Advisory 2006-08-01.01 BlackICE DLL faking of run-time linked libraries Vulnerability Basic information: Release date: August 01, 2006 Last update: August 15, 2006 Type: Incomplete design implementation bugs Character: Complete system control Status: Unpatched bugs Risk: Critical bugs Exploitability: Locally exploitable bugs Discoverability: Medium discoverable bugs Testing program: Description: BlackICE implements application component protection for privileged programs but it fails to protect some of its own processes. Moreover, it does not protect file 'pamversion.dll' in its own installation directory against actions of other processes. It is possible to replace this DLL with a fake library. The main BlackICE service 'blackd.exe' dynamically loads this library into its own process during the initialization of BlackICE after the system start. Hence it is possible to inject the fake library into the BlackICE service and gain a complete control of the protection system. Vulnerable software: * BlackICE PC Protection 3.6.cpj * BlackICE PC Protection 3.6.cpiE * probably all older versions Events: * 2006-08-04: Candidate for inclusion in the CVE list * 2006-08-04: Vulnerability confirmed by popular information sources * 2006-08-01: Advisory released * 2006-08-01: Vendor notification