active segment table channel is very similar to the data page pool channel, and is only a
threat in a segmented architecture. The sending process S either introduces a new segment into its
address space (resulting in the segment being entered into the active segment table) or doesn't,
depending on the desired value to be transmitted. The receiving process R introduces the same
segment into its address space, and perceives the difference in response time, which varies
depending upon whether or not the entry is already in the active segment table. Similar to the data
page pool case, this channel can be made continuous as long as process S and process R share more
segments than there are slots in the active segment table and process S releases the previous
iteration's segment (removing it from the table) before proceeding to the next interation.
A.2.4 Device Controller Contention Channels
Consider a system in which multiple single-level devices, of perhaps different levels, are
handled by the same controller, and I/O to each device is scheduled serially. Process S, which is
writing to device A, can send information to process R (R is dominated by S), which is writing to
device B, by varying the time that it spends doming I/O. Note that this channels's bandwidth can
potentially be raised by transmitting more elaborate bit patterns than just 0 or 1 with the use of
encoding techniques (by associating higher radix digits with different time intervals perceived by
the receiver). For example, a perceived interval of 0 to x would indicate a value of 0, interval x to
y would be a 1, and interval y to z would be a 2. Note, however, that more elaborate schemes for
encoding of data can be more susceptible to the effects of noise.
A.2.5 Exclusive Use of Segments Channels
In come systems, a user is allowed to obtain exclusive use of a segment. If a process currently
has exclusive access to a segment, other requests for access to the segment are blocked until the
segment becomes available. Therefore, a sending process S at a high security level could
potentially gain exclusive access to a segment, and modulate the time it takes for a receiving
process R at a lower security level to gain access to the segment. Note that, as in the previous
section, the bandwidth of the channel could potentially be raised by the transmission of more
elaborate bit patterns.
A.2.6 Synchronization Primitive Contention Channels
Consider a system where a central lock provides and controls process synchronization
primitives. Contention for this central coordination can then be exploited to create a timing
channel. The required configuration is similar to that of Example 4 of Section 2.2.1: three
processors in system, one process per processor, with a clock process incrementing a counter ina
shared segment. The receiver process R continuously reads the shared counter, attempts two
synchronization primitive calls, and reads the counter again. The sender process S (whose security
level dominates that of the receiver process R) transmits a bit of data by either making a
synchronization call (thereby causing contention) or waiting for the amount of time it would take
to make two synchronization call (thereby causing contention) or waiting for the amount of time it
would take to make two synchronization calls (one with contention), in order to stay synchronized.
The receiver process R discriminates binary data by comparing the two reads of the counter in the
shared segment. The delay will be longer if the sender process S has created contention.
The TCSEC requires one use formal methods in the covert channel analysis of a system targeted
for the A1 class. A number of tools exist, and are generally associated with a particular suite of
tools such as the Formal Development Methodology (FDM), the Enhanced Hierarchical
Development Methodology (EHDM), and the Gypsy Verification Environment (GVE). Although
the emphasis has been on examining specifications written in a language such as Ina Jo (FDM),
Revised Special (EHDM), or Gypsy (GVE), some work has been done on analysis of source code
for covert channels using tools (see Section 3.2). The examination for covert channels involves
looking at each variable referenced in the specification, and deciding where information flow is
The goal of using these tools is to identify (with respect to a given policy) insecure flows, so that
all such flows in a system can be reduced or eliminated. However, as discussed in Section 3.1, use
of a flow tool on a specification does not guarantee that insecure flows do not exist in an
implementation; rather, it guarantees that insecure flows do not exist in, and are not required by,
the specification. For this reason, one must be careful concerning assertions made about the
application of a given tool to a design. Also, since the tools developed to date are not designed to
find timing channel scenarios, they are useful primarily in the identification of covert storage
The information-flow tools described below are the FDM Multilevel Secure (MLS) and SRM
tools, the Gypsy Flow Analyzer, and the EHDM MLS tool. Chapter 3 describes the use of formal
methods in the identification of covert channels in source code.
The Ina Flo Tool [Eckmann87], a software tool to aid CCA, is part of the FDM developed at
Unisys. Ina Flo is composed of two tools: MLS, which is similar to the HDM MLS tool, and
another tool, which implements the Shared Resource Matrix approach [Kemmerer83].
B.1.1 MLS
The MLS tool of Ina Flo identifies flows in an Ina Jo specification by examining dependencies
between variables and formal parameters of transforms from one state to the next. If x and y are
variables or formal parameters of a transforms from one state to the next. If x and y are variables
or formal parameters of a transform, and the new value of y depends on the old value of x, then
information flows from x to y. MLS also includes the following rule for determining security: A
flow is secure if and only if the label (security level) of variable y dominates the label of variable
x (i.e., the *-property [Bell and La Padula76] is preserved). The user assigns labels to variables and
defines a partial ordering on those labels (defines the dominates relation). MLS then generates a
list of conjectures (one list per transform) which, when proven, guarantee there are no storage
channels in the specification. Conjectures that cannot be proven represent potential covert channels
which must be handled with manual analysis.
Because Ina Jo specifications can be written ina nondeterministic manner, the dependencies
between old and new values of variables can be difficult to determine. For this reason, the
generation of information regarding nondeterministic flows is optional. A preprocessor called
"PREMLS" is available that accepts an Ina for specification and produces a more deterministic
version of the same specification.
