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Posted Feb 22, 2000
Authored by J-Dog | Site resentment.org

ViperDB was created as a smaller and faster option to Tripwire. ViperDB does not use a fancy all-in-one database to keep records. Instead it uses a plaintext db which is stored in each "watched" directory. By using this there is no real one attack point for an attacker to focus his attention on. This coupled with the running of ViperDB every 5 minutes (via cron root job) decreases that likelihood that an attacker will be able to modify your "watched" filesystem while ViperDB is monitoring your system.

Changes: Ignore file functionality which allows user to specify files to ignore added. Updated code works better on solaris, updated ls options to lAcr for solaris instead of standard laAs. Splitting permissions code cleaned out into owner, group, all perms.
tags | tool, root, intrusion detection
systems | unix
SHA-256 | 488a3842de04fb92480a0e20d15a8bdd4795feaa15e66dc9d2a2d1c80a92712b


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# ViperDB v0.9.1
# ViperDB was created as a smaller & faster option to Tripwire.
# Tripwire while being a great product leaves something to be
# desired in the speed department and also, by default tripwire
# generates a report everytime it runs and directs that report
# to an email address. This hinders most people from running
# Tripwire every few minutes to do a system check. ViperDB
# however is the answer to this problem. ViperDB does not use
# a fancy all-in-one database to keep records instead, I opted
# to keep it fast and hence decided to go with a plaintext db
# which is stored in each "watched" directory. By using this
# there is no real one attack point for a attacker to focus his
# attention on. This coupled with the running of ViperDB every
# 5 minutes (via cron root job) decreases that likelyhood that
# an attacker will be able to modify your "watched" filesystem
# .while ViperDB is monitoring your system
# - Adding of a more complex "system status" function which when
# a change is detected, would grab info that might be helpful
# in determining what caused the change (ie. processes running,
# users logged in, last few lines from logfiles, etc)
# whitetrash, punkis, & rooster, and those of you who
# have sent in your suggestions.
# Special thanks to Anthony D. Urso <anthonyu@killa.net> for
# finding the nasty race conditions which prompted me to recode
# all file access properly instead of being lame and using system()
# for every file access
# 0.1 - 0.5 - Wrote CreateDB.pl which generates the DBs
# - Wrote CheckDB.pl which used diff to find changes
# - Re-Coded to use a "distributed database" instead of
# one centralized DB.
# - Re-Coded to use a config file (ViperDB.ini)
# - Changed to use Assoc. Arrays to speed up processing
# - Added capability to detect additions & deletions of
# files to "watched" directories
# 0.6 - Merged CreateDB.pl & CheckDB.pl into one
# - Cleaned out debugging code and commented more
# 0.7 - Changed logging mechanism from logging to an
# individual file to logging to the standard
# logging facility (calls on 'logger')
# - Added '-checkstrict' functionality which changes
# permissions back to what they were before the
# change was made to the file.
# - Added exception(s) to '-checkstrict' which removes
# all permissions from the changed file if the file
# originally was SUID/GUID
# - Changed way changes were seen by admin, now a change
# only sends an alert to the logs once instead of repeatedly.
# 0.8 - Added Email notification option which will send email to
# specified email address
# - Updated to make "database(s)" immutable and undeleteable
# so it is hard for the database(s) to be changed in between
# runs even if someone busts root.
# 0.9 - Added ignore file functionality which allows user to
# specify files to ignore
# - Updated code to work better on solaris, ie updated ls
# options to -lAcr for solaris instead of standard -laAs
# 0.9.1 - Fixed some nasty race conditions
# - changed almost all system() calls to perl equivolents
# - cleaned up -checkstrict code to handle changing perms.
# owner,group back to original.. now use UID/GID instead
# of the name of the uid/gid
# - Simplfied reporting (lumped all perms together and
# uid/gid together)
# - cleaned up a bug with chattr and -init runtype

