Mandriva Linux Security Advisory 2015-111 - It was discovered that libxml2, a library providing support to read, modify and write XML files, incorrectly performs entity substitution in the doctype prolog, even if the application using libxml2 disabled any entity substitution. A remote attacker could provide a specially-crafted XML file that, when processed, would lead to the exhaustion of CPU and memory resources or file descriptors. A denial of service flaw was found in libxml2, a library providing support to read, modify and write XML and HTML files. A remote attacker could provide a specially crafted XML file that, when processed by an application using libxml2, would lead to excessive CPU consumption based on excessive entity substitutions, even if entity substitution was disabled, which is the parser default behavior.
Hash: SHA1
Mandriva Linux Security Advisory MDVSA-2015:111
Package : libxml2
Date : March 29, 2015
Affected: Business Server 2.0
Problem Description:
Updated libxml2 packages fix security vulnerabilities:
It was discovered that libxml2, a library providing support to
read, modify and write XML files, incorrectly performs entity
substituton in the doctype prolog, even if the application using
libxml2 disabled any entity substitution. A remote attacker could
provide a specially-crafted XML file that, when processed, would lead
to the exhaustion of CPU and memory resources or file descriptors
A denial of service flaw was found in libxml2, a library providing
support to read, modify and write XML and HTML files. A remote attacker
could provide a specially crafted XML file that, when processed by
an application using libxml2, would lead to excessive CPU consumption
(denial of service) based on excessive entity substitutions, even if
entity substitution was disabled, which is the parser default behavior
Updated Packages:
Mandriva Business Server 2/X86_64:
a35559f4de0f536e3a6468d310edb22a mbs2/x86_64/lib64xml2_2-2.9.1-3.1.mbs2.x86_64.rpm
0a6a1369092011423c7166a214e8c828 mbs2/x86_64/lib64xml2-devel-2.9.1-3.1.mbs2.x86_64.rpm
4b0c0e185dd14ecdb6f7440e324ca1af mbs2/x86_64/libxml2-python-2.9.1-3.1.mbs2.x86_64.rpm
c80299579258833fd0899b9ec4ed1cfd mbs2/x86_64/libxml2-utils-2.9.1-3.1.mbs2.x86_64.rpm
bcacc9a4c667c5511db76d0512a38d29 mbs2/SRPMS/libxml2-2.9.1-3.1.mbs2.src.rpm
To upgrade automatically use MandrivaUpdate or urpmi. The verification
of md5 checksums and GPG signatures is performed automatically for you.
All packages are signed by Mandriva for security. You can obtain the
GPG public key of the Mandriva Security Team by executing:
gpg --recv-keys --keyserver 0x22458A98
You can view other update advisories for Mandriva Linux at:
If you want to report vulnerabilities, please contact
Type Bits/KeyID Date User ID
pub 1024D/22458A98 2000-07-10 Mandriva Security Team
Version: GnuPG v1.4.12 (GNU/Linux)