# Affected software: Online Time Tacking - URL: https://paydirtapp.com/ # Discovered by: Provensec # Website: http://www.provensec.com # Type of vulnerability: XSS Stored # Description: Paydirt is time tracking and invoicing software made for browser-based freelancers and small businesses. It keeps track of who you're working for so that you don't have to. Paydirt is currently integrated with Chrome and Firefox, and will prompt you to track time based on the websites you're using and the emails you write. # Proof of concept: 1 Goto https://paydirtapp.com/clients 2 Add a new client with any xss payload example (">) 3 Now goto https://paydirtapp.com/clients again and XSS Works 4 Add new client then goto https://paydirtapp.com/quotes create new quote goto select client and XSS Works Screenshot http://prntscr.com/4fe3zq