B.1.2 SRM
The SRM tool of Ina Flo is an implementation of the SRM Method, and is intended to be used
on specifications in which the MLS tool cannot be used. This would be the case when the
specification does not contain complete security policy information. The SRM tool does not
provide as much automated capability as the MLS tool. It simply accepts the Ina Jo specification
and generates the corresponding shared resource matrix. Analysis of this matrix is then a manual
The Gypsy Flow Analyzer [McHugh and Good85] is an information-flow tool that is part of the
GVE. The basis for this tool comes from the Gypsy optimizer, which contains code to identify
"ghost" variables having no effect on the outputs of the program. These variables are found by
conducting a detailed flow analysis of the Gypsy specification. The flow analysis involves
generating the set of all paths through each routine and determining all contributors to the output
of the routine. In addition to the identification of flows resulting from assignment statements, those
resulting from control constructs and buffer operations are identified.
The application of a flow tool such as this to the problem of identification of convert channels
in secure systems involves the assignment of labels to variables, the definition of a flow policy, and
the definition of a partial ordering among different label values, much like is done with the MLS
tool of the FDM. Note that the choice of the flow policy is at the discretion of the user of the flow
tool. The entire process of using the Gypsy Flow Tool is summarized in [McHugh and Good85] as
(1) Definition of the desired information flow policy expressed as a Gypsy theory (i.e., a set of
Gypsy functions, constants, lemmas, and data types).
(2) Identification of the TCB interface set.
(3) Execution of the flow analysis for the TCB.
(4) Construction of information flow analogues for each routine in the TCB interface set using
the results of the previous step.
(5) Creation of information flow policy specifications for the TCB interface routines and for
literals or constants appearing in the flows to the parameters of the interface set.
(6) Generation of verification conditions for the flow abstraction routines.
(7) Proof of the verification conditions.
Difficulty in proof of the verification conditions indicates existence of flows that violate the
stated flow policy. The source of these illegal flows must be pinpointed exactly and treated so that
the proof step can be completed. Unfortunately, in a large program, locating illegal flows can be
very difficult, and the Gypsy Flow Tool does not provide much help in this area.
The EHDM MLS Tool [Rushby84] is an information flow tool that is part of the Enhanced
Hierarchical Development Methodology. It accepts as input a specification written in Revised
Special and produces a set of theorems to be verified. The successful verification of these theorems
asserts that the specification is multilevel secure as defined by the SRI model in [Rushby84].
A conceptually simple statement of the SRI model is that the information users can obtain from
a system cannot be influenced by users whose security level is greater than theirs. The model
assumes a lattice of security levels and a collection of users assigned a security level. If operations
in the system possess an invocation level SL1 then the operation is multilevel secure if:
(1) The value (result) returned to the user depends on objects whose security levels SL2 satisfy
SL2 < = SL1.
(2) The objects that acquire new values during the operation are at security level SL2 such that
SL1 < = SL2.
(3) If an object at security level SL2 acquires a new value dependent on the value of an object
at security level SL1, then SL2 must dominate SL1.
The SRI model is conceptually similar to the Bell and La Padula model [Bell and La Padula76].
The MLS tool produces a set of theorems for each operation that correspond to the three conditions
stated above. Violations of the model may appear in the generated output, and may indicate design
flaws or covert channels.
Two concerns about the MLS tool are raised in [Kemmerer86]. One is that the volume of
generated theorems will be very high. The other is that all of the theorems may not be provable in
an automated way using the EHDM theorem prover, so the user may have to edit the PROOF
module, adding lemmas that make the verification conditions provable.
An earlier version of the MLS flow tool (old HDM) was used in the SCOMP verification effort
[Benzel84] to identify a number of covert channels. Isolation of the potential channels consisted of
tracing unprovable verification conditions back to the system specification, and then tracing the
lines of the specification back to the lines of code, using the results of the specification-to-code
correspondence effort before undertaking the task of applying the MLS flow tool to the
The previous three sections discuss various formal tools that can be used for the identification
of covert storage channels by examining the specification of a system. This section outlines the
steps of a formal method that has been developed for the identification of covert storage channels
by examination of the source code of a system. [Tsai90, He and Gligor90] The advantages of a
formal source-code approach to the identification of covert channels are:
(1) All potential storage channels in the implementation examined are discovered.
(2) It avoids discovery of false illegal flows (a problem that appears with the use of the other
tools discussed above).
(3) The method helps to determine whether the mandatory access control rules are implemented
(4) It helps determine the source code locations where audit code, delays, and randomization
code should be placed for handling covert channels.
(5) The method is a fully automated search for potential covert storage channels. [He and
In addition to the advantages stated above, a code level examination for covert storage channels
seems to be stronger than the specification level searches provided by FDM. GVE, and HDM, since
a formal method has not been developed for showing the correspondence of the specification to the
code. The code-level search for covert storage channels is theoretically similar to specification-
level approaches and is conducted as follows:
(1) Select the set kernel primitives (TCB interface calls) to be analyzed.
(2) Determine the visibility/alterability of kernel variables when primitives are invoked.
(3) Apply the mandatory access control policy to the shared variables and kernel primitives to
detect flows which are in violation.
For more details on this method of channel identification, we refer the reader to [Tsai90, He and
Patrick R. Gallagher, Jr.
National Computer Security Center
November 1993