# These are the only things you should need to set
$notify_subject="ViperDB Changes Detected!\n";


# Detect what command line switches were passed and act accordingly
if (@ARGV[0] eq '-init'){
print "Init Detected. Creating Databases...\n";
} elsif (@ARGV[0] eq '-check'||@ARGV[0] eq '-checkstrict'){
print "Check Detected: Now Checking File Sanity...\n";
} else {
print "\n\nViperDB v0.9\n";
print "ERROR: Unrecognized option or none given.\n";
print "usage: ViperDB -init -check\n";
print " -init Initializes the ViperDB Databases\n";
print " -check Runs a system file sanity check\n";
print " -checkstrict Runs a system file sanity check (protective)\n";

sub InitDB {

sub SysCheck {
if (@ARGV[0] eq '-checkstrict'){

# At this point I re-init the databases to stop
# changes from constantly being displayed. We have
# displayed changes, if any, and we are now going
# to re-create the database with the new perms.
print "Creating New Databases...\n";

sub CreateDB {
# Parse in the Ignore file
open (IGNORE, "< $ignorefile");
$ignorefiles{$ignorecount} = $_;

#Parse in the Config file
open (CONFIG, "< $configfile");
chomp $configline;
while (defined($configline)){
if ($configline =~ /:/){
} else {
# Set some vars up for runtype
if ($runtype eq 'init'){
$ViperDB=$wd . '.ViperDB';
# Solaris be goofy and we can't do this
if ($os_type ne 'sunos'){
system("chattr -iu $ViperDB 2>/dev/null 1>/dev/null");
} else {
$ViperDB=$wd . '.ViperDB.tmp';

# Read in the current dir and build the DB
open (VIPERDB, "> $ViperDB");
opendir(BINLIST, $wd) || die "can't opendir $wd: $!";
@files = readdir(BINLIST);
while($count ne $filecount){
foreach $ignorecount (sort keys %ignorefiles){
if ($files[$count] eq $ignorefiles{$ignorecount}){
} #foreach
($dev, $ino, $mode, $nlink, $uid, $gid,$rdev, $size, $atime, $mtime, $ctime, $blksize, $blocks)= stat($file);
print VIPERDB "$bname,$size,$mode,$uid,$gid,$mtime,$ctime\n";

} #while

# Change the permissions to only allow root to read...
chmod(0400, "$ViperDB");
if ($runtype eq 'init') {
if ($os_type ne 'sunos') {
system("chattr +iu $ViperDB 2>/dev/null 1>/dev/null");
chomp $configline;
} # else...if
close (CONFIG);

sub Compare {
open (DIRLIST, "< $configfile");
open (LOG, "|logger -t ViperDB");
my $trouble=0;
chomp $dirlistline;
if ($dirlistline =~ /:/){
} else {
$RealDB=$mypath . '.ViperDB';
$ChkDB=$mypath . '.ViperDB.tmp';

# Init some Assoc. Arrays
%valid = ();
%check = ();

# Read the RealDB into an Assoc. Array
open(A, $RealDB);
($bname,$junk) = split /,/,$_;
chomp $bname;
$valid{$bname} = $_;
} # if
} # if
} # while
close (A);

# Read the CheckDB into an Assoc. Array
open(B, $ChkDB);
($bname,$junk) = split /,/,$_;
chomp $bname;
if(! defined($check{$bname})){
$check{$bname} = $_;
} # if
} # if
} # while
close (B);

