WordPress Cardoza Ajax Search plugin version 1.1 suffers from a remote SQL injection vulnerability.
Exploit Title : SQl INJECTION AJAX Post Search --- wordpress plugin---
Author:Marcela Benetrix
Date: 10/12/12
version: 1.1
software link: http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/cardoza-ajax-search/
AJAX Post Search wordpress plugin description
This plugin will allow your website visitors to search the posts of your site without page refresh.
SQL (blind) injection description
The problem was located in :cardoza_ajax_search.php file, to be more specific the_search_function() . I could see that the srch_txt field hadn't been sanitized.
/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php/?srch_txt='or 1=1-- &action=the_search_text
via ajax
it is possible to access the database and as a consequence get user information such as usernames, passwords among other data
Vendor Notification
10/12/2012 to: the developer. He replied immediately and fixed the problem.
posted in plugin track repository http://plugins.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/1588
Because of it, a new version has been released