foreach $bname (sort keys %valid){
chomp $fileinfoa;
chomp $fileinfob;
if($fileinfoa ne $fileinfob){
($a_bname,$a_size,$a_mode,$a_uid,$a_gid,$a_mtime,$a_ctime) = split/,/,$fileinfoa;
($b_bname,$b_size,$b_mode,$b_uid,$b_gid,$b_mtime,$b_ctime) = split/,/,$fileinfob;
if(! defined($b_bname)){
print LOG "Alert - FILE DELETED: $wd$a_bname\n";
$errorsummary .= "Alert - FILE DELETED: $wd$a_bname\n";
} else {
print LOG "Alert - CHANGES TO FILE: $wd$a_bname\n";
$errorsummary .= "Alert - CHANGES TO FILE: $wd$a_bname\n";
if($a_size ne $b_size){
print LOG "Alert - SIZE: was $a_size now $b_size\n";
$errorsummary .= "Alert - SIZE: was $a_size now $b_size\n";
if($a_uid ne $b_uid||$a_gid ne $b_gid){
print LOG "Alert - UID/GID: was $a_uid:$a_gid now $b_uid:$b_gid\n";
$errorsummary .= "Alert - UID/GID: was $a_uid:$a_gid now $b_uid:$b_gid\n";
if($strictmode eq 'Y'){
print LOG "Alert - UID/GID: Changing uid/gid of $a_bname back to $a_uid:$a_gid\n";
$errorsummary .= "Alert - UID/GID: Changing uid/gid of $a_bname back to $a_uid:$a_gid";
chown $a_uid, $a_gid, $myfile;
if($a_perms ne $b_perms){
print LOG "Alert - PERMS: was $a_perms now $b_perms\n";
$errorsummary .= "Alert - PERMS: was $a_perms now $b_perms";
if($strictmode eq 'Y'){
print LOG "Alert - PERMS: Changing perms on $a_bname back to $a_perms\n";
$errorsummary .= "Alert - PERMS: Changing perms on $a_bname back to $a_perms\n";
chmod $a_perms, $myfile;
} # if
} # if
if($a_mtime ne $b_mtime){
($a_seconds, $a_minutes, $a_hours, $a_dom, $a_month, $a_year, $a_wday, $a_yday, $a_isdst) = localtime($a_mtime);
($b_seconds, $b_minutes, $b_hours, $b_dom, $b_month, $b_year, $b_wday, $b_yday, $b_isdst) = localtime($b_mtime);
print LOG "Alert - MTIME: was $a_month/$a_dom/$a_year $a_hours:$a_minutes:$a_seconds now $b_month/$b_dom/$b_year $b_hours:$b_minutes:$b_seconds\n";
$errorsummary .= "Alert -MTIME: was $a_month/$a_dom/$a_year $a_hours:$a_minutes:$a_seconds now $b_month/$b_dom/$b_year $b_hours:$b_minutes:$b_seconds\n";
} # if
if($a_ctime ne $b_ctime){
($a_seconds, $a_minutes, $a_hours, $a_dom, $a_month, $a_year, $a_wday, $a_yday, $a_isdst) = localtime($a_ctime);
($b_seconds, $b_minutes, $b_hours, $b_dom, $b_month, $b_year, $b_wday, $b_yday, $b_isdst) = localtime($b_ctime);
print LOG "Alert - CTIME: was $a_month/$a_dom/$a_year $a_hours:$a_minutes:$a_seconds now $b_month/$b_dom/$b_year $b_hours:$b_minutes:$b_seconds\n";
$errorsummary .= "Alert - CTIME: was $a_month/$a_dom/$a_year $a_hours:$a_minutes:$a_seconds now $b_month/$b_dom/$b_year $b_hours:$b_minutes:$b_seconds\n";
} # if
} # if ... else
} # if
} # foreach
foreach $bname ( sort keys %check ) {
($a_bname,$junk) = split/,/,$fileinfoa;
($b_bname,$junk) = split/,/,$fileinfob;
if (! defined($a_bname) ) {
print LOG "Alert - NEW FILE: $wd$b_bname\n";
$errorsummary .= "Alert - NEW FILE: $wd$b_bname\n";
} # if
} # foreach
chomp $dirlistline;
} # While
if ($trouble!=0) {
print LOG "Info - END RUN - $trouble changes detected.";
$errorsummary .= "Info - END RUN - $trouble changes detected.";
} # if
close (LOG);
if ($notifymail eq 'Y' && $trouble != 0) {
open (MAIL, "|mail -s '$notify_subject' $notify_email");
print MAIL "$errorsummary";
} #if
} # sub

sub Cleanup {
open (CONF, "< $configfile");
chomp $confline;
while ( defined($confline) ) {
if ( $confline =~ /:/) {
} else {
} # if ... else
$tmpDB=$rmdir . '.ViperDB.tmp';
chomp $confline;
} # While
close (CONF);
} # sub

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